This page describes all the available fields of CRD APIs implemented by the operator.
EtcdLockserver runs an etcd cluster for use as a Vitess lockserver. Unlike etcd-operator, it uses static bootstrapping and PVCs, treating members as stateful rather the ephemeral. Bringing back existing members instead of creating new ones means etcd can recover from loss of quorum without data loss, which is important for Vitess because restoring from an etcd backup (resetting the lockserver to a point in the past) would violate the consistency model that Vitess expects of a lockserver.
Field | Description | ||||
apiVersion string |
kind string |
EtcdLockserver |
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec EtcdLockserverSpec |
status EtcdLockserverStatus |
VitessBackup is a one-way mirror of metadata for a Vitess backup. These objects are created automatically by the VitessBackupStorage controller to provide access to backup metadata from Kubernetes. Each backup found in the storage location will be represented by its own VitessBackup object.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string |
kind string |
VitessBackup |
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec VitessBackupSpec |
status VitessBackupStatus |
VitessCluster is the top-level interface for configuring a cluster.
Although the VitessCluster controller creates various secondary objects like VitessCells, all the user-accessible configuration ultimately lives here. The other objects should be considered read-only representations of subsets of the dynamic cluster status. For example, you can examine a specific VitessCell object to get more details on the status of that cell than are summarized in the VitessCluster status, but any configuration changes should only be made in the VitessCluster object.
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
apiVersion string |
kind string |
VitessCluster |
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec VitessClusterSpec |
status VitessClusterStatus |
(Appears on: VitessBackupLocation)
AzblobBackupLocation specifies a backup location in Azure Blob Storage.
Field | Description |
account string |
Account is the name of the Azure storage account to use. |
container string |
Container is the name of the Azure storage account container to use. |
keyPrefix string |
KeyPrefix is an optional prefix added to all object keys created by Vitess. This is only needed if the same container is also used for something other than backups for VitessClusters. Backups from different clusters, keyspaces, or shards will automatically avoid colliding with each other within a container, regardless of this setting. |
authSecret SecretSource |
AuthSecret is a reference to the Secret to use for Azure authentication. |
(Appears on: VitessClusterSpec)
ClusterBackupSpec configures backups for a cluster.
Field | Description |
locations []VitessBackupLocation |
Locations is a list of places where Vitess backup data for the cluster can be stored. At least one storage location must be specified. Within each storage location, there are multiple fields for various location types (gcs, s3, etc.); exactly one such field must be populated. Multiple storage locations may be desired if, for example, the cluster spans multiple regions. Each storage location is independent of the others; backups can only be restored from the same storage location in which they were originally taken. |
engine VitessBackupEngine |
Engine specifies the Vitess backup engine to use, either “builtin” or “xtrabackup”. Note that if you change this after a Vitess cluster is already deployed, you must roll the change out to all tablets and then take a new backup from one tablet in each shard. Otherwise, new tablets trying to restore will find that the latest backup was created with the wrong engine. Default: builtin |
subcontroller VitessBackupSubcontrollerSpec |
Subcontroller specifies any parameters needed for launching the VitessBackupStorage subcontroller pod. |
(Appears on: EtcdLockserver)
EtcdLockserverSpec defines the desired state of an EtcdLockserver.
Field | Description |
EtcdLockserverTemplate EtcdLockserverTemplate |
(Members of EtcdLockserverTemplate contains the user-specified parts of EtcdLockserverSpec. These are the parts that are configurable inside VitessCluster. The rest of the fields below are filled in by the parent controller. |
zone string |
Zone is the name of the Availability Zone that this lockserver should run in. This value should match the value of the “” label on the Kubernetes Nodes in that AZ. If the Kubernetes Nodes don’t have such a label, leave this empty. |
(Appears on: EtcdLockserver, LockserverStatus)
EtcdLockserverStatus defines the observed state of an EtcdLockserver.
Field | Description |
observedGeneration int64 |
The generation observed by the controller. |
available Kubernetes core/v1.ConditionStatus |
Available is a condition that indicates whether the cluster is able to serve queries. |
clientServiceName string |
ClientServiceName is the name of the Service for etcd client connections. |
(Appears on: EtcdLockserverSpec, LockserverSpec)
EtcdLockserverTemplate defines the user-configurable settings for an etcd cluster that we deploy (not external), to serve as either a local or global lockserver.
Field | Description |
image string |
Image is the etcd server image (including version tag) to deploy. Default: Let the operator choose. |
imagePullPolicy Kubernetes core/v1.PullPolicy |
ImagePullPolicy specifies if/when to pull a container image. |
imagePullSecrets []Kubernetes core/v1.LocalObjectReference |
ImagePullSecrets specifies the container image pull secrets to add to all etcd Pods. |
resources Kubernetes core/v1.ResourceRequirements |
Resources specify the compute resources to allocate for each etcd member. Default: Let the operator choose. |
dataVolumeClaimTemplate Kubernetes core/v1.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec |
DataVolumeClaimTemplate configures the PersistentVolumeClaims that will be created for each etcd instance to store its data files. This field is required. IMPORTANT: For a cell-local lockserver, you must set a storageClassName here for a StorageClass that’s configured to only provision volumes in the Availability Zone that corresponds to the Vitess cell. Default: Let the operator choose. |
extraFlags map[string]string |
ExtraFlags can optionally be used to override default flags set by the operator, or pass additional flags to etcd. All entries must be key-value string pairs of the form “flag”: “value”. The flag name should not have any prefix (just “flag”, not “-flag”). To set a boolean flag, set the string value to either “true” or “false”. |
extraEnv []Kubernetes core/v1.EnvVar |
ExtraEnv can optionally be used to override default environment variables set by the operator, or pass additional environment variables. |
extraVolumes []Kubernetes core/v1.Volume |
ExtraVolumes can optionally be used to override default Pod volumes defined by the operator, or provide additional volumes to the Pod. Note that when adding a new volume, you should usually also add a volumeMount to specify where in each container’s filesystem the volume should be mounted. |
extraVolumeMounts []Kubernetes core/v1.VolumeMount |
ExtraVolumeMounts can optionally be used to override default Pod volumeMounts defined by the operator, or specify additional mounts. Typically, these are used to mount volumes defined through extraVolumes. |
initContainers []Kubernetes core/v1.Container |
InitContainers can optionally be used to supply extra init containers that will be run to completion one after another before any app containers are started. |
sidecarContainers []Kubernetes core/v1.Container |
SidecarContainers can optionally be used to supply extra containers that run alongside the main containers. |
affinity Kubernetes core/v1.Affinity |
Affinity allows you to set rules that constrain the scheduling of your Etcd pods. WARNING: These affinity rules will override all default affinities that we set; in turn, we can’t guarantee optimal scheduling of your pods if you choose to set this field. |
annotations map[string]string |
Annotations can optionally be used to attach custom annotations to Pods created for this component. |
extraLabels map[string]string |
ExtraLabels can optionally be used to attach custom labels to Pods created for this component. |
createPDB bool |
CreatePDB sets whether to create a PodDisruptionBudget (PDB) for etcd member Pods. Note: Disabling this will NOT delete a PDB that was previously created. Default: true |
createClientService bool |
CreateClientService sets whether to create a Service for the client port of etcd member Pods. Note: Disabling this will NOT delete a Service that was previously created. Default: true |
createPeerService bool |
CreatePeerService sets whether to create a Service for the peer port of etcd member Pods. Note: Disabling this will NOT delete a Service that was previously created. Default: true |
advertisePeerURLs []string |
AdvertisePeerURLs can optionally be used to override the URLs that etcd members use to find each other for peer-to-peer connections. If specified, the list must contain exactly 3 entries, one for each etcd member index (1,2,3) respectively. Default: Build peer URLs automatically based on Kubernetes built-in DNS. |
localMemberIndex int32 |
LocalMemberIndex can optionally be used to specify that only one etcd member should actually be deployed. This can be used to spread members across multiple Kubernetes clusters by configuring the EtcdLockserver CRD in each cluster to deploy a different member index. If specified, the index must be 1, 2, or 3. Default: Deploy all etcd members locally. |
clientService ServiceOverrides |
ClientService can optionally be used to customize the etcd client Service. |
peerService ServiceOverrides |
PeerService can optionally be used to customize the etcd peer Service. |
tolerations []Kubernetes core/v1.Toleration |
Tolerations allow you to schedule pods onto nodes with matching taints. |
(Appears on: VitessShardTabletPool)
ExternalDatastore defines information that vttablet needs to connect to an externally managed MySQL.
