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File metadata and controls

38 lines (25 loc) · 1.98 KB

Solid WebID Profile Data Model

An interoperably usable Solid Profile Document will

  • be locatable by dereferencing the WebID URI as described in the WebID spec
  • provide a link to a verifying authority (for one example, solid:oidcIssuer, see Solid-OIDC spec)
  • provide zero or more rdfs:seeAlso links to extended profile documents (also defined in the WebID spec)
  • be modifiable by the Agent the WebID denotes (denotes as defined in the WebID spec, modifiable to be defined, but without specifying any particular method)

An interpoperably usable Solid Profile Document will probably also

  • contain one ldp:inbox link (or it could be in an extended document)
  • contain one or more space:storage links (or they could be in extended documents)

When reading an interoperably usable Solid Profile, apps should load

  1. the document the WebID URI dereferences to
  2. the objects of all rdfs:seeAlso triples in that document if there are any and the objects are accessible

The Solid Profile will now consist of all triples loaded in this process with the WebID as subject.

When writing an ineteroperably usable Extended Profile Document, apps

  • can not depend on other apps following rdfs:seeAlso links inside Extended Profile Documents
  • can not depend on apps reading triples in Extended Profile Documents that do not have WebID as subject

Included at start of project, no longer included in this spec

  • solid:oidcIssuer - mention generally about isssuers, refer users to WebID and Solid-OIDC specs
  • acl:trustedApp - omit, only in one implementation, exposes data
  • typeIndexes - move to their own spec
  • preferencesFile - omit, keep this spec orthagonal to permissions
  • owl:sameAs - omit, too costly, apps free to use but without expectation all apps will follow
  • foafPrimaryTopicOf - omit, use rdfs:seeAlso instead
  • solid:account - omit, provides nothing space:storage doesn't
