Command line dialog tester
$ naif shell
_ _ _ __ _
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NaifJs, simple state-machine based dialog manager
version: 0.46.1, author: [email protected]
Command line dialog tester
naif shell
naif test shell
--dir=<directory path>
Dialog units directory path
Initial dialog stateid in format "unit.state"
session id. Optional argument
Log filename with directory path
Sessions filename with directory path
[--silent -s]
Silent mode. Just dialog
naif test --start=firstUnit.start --dir=examples/myDialogs
naif test --dir=examples/app \
--start=anotherUnit.showContents \
--id=123456 \
--logfile=examples/app/dialogs.log \
figure 1: naif test --dir=examples/story_it --start=firstUnit.dogIntroduction . |