Field | Description |
user string |
User is a provided database user from an externally managed MySQL that Vitess can use to carry out necessary actions. Password for this user must be supplied in the CredentialsSecret. |
host string |
Host is the endpoint string to an externally managed MySQL, without any port. |
port int32 |
Port specifies the port for the externally managed MySQL endpoint. |
database string |
Database is the name of the database. |
credentialsSecret SecretSource |
CredentialsSecret should link to a JSON credentials file used to connect to the externally managed MySQL endpoint. The credentials file is understood and parsed by Vitess and must be in the format:
Vitess always uses the first password in the password array. |
serverCACertSecret SecretSource |
ServerCACertSecret should link to a certificate authority file if one is required by your externally managed MySQL endpoint. |
(Appears on: VitessClusterUpdateStrategy)
Field | Description |
allowResourceChanges []Kubernetes core/v1.ResourceName |
AllowResourceChanges can be used to allow changes to certain resource requests and limits to propagate immediately, bypassing the external rollout tool. Supported options: - storage Default: All resource changes wait to be released by the external rollout tool. |
(Appears on: VitessBackupLocation)
GCSBackupLocation specifies a backup location in Google Cloud Storage.
Field | Description |
bucket string |
Bucket is the name of the GCS bucket to use. |
keyPrefix string |
KeyPrefix is an optional prefix added to all object keys created by Vitess. This is only needed if the same bucket is also used for something other than backups for VitessClusters. Backups from different clusters, keyspaces, or shards will automatically avoid colliding with each other within a bucket, regardless of this setting. |
authSecret SecretSource |
AuthSecret is a reference to the Secret to use for GCS authentication. If set, this must point to a file in the format expected for the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable. Default: Use the default credentials of the Node. |
(Appears on: VitessCellTemplate, VitessClusterSpec)
LockserverSpec specifies either a deployed or external lockserver, which can be either global or local.
Field | Description |
external VitessLockserverParams |
External specifies that we should connect to an existing lockserver, instead of deploying our own. If this is set, all other Lockserver fields are ignored. |
etcd EtcdLockserverTemplate |
Etcd deploys our own etcd cluster as a lockserver. |
(Appears on: VitessCellStatus, VitessClusterStatus)
LockserverStatus is the lockserver component of status.
Field | Description |
etcd EtcdLockserverStatus |
Etcd is the status of the EtcdCluster, if we were asked to deploy one. |
(Appears on: VitessImages, VitessKeyspaceImages)
MysqldImage specifies the container image to use for mysqld, as well as declaring which MySQL flavor setting in Vitess the image is compatible with.
Field | Description |
mysql56Compatible string |
Mysql56Compatible is a container image (including version tag) for mysqld that’s compatible with the Vitess “MySQL56” flavor setting. |
mysql80Compatible string |
Mysql80Compatible is a container image (including version tag) for mysqld that’s compatible with the Vitess “MySQL80” flavor setting. |
mariadbCompatible string |
MariadbCompatible is a container image (including version tag) for mysqld that’s compatible with the Vitess “MariaDB” flavor setting. |
mariadb103Compatible string |
Mariadb103Compatible is a container image (including version tag) for mysqld that’s compatible with the Vitess “MariaDB103” flavor setting. |
(Appears on: VitessShardTabletPool)
MysqldSpec configures the local MySQL server within a tablet.
Field | Description |
resources Kubernetes core/v1.ResourceRequirements |
Resources specify the compute resources to allocate for just the MySQL process (the underlying local datastore). This field is required. |
configOverrides string |
ConfigOverrides can optionally be used to provide a my.cnf snippet to override default my.cnf values (included with Vitess) for this particular MySQL instance. |
(Appears on: VitessClusterStatus, VitessKeyspaceStatus, VitessShardStatus)
OrphanStatus indiciates why a secondary object is orphaned.
Field | Description |
reason string |
Reason is a CamelCase token for programmatic reasoning about why the object is orphaned. |
message string |
Message is a human-readable explanation for why the object is orphaned. |
(Appears on: VitessKeyspaceStatus)
ReshardingStatus defines some of the workflow related status information.
Field | Description |
workflow string |
Workflow represents the name of the active vreplication workflow for resharding. |
state WorkflowState |
State is either ‘Running’, ‘Copying’, ‘Error’ or ‘Unknown’. |
sourceShards []string |
SourceShards is a list of source shards for the current resharding operation. |
targetShards []string |
TargetShards is a list of target shards for the current resharding operation. |
copyProgress int |
CopyProgress will indicate the percentage completion ranging from 0-100 as integer values. Once we are past the copy phase, this value will always be 100, and will never be 100 while we are still within the copy phase. If we can not compute the copy progress in a timely fashion, we will report -1 to indicate the progress is unknown. |
(Appears on: VitessBackupLocation)
S3BackupLocation specifies a backup location in Amazon S3.
Field | Description |
region string |
Region is the AWS region in which the bucket is located. |
bucket string |
Bucket is the name of the S3 bucket to use. |
endpoint string |
Endpoint is the |
keyPrefix string |
KeyPrefix is an optional prefix added to all object keys created by Vitess. This is only needed if the same bucket is also used for something other than backups for VitessClusters. Backups from different clusters, keyspaces, or shards will automatically avoid colliding with each other within a bucket, regardless of this setting. |
authSecret SecretSource |
AuthSecret is a reference to the Secret to use for S3 authentication.
If set, this must point to a file in the format expected for the
(Appears on: AzblobBackupLocation, ExternalDatastore, GCSBackupLocation, S3BackupLocation, VitessGatewayStaticAuthentication, VitessGatewayTLSSecureTransport, VitessShardTemplate)
SecretSource specifies where to find the data for a particular secret value.
Field | Description |
name string |
Name is the name of a Kubernetes Secret object to use as the data source. The Secret must be in the same namespace as the VitessCluster. The ‘key’ field defines the item to pick from the Secret object’s ‘data’ map. If a Secret name is not specified, the data source must be defined with the ‘volumeName’ field instead. |
volumeName string |
VolumeName directly specifies the name of a Volume in each Pod that should be mounted. You must ensure a Volume by that name exists in all relevant Pods, such as by using the appropriate ExtraVolumes fields. If specified, this takes precedence over the ‘name’ field. The ‘key’ field defines the name of the file to load within this Volume. |
key string |
Key is the name of the item within the data source to use as the value. For a Kubernetes Secret object (specified with the ‘name’ field), this is the key within the ‘data’ map. When ‘volumeName’ is used, this specifies the name of the file to load within that Volume. |
(Appears on: EtcdLockserverTemplate, VitessCellGatewaySpec, VitessClusterSpec, VitessDashboardSpec)
ServiceOverrides allows customization of an arbitrary Service object.
Field | Description |
annotations map[string]string |
Annotations specifies extra annotations to add to the Service object. Annotations added in this way will NOT be automatically removed from the Service object if they are removed here. |
clusterIP string |
ClusterIP can optionally be used to override the Service’s clusterIP. This field is immutable on Service objects, so changes made after the initial creation of the Service will only be applied if you manually delete the Service. |
ShardBackupLocationStatus reports status for the backups of a given shard in a given backup location.
Field | Description |
name string |
Name is the backup location name. |
completeBackups int32 |
CompleteBackups is the number of complete backups observed. |
incompleteBackups int32 |
IncompleteBackups is the number of incomplete backups observed. |
latestCompleteBackupTime Kubernetes meta/v1.Time |
LatestCompleteBackupTime is the timestamp of the most recent complete backup. |
(Appears on: VitessCellSpec, VitessClusterSpec, VitessKeyspaceSpec, VitessShardSpec)
TopoReconcileConfig can be used to turn on or off registration or pruning of specific vitess components from topo records. This should only be necessary if you need to override defaults, and shouldn’t be required for the vast majority of use cases.
Field | Description |
registerCellsAliases bool |
RegisterCellsAliases can be used to enable or disable registering cells aliases into topo records. Default: true |
registerCells bool |
RegisterCells can be used to enable or disable registering cells into topo records. Default: true |
pruneCells bool |
PruneCells can be used to enable or disable pruning of extraneous cells from topo records. Default: true |
pruneKeyspaces bool |
PruneKeyspaces can be used to enable or disable pruning of extraneous keyspaces from topo records. Default: true |
pruneSrvKeyspaces bool |
PruneSrvKeyspaces can be used to enable or disable pruning of extraneous serving keyspaces from topo records. Default: true |
pruneShards bool |
PruneShards can be used to enable or disable pruning of extraneous shards from topo records. Default: true |
pruneShardCells bool |
PruneShardCells can be used to enable or disable pruning of extraneous shard cells from topo records. Default: true |
pruneTablets bool |
PruneTablets can be used to enable or disable pruning of extraneous tablets from topo records. Default: true |
(Appears on: ClusterBackupSpec, VitessKeyspaceSpec, VitessShardSpec)
VitessBackupEngine is the backup implementation to use.
(Appears on: ClusterBackupSpec, VitessBackupStorageSpec, VitessKeyspaceSpec, VitessShardSpec)
VitessBackupLocation defines a location where Vitess backups can be stored.
Field | Description |
name string |
Name is used to refer to this backup location from other parts of a VitessCluster object. In particular, the backupLocationName field in each tablet pool within each shard must match one of the names defined by this field. This name must be unique among all backup locations defined in a given cluster. A backup location with an empty name defines the default location used when a tablet pool does not specify a backupLocationName. |
gcs GCSBackupLocation |
GCS specifies a backup location in Google Cloud Storage. |
s3 S3BackupLocation |
S3 specifies a backup location in Amazon S3. |
azblob AzblobBackupLocation |
Azblob specifies a backup location in Azure Blob Storage. |
volume Kubernetes core/v1.VolumeSource |
Volume specifies a backup location as a Kubernetes Volume Source to mount. This can be used, for example, to store backups on an NFS mount, or on a shared host path for local testing. |
annotations map[string]string |
Annotations can optionally be used to attach custom annotations to Pods that need access to this backup storage location. |
(Appears on: VitessBackup)
VitessBackupSpec defines the desired state of the backup.
(Appears on: VitessBackup)
VitessBackupStatus describes the observed state of the backup.
Field | Description |
startTime Kubernetes meta/v1.Time |
StartTime is the time when the backup started. |
finishedTime Kubernetes meta/v1.Time |
FinishedTime is the time when the backup finished. |
complete bool |
Complete indicates whether the backup ever completed. |
position string |
Position is the replication position of the snapshot that was backed up. The position is expressed in the native, GTID-based format of the MySQL flavor that took the backup. This is only available after the backup is complete. |
engine string |
Engine is the Vitess backup engine implementation that was used. |
storageDirectory string |
StorageDirectory is the name of the parent directory in storage that contains this backup. |
storageName string |
StorageName is the name of the backup in storage. This is different from the name of the VitessBackup object created to represent metadata about the actual backup in storage. |
VitessBackupStorage represents a storage location for Vitess backups. It provides access to metadata about Vitess backups inside Kubernetes by maintaining a set of VitessBackup objects that represent backups in the given storage location. One VitessBackupStorage represents a storage location defined at the VitessCluster level, so it provides access to metadata about backups stored in that location for any keyspace and any shard in that cluster.
Field | Description | ||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec VitessBackupStorageSpec |
status VitessBackupStorageStatus |
(Appears on: VitessBackupStorage)
VitessBackupStorageSpec defines the desired state of VitessBackupStorage.
Field | Description |
location VitessBackupLocation |
Location specifies the Vitess parameters for connecting to the backup storage location. |
subcontroller VitessBackupSubcontrollerSpec |
Subcontroller specifies any parameters needed for launching the VitessBackupStorage subcontroller pod. |
(Appears on: VitessBackupStorage)
VitessBackupStorageStatus defines the observed state of VitessBackupStorage.
Field | Description |
observedGeneration int64 |
The generation observed by the controller. |
totalBackupCount int32 |
TotalBackupCount is the total number of backups found in this storage location, across all keyspaces and shards. |
(Appears on: ClusterBackupSpec, VitessBackupStorageSpec)
Field | Description |
serviceAccountName string |
ServiceAccountName specifies the ServiceAccount used to launch the VitessBackupStorage subcontroller pod in the namespace of the VitessCluster. If empty (the default), the same account as the operator will be reused. If your VitessCluster is in a different namespace than the operator, this account is unlikely to work. |
VitessCell represents a group of Nodes in a given failure domain (Zone), plus Vitess components like the lockserver and gateway that are local to each cell. Together, these cell-local components make it possible for Vitess instances (tablets) to run on those Nodes, and for clients to reach Vitess instances in the cell.
Note that VitessCell does not “own” the VitessKeyspaces deployed in it, just like a Node does not own the Pods deployed on it. In addition, each VitessKeyspace can deploy Vitess instances in multiple VitessCells, just like a Deployment can manage Pods that run on multiple Nodes.
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec VitessCellSpec |
status VitessCellStatus |
(Appears on: VitessCellTemplate)
VitessCellGatewaySpec specifies the per-cell deployment parameters for vtgate.
Field | Description |
replicas int32 |
Replicas is the number of vtgate instances to deploy in this cell. |
resources Kubernetes core/v1.ResourceRequirements |
Resources determines the compute resources reserved for each vtgate replica. |
authentication VitessGatewayAuthentication |
Authentication configures how Vitess Gateway authenticates MySQL client connections. |
secureTransport VitessGatewaySecureTransport |
SecureTransport configures secure transport connections for vtgate. |
extraFlags map[string]string |
ExtraFlags can optionally be used to override default flags set by the operator, or pass additional flags to vtgate. All entries must be key-value string pairs of the form “flag”: “value”. The flag name should not have any prefix (just “flag”, not “-flag”). To set a boolean flag, set the string value to either “true” or “false”. |
extraEnv []Kubernetes core/v1.EnvVar |
ExtraEnv can optionally be used to override default environment variables set by the operator, or pass additional environment variables. |
extraVolumes []Kubernetes core/v1.Volume |
ExtraVolumes can optionally be used to override default Pod volumes defined by the operator, or provide additional volumes to the Pod. Note that when adding a new volume, you should usually also add a volumeMount to specify where in each container’s filesystem the volume should be mounted. |
extraVolumeMounts []Kubernetes core/v1.VolumeMount |
ExtraVolumeMounts can optionally be used to override default Pod volumeMounts defined by the operator, or specify additional mounts. Typically, these are used to mount volumes defined through extraVolumes. |
initContainers []Kubernetes core/v1.Container |
InitContainers can optionally be used to supply extra init containers that will be run to completion one after another before any app containers are started. |
sidecarContainers []Kubernetes core/v1.Container |
SidecarContainers can optionally be used to supply extra containers that run alongside the main containers. |
affinity Kubernetes core/v1.Affinity |
Affinity allows you to set rules that constrain the scheduling of your vtgate pods. WARNING: These affinity rules will override all default affinities that we set; in turn, we can’t guarantee optimal scheduling of your pods if you choose to set this field. |
annotations map[string]string |
Annotations can optionally be used to attach custom annotations to Pods created for this component. These will be attached to the underlying Pods that the vtgate Deployment creates. |
extraLabels map[string]string |
ExtraLabels can optionally be used to attach custom labels to Pods created for this component. These will be attached to the underlying Pods that the vtgate Deployment creates. |
service ServiceOverrides |
Service can optionally be used to customize the per-cell vtgate Service. |
tolerations []Kubernetes core/v1.Toleration |
Tolerations allow you to schedule pods onto nodes with matching taints. |
(Appears on: VitessCellStatus)
VitessCellGatewayStatus is a summary of the status of vtgate in this cell.
Field | Description |
available Kubernetes core/v1.ConditionStatus |
Available indicates whether the vtgate service is fully available. |
serviceName string |
ServiceName is the name of the Service for this cell’s vtgate. |
(Appears on: VitessCellSpec)
VitessCellImages specifies container images to use for this cell.
Field | Description |
vtgate string |
Vtgate is the container image (including version tag) to use for Vitess Gateway instances. |
(Appears on: VitessCellStatus)
VitessCellKeyspaceStatus summarizes the status of a keyspace deployed in this cell.
(Appears on: VitessCell)
VitessCellSpec defines the desired state of a VitessCell.
Field | Description |
VitessCellTemplate VitessCellTemplate |
(Members of VitessCellTemplate contains the user-specified parts of VitessCellSpec. These are the parts that are configurable inside VitessCluster. The rest of the fields below are filled in by the parent controller. |
globalLockserver VitessLockserverParams |
GlobalLockserver are the params to connect to the global lockserver. |
allCells []string |
AllCells is a list of all cells in the Vitess cluster. |
images VitessCellImages |
Images are not customizable by users at the cell level because version skew across the cluster is discouraged except during rolling updates, in which case this field is automatically managed by the VitessCluster controller that owns this VitessCell. |
imagePullPolicies VitessImagePullPolicies |
ImagePullPolicies are inherited from the VitessCluster spec. |
imagePullSecrets []Kubernetes core/v1.LocalObjectReference |
ImagePullSecrets are inherited from the VitessCluster spec. |
extraVitessFlags map[string]string |
ExtraVitessFlags is inherited from the parent’s VitessClusterSpec. |
topologyReconciliation TopoReconcileConfig |
TopologyReconciliation is inherited from the parent’s VitessClusterSpec. |
(Appears on: VitessCell)
VitessCellStatus defines the observed state of VitessCell
Field | Description |
observedGeneration int64 |
The generation observed by the controller. |
lockserver LockserverStatus |
Lockserver is a summary of the status of the cell-local lockserver. |
gateway VitessCellGatewayStatus |
Gateway is a summary of the status of vtgate in this cell. |
keyspaces map[string] |
Keyspaces is a summary of keyspaces deployed in this cell. This summary could be empty either if there are no keyspaces, or if the controller failed to read the current state. Use the Idle condition to distinguish these scenarios when the difference matters. |
idle Kubernetes core/v1.ConditionStatus |
Idle is a condition indicating whether the cell can be turned down. If Idle is True, there are no keyspaces deployed in the cell, so it should be safe to turn down the cell. |
(Appears on: VitessCellSpec, VitessClusterSpec)
VitessCellTemplate contains only the user-specified parts of a VitessCell object.
Field | Description |
name string |
Name is the cell name as it should be provided to Vitess. Note that this is different from the VitessCell object’s, which is generated by the operator. |
zone string |
Zone is the name of the Availability Zone that this Vitess Cell should run in. This value should match the value of the “” label on the Kubernetes Nodes in that AZ. If the Kubernetes Nodes don’t have such a label, leave this empty. |
lockserver LockserverSpec |
Lockserver specifies either a deployed or external lockserver to be used as the Vitess cell-local topology store. Default: Put this cell’s topology data in the global lockserver instead of its own lockserver. |
gateway VitessCellGatewaySpec |
Gateway configures the Vitess Gateway deployment in this cell. |
(Appears on: VitessClusterStatus)
VitessClusterCellStatus is the status of a cell within a VitessCluster.
Field | Description |
pendingChanges string |
PendingChanges describes changes to the cell that will be applied the next time a rolling update allows. |
gatewayAvailable Kubernetes core/v1.ConditionStatus |
GatewayAvailable indicates whether the vtgate service is fully available. |
(Appears on: VitessClusterStatus)
VitessClusterKeyspaceStatus is the status of a keyspace within a VitessCluster.
Field | Description |
pendingChanges string |
PendingChanges describes changes to the keyspace that will be applied the next time a rolling update allows. |
desiredShards int32 |
DesiredShards is the number of desired shards. This is computed from information that’s already available in the spec, but clients should use this value instead of trying to compute shard partitionings on their own. |
shards int32 |
Shards is the number of observed shards. This could be higher or lower than desiredShards if the state has not yet converged. |
readyShards int32 |
ReadyShards is the number of desired shards that are Ready. |
updatedShards int32 |
UpdatedShards is the number of desired shards that are up-to-date (have no pending changes). |
desiredTablets int32 |
DesiredTablets is the total number of desired tablets across all shards. This is computed from information that’s already available in the spec, but clients should use this value instead of trying to compute shard partitionings on their own. |
tablets int32 |
Tablets is the total number of observed tablets across all shards. This could be higher or lower than desiredTablets if the state has not yet converged. |
readyTablets int32 |
ReadyTablets is the number of desired tablets that are Ready. |
updatedTablets int32 |
UpdatedTablets is the number of desired tablets that are up-to-date (have no pending changes). |
cells []string |
Cells is a list of cells in which any observed tablets for this keyspace are deployed. |
(Appears on: VitessCluster)
VitessClusterSpec defines the desired state of VitessCluster.
Field | Description |
images VitessImages |
Images specifies the container images (including version tag) to use in the cluster. Default: Let the operator choose. |
imagePullPolicies VitessImagePullPolicies |
ImagePullPolicies specifies the container image pull policies to use for images defined in the ‘images’ field. |
imagePullSecrets []Kubernetes core/v1.LocalObjectReference |
ImagePullSecrets specifies the image pull secrets to add to all Pods that use the images defined in the ‘images’ field. |
backup ClusterBackupSpec |
Backup specifies how to take and store Vitess backups. This is optional but strongly recommended. In addition to disaster recovery, Vitess currently depends on backups to support provisioning of a new tablet in a shard with existing data, as an implementation detail. |
globalLockserver LockserverSpec |
GlobalLockserver specifies either a deployed or external lockserver to be used as the Vitess global topology store. Default: Deploy an etcd cluster as the global lockserver. |
vitessDashboard VitessDashboardSpec |
Dashboard deploys a set of Vitess Dashboard servers (vtctld) for the Vitess cluster. |
cells []VitessCellTemplate |
Cells is a list of templates for VitessCells to create for this cluster. Each VitessCell represents a set of Nodes in a given failure domain, to which VitessKeyspaces can be deployed. The VitessCell also deploys cell-local services that any keyspaces deployed there will need. This field is required, but it may be set to an empty list: []. Before removing any cell from this list, you should first ensure that no keyspaces are set to deploy to this cell. |
keyspaces []VitessKeyspaceTemplate |
Keyspaces defines the logical databases to deploy. A VitessKeyspace can deploy to multiple VitessCells. This field is required, but it may be set to an empty list: []. Before removing any keyspace from this list, you should first ensure that it is undeployed from all cells by clearing the keyspace’s list of target cells. |
extraVitessFlags map[string]string |
ExtraVitessFlags can optionally be used to pass flags to all Vitess components. WARNING: Any flags passed here must be flags that can be accepted by vtgate, vtctld and vttablet. An example use-case would be topo flags. All entries must be key-value string pairs of the form “flag”: “value”. The flag name should not have any prefix (just “flag”, not “-flag”). To set a boolean flag, set the string value to either “true” or “false”. |
topologyReconciliation TopoReconcileConfig |
TopologyReconciliation can be used to enable or disable registration or pruning of various vitess components to and from topo records. |
updateStrategy VitessClusterUpdateStrategy |
UpdateStrategy specifies how components in the Vitess cluster will be updated when a revision is made to the VitessCluster spec. |
gatewayService ServiceOverrides |
GatewayService can optionally be used to customize the global vtgate Service. Note that per-cell vtgate Services can be customized within each cell definition. |
tabletService ServiceOverrides |
TabletService can optionally be used to customize the global, headless vttablet Service. |
(Appears on: VitessCluster)
VitessClusterStatus defines the observed state of VitessCluster
Field | Description |
observedGeneration int64 |
The generation observed by the controller. |
globalLockserver LockserverStatus |
GlobalLockserver is the status of the global lockserver. |
gatewayServiceName string |
GatewayServiceName is the name of the cluster-wide vtgate Service. |
vitessDashboard VitessDashboardStatus |
VitessDashboard is a summary of the status of the vtctld deployment. |
cells map[string] |
Cells is a summary of the status of desired cells. |
keyspaces map[string] |
Keyspaces is a summary of the status of desired keyspaces. |
orphanedCells map[string] |
OrphanedCells is a list of unwanted cells that could not be turned down. |
orphanedKeyspaces map[string] |
OrphanedKeyspaces is a list of unwanted keyspaces that could not be turned down. |
(Appears on: VitessClusterSpec, VitessKeyspaceSpec, VitessShardSpec)
VitessClusterUpdateStrategy indicates the strategy that the operator will use to perform updates. It includes any additional parameters necessary to perform the update for the indicated strategy.
Field | Description |
type VitessClusterUpdateStrategyType |
Type selects the overall update strategy. Supported options are:
Default: External |
external ExternalVitessClusterUpdateStrategyOptions |
External can optionally be used to enable the user to customize their external update strategy to allow certain updates to pass through immediately without using an external tool. |
(Appears on: VitessClusterUpdateStrategy)
VitessClusterUpdateStrategyType is a string enumeration type that enumerates all possible update strategies for the VitessCluster.
(Appears on: VitessClusterSpec)
VitessDashboardSpec specifies deployment parameters for vtctld.
Field | Description |
cells []string |
Cells is a list of cell names (as defined in the Cells list) in which to deploy vtctld. Default: Deploy to all defined cells. |
replicas int32 |
Replicas is the number of vtctld instances to deploy in each cell. |
resources Kubernetes core/v1.ResourceRequirements |
Resources determines the compute resources reserved for each vtctld replica. |
extraFlags map[string]string |
ExtraFlags can optionally be used to override default flags set by the operator, or pass additional flags to vtctld. All entries must be key-value string pairs of the form “flag”: “value”. The flag name should not have any prefix (just “flag”, not “-flag”). To set a boolean flag, set the string value to either “true” or “false”. |
extraEnv []Kubernetes core/v1.EnvVar |
ExtraEnv can optionally be used to override default environment variables set by the operator, or pass additional environment variables. |
extraVolumes []Kubernetes core/v1.Volume |
ExtraVolumes can optionally be used to override default Pod volumes defined by the operator, or provide additional volumes to the Pod. Note that when adding a new volume, you should usually also add a volumeMount to specify where in each container’s filesystem the volume should be mounted. |
extraVolumeMounts []Kubernetes core/v1.VolumeMount |
ExtraVolumeMounts can optionally be used to override default Pod volumeMounts defined by the operator, or specify additional mounts. Typically, these are used to mount volumes defined through extraVolumes. |
initContainers []Kubernetes core/v1.Container |
InitContainers can optionally be used to supply extra init containers that will be run to completion one after another before any app containers are started. |
sidecarContainers []Kubernetes core/v1.Container |
SidecarContainers can optionally be used to supply extra containers that run alongside the main containers. |
affinity Kubernetes core/v1.Affinity |
Affinity allows you to set rules that constrain the scheduling of your vtctld pods. WARNING: These affinity rules will override all default affinities that we set; in turn, we can’t guarantee optimal scheduling of your pods if you choose to set this field. |
annotations map[string]string |
Annotations can optionally be used to attach custom annotations to Pods created for this component. These will be attached to the underlying Pods that the vtctld Deployment creates. |
extraLabels map[string]string |
ExtraLabels can optionally be used to attach custom labels to Pods created for this component. These will be attached to the underlying Pods that the vtctld Deployment creates. |
service ServiceOverrides |
Service can optionally be used to customize the vtctld Service. |
tolerations []Kubernetes core/v1.Toleration |
Tolerations allow you to schedule pods onto nodes with matching taints. |
(Appears on: VitessClusterStatus)
VitessDashboardStatus is a summary of the status of the vtctld deployment.
Field | Description |
available Kubernetes core/v1.ConditionStatus |
Available indicates whether the vtctld service has available endpoints. |
serviceName string |
ServiceName is the name of the Service for this cluster’s vtctld. |
(Appears on: VitessCellGatewaySpec)
VitessGatewayAuthentication configures authentication for vtgate in this cell.
Field | Description |
static VitessGatewayStaticAuthentication |
Static configures vtgate to use a static file containing usernames and passwords. |
(Appears on: VitessCellGatewaySpec)
VitessGatewaySecureTransport configures secure transport connections for vtgate.
Field | Description |
required bool |
Required configures vtgate to reject non-secure transport connections. Applies only to MySQL protocol connections. All GRPC transport is required to be encrypted when certs are set. |
tls VitessGatewayTLSSecureTransport |
TLS configures vtgate to use TLS encrypted transport. |
(Appears on: VitessGatewayAuthentication)
VitessGatewayStaticAuthentication configures static file authentication for vtgate.
Field | Description |
secret SecretSource |
Secret configures vtgate to load the static auth file from a given key in a given Secret. |
(Appears on: VitessGatewaySecureTransport)
VitessGatewayAuthentication configures authentication for vtgate in this cell.
Field | Description |
clientCACertSecret SecretSource |
ClientCACertSecret configures vtgate to load the TLS certificate authority PEM file from a given key in a given Secret. If specified, checks client certificates are signed by this CA certificate. Optional. |
certSecret SecretSource |
CertSecret configures vtgate to load the TLS cert PEM file from a given key in a given Secret. |
keySecret SecretSource |
KeySecret configures vtgate to load the TLS key PEM file from a given key in a given Secret. |
(Appears on: VitessCellSpec, VitessClusterSpec, VitessKeyspaceSpec, VitessShardSpec)
VitessImagePullPolicies specifies container image pull policies to use for Vitess components.
Field | Description |
vtctld Kubernetes core/v1.PullPolicy |
Vtctld is the container image pull policy to use for Vitess Dashboard instances. |
vtgate Kubernetes core/v1.PullPolicy |
Vtgate is the container image pull policy to use for Vitess Gateway instances. |
vttablet Kubernetes core/v1.PullPolicy |
Vttablet is the container image pull policy to use for Vitess Tablet instances. |
vtbackup Kubernetes core/v1.PullPolicy |
Vtbackup is the container image pull policy to use for Vitess Backup jobs. |
mysqld Kubernetes core/v1.PullPolicy |
Mysqld is the container image pull policy to use for mysqld. |
mysqldExporter Kubernetes core/v1.PullPolicy |
MysqldExporter is the container image pull policy to use for mysqld-exporter. |
(Appears on: VitessClusterSpec)
VitessImages specifies container images to use for Vitess components.
Field | Description |
vtctld string |
Vtctld is the container image (including version tag) to use for Vitess Dashboard instances. |
vtgate string |
Vtgate is the container image (including version tag) to use for Vitess Gateway instances. |
vttablet string |
Vttablet is the container image (including version tag) to use for Vitess Tablet instances. |
vtbackup string |
Vtbackup is the container image (including version tag) to use for Vitess Backup jobs. |
mysqld MysqldImage |
Mysqld specifies the container image to use for mysqld, as well as declaring which MySQL flavor setting in Vitess the image is compatible with. Only one flavor image may be provided at a time. mysqld running alongside each tablet. |
mysqldExporter string |
MysqldExporter specifies the container image to use for mysqld-exporter. |
(Appears on: VitessKeyspaceKeyRangeShard, VitessShardSpec)
VitessKeyRange specifies a range of keyspace IDs.
Field | Description |
start string |
Start is a lowercase hexadecimal string representation of an arbitrary-length sequence of bytes. If Start is the empty string, the key range is unbounded at the bottom. If Start is not empty, the bytes of a keyspace ID must compare greater than or equal to Start in lexicographical order to be in the range. |
end string |
End is a lowercase hexadecimal string representation of an arbitrary-length sequence of bytes. If End is the empty string, the key range is unbounded at the top. If End is not empty, the bytes of a keyspace ID must compare strictly less than End in lexicographical order to be in the range. |
VitessKeyspace represents the deployment of a logical database in Vitess. Each keyspace consists of a number of shards, which then consist of tablets. The tablets belonging to one VitessKeyspace can ultimately be deployed across various VitessCells.
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec VitessKeyspaceSpec |
status VitessKeyspaceStatus |
(Appears on: VitessKeyspaceStatus)
VitessKeyspaceCondition contains details for the current condition of this VitessKeyspace.
Field | Description |
type VitessKeyspaceConditionType |
Type is the type of the condition. |
status Kubernetes core/v1.ConditionStatus |
Status is the status of the condition. Can be True, False, Unknown. |
lastTransitionTime Kubernetes meta/v1.Time |
Last time the condition transitioned from one status to another. Optional. |
reason string |
Unique, one-word, PascalCase reason for the condition’s last transition. Optional. |
message string |
Human-readable message indicating details about last transition. Optional. |
(Appears on: VitessKeyspaceCondition)
VitessKeyspaceConditionType is a valid value for the key of a VitessKeyspaceCondition map where the key is a VitessKeyspaceConditionType and the value is a VitessKeyspaceCondition.
(Appears on: VitessKeyspacePartitioning)
VitessKeyspaceCustomPartitioning lets you explicitly specify the key range of every shard.
Field | Description |
shards []VitessKeyspaceKeyRangeShard |
Shards is a list of explicit shard specifications. |
(Appears on: VitessKeyspacePartitioning)
VitessKeyspaceEqualPartitioning splits the keyspace into some number of equal parts.
Field | Description |
parts int32 |
Parts is the number of equal parts to split the keyspace into. If you need shards that are not equal-sized, use custom partitioning instead. Note that if the number of parts is not a power of 2, the key ranges will only be roughly equal in size. WARNING: DO NOT change the number of parts in a partitioning after deploying. That’s effectively deleting the old partitioning and adding a new one, which can lead to downtime or data loss. Instead, add an additional partitioning with the desired number of parts, perform a resharding migration, and then remove the old partitioning. |
shardTemplate VitessShardTemplate |
ShardTemplate is the configuration used for each equal-sized shard. If you need shards that don’t all share the same configuration, use custom partitioning instead. |
(Appears on: VitessKeyspaceSpec, VitessShardSpec)
VitessKeyspaceImages specifies container images to use for this keyspace.
Field | Description |
vttablet string |
Vttablet is the container image (including version tag) to use for Vitess Tablet instances. |
vtbackup string |
Vtbackup is the container image (including version tag) to use for Vitess Backup jobs. |
mysqld MysqldImage |
Mysqld specifies the container image to use for mysqld, as well as declaring which MySQL flavor setting in Vitess the image is compatible with. Only one flavor image may be provided at a time. mysqld running alongside each tablet. |
mysqldExporter string |
MysqldExporter specifies the container image for mysqld-exporter. |
(Appears on: VitessKeyspaceCustomPartitioning)
VitessKeyspaceKeyRangeShard defines a shard based on a key range.
Field | Description |
keyRange VitessKeyRange |
KeyRange is the range of keys that this shard serves. WARNING: DO NOT change the key range of a shard after deploying. That’s effectively deleting the old shard and adding a new one, which can lead to downtime or data loss. Instead, add an additional partitioning with the desired set of shards, perform a resharding migration, and then remove the old partitioning. |
VitessShardTemplate VitessShardTemplate |
(Members of VitessShardTemplate is the configuration for the shard. |
(Appears on: VitessKeyspaceTemplate)
VitessKeyspacePartitioning defines a set of shards by dividing the keyspace into key ranges. Each field is a different method of dividing the keyspace. Only one field should be set on a given partitioning.
Field | Description |
equal VitessKeyspaceEqualPartitioning |
Equal partitioning splits the keyspace into some number of equal parts, assuming that the keyspace IDs are uniformly distributed, for example because they’re generated by a hash vindex. |
custom VitessKeyspaceCustomPartitioning |
Custom partitioning lets you explicitly specify the key range of every shard, in case you don’t want them to be divided equally. |
(Appears on: VitessKeyspaceStatus)
VitessKeyspacePartitioningStatus aggregates status for all shards in a given partitioning.
Field | Description |
shardNames []string |
ShardNames is a sorted list of shards in this partitioning, in the format Vitess uses for shard names. |
servingWrites Kubernetes core/v1.ConditionStatus |
ServingWrites is a condition indicating whether all shards in this partitioning are serving writes for their key ranges. Note that False only means not all shards are serving writes; it’s still possible that some shards in this partitioning are serving writes. Check the per-shard status for full details. |
desiredTablets int32 |
DesiredTablets is the number of desired tablets. This is computed from information that’s already available in the spec, but clients should use this value instead of trying to compute shard partitionings on their own. |
tablets int32 |
Tablets is the number of observed tablets. This could be higher or lower than desiredTablets if the state has not yet converged. |
readyTablets int32 |
ReadyTablets is the number of desired tablets that are Ready. |
updatedTablets int32 |
UpdatedTablets is the number of desired tablets that are up-to-date (have no pending changes). |
desiredShards int32 |
DesiredShards is the number of desired shards. This is computed from information that’s already available in the spec, but clients should use this value instead of trying to compute shard partitionings on their own. |
readyShards int32 |
ReadyShards is the number of desired shards that are Ready. |
(Appears on: VitessKeyspaceStatus)
VitessKeyspaceShardStatus is the status of a shard within a keyspace.
Field | Description |
hasMaster Kubernetes core/v1.ConditionStatus |
HasMaster is a condition indicating whether the Vitess topology reflects a master for this shard. |
servingWrites Kubernetes core/v1.ConditionStatus |
ServingWrites is a condition indicating whether this shard is the one that serves writes for its key range, according to Vitess topology. A shard might be deployed without serving writes if, for example, it is the target of a resharding operation that is still in progress. |
desiredTablets int32 |
DesiredTablets is the number of desired tablets. This is computed from information that’s already available in the spec, but clients should use this value instead of trying to compute shard partitionings on their own. |
tablets int32 |
Tablets is the number of observed tablets. This could be higher or lower than desiredTablets if the state has not yet converged. |
readyTablets int32 |
ReadyTablets is the number of desired tablets that are Ready. |
updatedTablets int32 |
UpdatedTablets is the number of desired tablets that are up-to-date (have no pending changes). |
pendingChanges string |
PendingChanges describes changes to the shard that will be applied the next time a rolling update allows. |
cells []string |
Cells is a list of cells in which any tablets for this shard are deployed. |
(Appears on: VitessKeyspace)
VitessKeyspaceSpec defines the desired state of a VitessKeyspace.
Field | Description |
VitessKeyspaceTemplate VitessKeyspaceTemplate |
(Members of VitessKeyspaceTemplate contains the user-specified parts of VitessKeyspaceSpec. These are the parts that are configurable inside VitessCluster. The rest of the fields below are filled in by the parent controller. |
globalLockserver VitessLockserverParams |
GlobalLockserver are the params to connect to the global lockserver. |
images VitessKeyspaceImages |
Images are not customizable by users at the keyspace level because version skew across the cluster is discouraged except during rolling updates, in which case this field is automatically managed by the VitessCluster controller that owns this VitessKeyspace. |
imagePullPolicies VitessImagePullPolicies |
ImagePullPolicies are inherited from the VitessCluster spec. |
imagePullSecrets []Kubernetes core/v1.LocalObjectReference |
ImagePullSecrets are inherited from the VitessCluster spec. |
zoneMap map[string]string |
ZoneMap is a map from Vitess cell name to zone (failure domain) name for all cells defined in the VitessCluster. |
backupLocations []VitessBackupLocation |
BackupLocations are the backup locations defined in the VitessCluster. |
backupEngine VitessBackupEngine |
BackupEngine specifies the Vitess backup engine to use, either “builtin” or “xtrabackup”. |
extraVitessFlags map[string]string |
ExtraVitessFlags is inherited from the parent’s VitessClusterSpec. |
topologyReconciliation TopoReconcileConfig |
TopologyReconciliation is inherited from the parent’s VitessClusterSpec. |
updateStrategy VitessClusterUpdateStrategy |
UpdateStrategy is inherited from the parent’s VitessClusterSpec. |
(Appears on: VitessKeyspace)
VitessKeyspaceStatus defines the observed state of a VitessKeyspace.
Field | Description |
observedGeneration int64 |
The generation observed by the controller. |
shards map[string] |
Shards is a summary of the status of all desired shards. |
partitionings []VitessKeyspacePartitioningStatus |
Partitionings is an aggregation of status for all shards in each partitioning. |
orphanedShards map[string] |
OrphanedShards is a list of unwanted shards that could not be turned down. |
idle Kubernetes core/v1.ConditionStatus |
Idle is a condition indicating whether the keyspace can be turned down. If Idle is True, the keyspace is not deployed in any cells, so it should be safe to turn down the keyspace. |
resharding ReshardingStatus |
ReshardingStatus provides information about an active resharding operation, if any. This field is only present if the ReshardingActive condition is True. If that condition is Unknown, it means the operator was unable to query resharding status from Vitess. |
conditions []VitessKeyspaceCondition |
Conditions is a list of all VitessKeyspace specific conditions we want to set and monitor. It’s ok for multiple controllers to add conditions here, and those conditions will be preserved. |
(Appears on: VitessClusterSpec, VitessKeyspaceSpec)
VitessKeyspaceTemplate contains only the user-specified parts of a VitessKeyspace object.
Field | Description |
name string |
Name is the keyspace name as it should be provided to Vitess. Note that this is different from the VitessKeyspace object’s, which is generated by the operator. WARNING: DO NOT change the name of a keyspace that was already deployed. Keyspaces cannot be renamed, so this will be interpreted as an instruction to delete the old keyspace and create a new one. |
databaseName string |
DatabaseName is the name to use for the underlying, physical MySQL database created to hold data for the keyspace. This name is mostly hidden from Vitess clients, which should see and use only the keyspace name as a logical database. However, you may want to set this to control the name used by clients that bypass Vitess and connect directly to the underlying MySQL, such as certain DBA tools. The default, when the field is either left unset or set to empty string, is to add a “vt_” prefix to the keyspace name since that has historically been the default in Vitess itself. However, it’s often preferable to set this to be the same as the keyspace name to reduce confusion. Default: Add a “vt_” prefix to the keyspace name. |
partitionings []VitessKeyspacePartitioning |
Partitionings specify how to divide the keyspace up into shards by defining the range of keyspace IDs that each shard contains. For example, you might divide the keyspace into N equal-sized key ranges. Note that this is distinct from defining how each row maps to a keyspace ID, which is done in the VSchema. Partitioning is purely an operational concern (scaling the infrastructure), while VSchema is an application-level concern (modeling relationships between data). This separation of concerns allows resharding to occur generically at the infrastructure level without any knowledge of the data model. Each partitioning must define a set of shards that fully covers the space of all possible keyspace IDs; there can be no gaps between ranges. There’s usually only one partitioning present at a time, but during resharding, it’s necessary to launch the destination shards alongside the source shards. When the resharding is complete, the old partitioning can be removed, which will turn down (undeploy) any unneeded shards. If only some shards are being split or joined during resharding, the shards that aren’t changing must be specified in both partitionings, although the common shards will be shared (only deployed once). If the per-shard configuration differs, the configuration in the latter partitioning (in the order listed in this field) will be used. For this reason, it’s recommended to add new partitionings at the end, and only remove partitionings from the beginning. This field is required. An unsharded keyspace may be specified as a partitioning into 1 part. |
turndownPolicy VitessKeyspaceTurndownPolicy |
TurndownPolicy specifies what should happen if this keyspace is ever removed from the VitessCluster spec. By default, removing a keyspace entry from the VitessCluster spec will NOT actually turn down the deployed resources, unless it can be verified that the keyspace was previously set to have 0 total desired tablets across all shards. With this default policy (RequireIdle), before removing the keyspace entry from the spec, you must first edit the keyspace entry to remove all tablet pools from all shards, and wait for that change to roll out. If a keyspace entry is removed too soon, the keyspace resources will remain deployed indefinitely, and the keyspace will be listed in the orphanedKeyspaces field of VitessCluster status. This is a safety mechanism to prevent accidental edits to the cluster object from having immediate, destructive consequences. If the cluster spec is only ever edited by automation whose edits you trust to be safe, you can set the policy to Immediate to skip these checks. Default: RequireIdle |
annotations map[string]string |
Annotations can optionally be used to attach custom annotations to the VitessKeyspace object. |
(Appears on: VitessKeyspaceTemplate)
VitessKeyspaceTurndownPolicy is the policy for turning down a keyspace.
(Appears on: LockserverSpec, VitessCellSpec, VitessKeyspaceSpec, VitessShardSpec)
VitessLockserverParams contains only the values that Vitess needs to connect to a given lockserver.
Field | Description |
implementation string |
Implementation specifies which Vitess “topo” plugin to use. |
address string |
Address is the host:port of the lockserver client endpoint. |
rootPath string |
RootPath is a path prefix for all lockserver data belonging to a given Vitess cluster. Multiple Vitess clusters can share a lockserver as long as they have unique root paths. |
(Appears on: VitessShardTemplate)
VitessReplicationSpec specifies how Vitess will set up MySQL replication.
Field | Description |
enforceSemiSync bool |
EnforceSemiSync means Vitess will configure MySQL to require semi-sync acknowledgement of all transactions while forbidding fallback to asynchronous replication under any circumstance. Note that this is different from merely enabling semi-sync, which in its default configuration allows fallback to asynchronous replication if no replicas are connected or if they don’t respond after a few seconds. Enforced semi-sync is a mode that prefers master unavailability when durability cannot be ensured, rather than risking the loss of data that was already reported to clients as committed. WARNING: Do not enable this if the shard has fewer than 3 master-eligible replicas, as that may lead to master unavailability during routine maintenance. Default: Semi-sync is not enforced. |
initializeMaster bool |
InitializeMaster specifies whether to choose an initial master for a new or restored shard that has no master yet. Default: true. |
initializeBackup bool |
InitializeBackup specifies whether to take an initial placeholder backup as part of preparing tablets to begin replication. This only takes effect if a backup location is defined in the VitessCluster. Default: true. |
recoverRestartedMaster bool |
RecoverRestartedMaster specifies whether the operator attempts to repair replication when the master MySQL restarts in-place (due to a crash) or its Pod gets deleted and recreated, causing the Pod IP to change. Default: true. |
VitessShard represents a group of Vitess instances (tablets) that store a subset of the data in a logical database (keyspace).
The tablets belonging to one VitessShard can ultimately be deployed across various VitessCells. All the tablets in a given shard, across all cells, use MySQL replication to stay eventually consistent with the MySQL master for that shard.
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec VitessShardSpec |
status VitessShardStatus |
(Appears on: VitessShardStatus)
VitessShardCondition contains details for the current condition of this VitessShard.
Field | Description |
status Kubernetes core/v1.ConditionStatus |
Status is the status of the condition. Can be True, False, Unknown. |
lastTransitionTime Kubernetes meta/v1.Time |
Last time the condition transitioned from one status to another. Optional. |
reason string |
Unique, one-word, PascalCase reason for the condition’s last transition. Optional. |
message string |
Human-readable message indicating details about last transition. Optional. |
VitessShardConditionType is a valid value for the key of a VitessShardCondition map where the key is a VitessShardConditionType and the value is a VitessShardCondition.
(Appears on: VitessShard)
VitessShardSpec defines the desired state of a VitessShard.
Field | Description |
VitessShardTemplate VitessShardTemplate |
(Members of VitessShardTemplate contains the user-specified parts of VitessShardSpec. These are the parts that are configurable inside VitessCluster. The rest of the fields below are filled in by the parent controller. |
name string |
Name is the shard name as it’s known to Vitess. |
databaseName string |
DatabaseName is the name to use for the underlying MySQL database. It is inherited from the parent keyspace, so it can only be configured at the keyspace level. |
zoneMap map[string]string |
ZoneMap is a map from Vitess cell name to zone (failure domain) name for all cells defined in the VitessCluster. |
images VitessKeyspaceImages |
Images are not customizable by users at the shard level because version skew across the shard is discouraged except during rolling updates, in which case this field is automatically managed by the VitessKeyspace controller that owns this VitessShard. |
imagePullPolicies VitessImagePullPolicies |
ImagePullPolicies are inherited from the VitessCluster spec. |
imagePullSecrets []Kubernetes core/v1.LocalObjectReference |
ImagePullSecrets are inherited from the VitessCluster spec. |
keyRange VitessKeyRange |
KeyRange is the range of keyspace IDs served by this shard. |
globalLockserver VitessLockserverParams |
GlobalLockserver are the params to connect to the global lockserver. |
backupLocations []VitessBackupLocation |
BackupLocations are the backup locations defined in the VitessCluster. |
backupEngine VitessBackupEngine |
BackupEngine specifies the Vitess backup engine to use, either “builtin” or “xtrabackup”. |
extraVitessFlags map[string]string |
ExtraVitessFlags is inherited from the parent’s VitessClusterSpec. |
topologyReconciliation TopoReconcileConfig |
TopologyReconciliation is inherited from the parent’s VitessClusterSpec. |
updateStrategy VitessClusterUpdateStrategy |
UpdateStrategy is inherited from the parent’s VitessClusterSpec. |
(Appears on: VitessShard)
VitessShardStatus defines the observed state of a VitessShard.
Field | Description |
observedGeneration int64 |
The generation observed by the controller. |
tablets map[string] |
Tablets is a summary of the status of all desired tablets in the shard. |
orphanedTablets map[string] |
OrphanedTablets is a list of unwanted tablets that could not be turned down. |
cells []string |
Cells is a list of cells in which any tablets for this shard are deployed. |
hasMaster Kubernetes core/v1.ConditionStatus |
HasMaster is a condition indicating whether the Vitess topology reflects a master for this shard. |
hasInitialBackup Kubernetes core/v1.ConditionStatus |
HasInitialBackup is a condition indicating whether the initial backup has been seeded for the shard. |
servingWrites Kubernetes core/v1.ConditionStatus |
ServingWrites is a condition indicating whether this shard is the one that serves writes for its key range, according to Vitess topology. A shard might be deployed without serving writes if, for example, it is the target of a resharding operation that is still in progress. |
idle Kubernetes core/v1.ConditionStatus |
Idle is a condition indicating whether the shard can be turned down. If Idle is True, the shard is not part of the active shard set (partitioning) for any tablet type in any cell, so it should be safe to turn down the shard. |
conditions map[] |
Conditions is a map of all VitessShard specific conditions we want to set and monitor. It’s ok for multiple controllers to add conditions here, and those conditions will be preserved. |
masterAlias string |
MasterAlias is the tablet alias of the master according to the global shard record. This could be empty either because there is no master, or because the shard record could not be read. Check the HasMaster condition whenever the distinction is important. |
backupLocations []* |
BackupLocations reports information about the backups for this shard in each backup location. |
lowestPodGeneration int64 |
LowestPodGeneration is the oldest VitessShard object generation seen across all child Pods. The tablet information in VitessShard status is guaranteed to be at least as up-to-date as this VitessShard generation. Changes made in subsequent generations that affect tablets may not be reflected in status yet. |
(Appears on: VitessShardTemplate)
VitessShardTabletPool defines a pool of tablets with a similar purpose.
Field | Description |
cell string |
Cell is the name of the Vitess cell in which to deploy this pool. |
type VitessTabletPoolType |
Type is the type of tablet contained in this tablet pool. The allowed types are “replica” for master-eligible replicas that serve transactional (OLTP) workloads; and “rdonly” for master-ineligible replicas (can never be promoted to master) that serve batch/analytical (OLAP) workloads. |
replicas int32 |
Replicas is the number of tablets to deploy in this pool. This field is required, although it may be set to 0, which will scale the pool down to 0 tablets. |
dataVolumeClaimTemplate Kubernetes core/v1.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec |
DataVolumeClaimTemplate configures the PersistentVolumeClaims that will be created for each tablet to store its database files. This field is required for local MySQL, but should be omitted in the case of externally managed MySQL. IMPORTANT: If your Kubernetes cluster is multi-zone, you must set a storageClassName here for a StorageClass that’s configured to only provision volumes in the same zone as this tablet pool. |
backupLocationName string |
BackupLocationName is the name of the backup location to use for this tablet pool. It must match the name of one of the backup locations defined in the VitessCluster. Default: Use the backup location whose name is empty. |
vttablet VttabletSpec |
Vttablet configures the vttablet server within each tablet. |
mysqld MysqldSpec |
Mysqld configures a local MySQL running inside each tablet Pod. You must specify either Mysqld or ExternalDatastore, but not both. |
externalDatastore ExternalDatastore |
ExternalDatastore provides information for an externally managed MySQL. You must specify either Mysqld or ExternalDatastore, but not both. |
affinity Kubernetes core/v1.Affinity |
Affinity allows you to set rules that constrain the scheduling of your vttablet pods. Affinity rules will affect all underlying tablets in the specified tablet pool the same way. WARNING: These affinity rules will override all default affinities that we set; in turn, we can’t guarantee optimal scheduling of your pods if you choose to set this field. |
annotations map[string]string |
Annotations can optionally be used to attach custom annotations to Pods created for this component. |
extraLabels map[string]string |
ExtraLabels can optionally be used to attach custom labels to Pods created for this component. |
extraEnv []Kubernetes core/v1.EnvVar |
ExtraEnv can optionally be used to override default environment variables set by the operator, or pass additional environment variables. These values are applied to the vttablet, mysqld, and mysqld-exporter containers. |
extraVolumes []Kubernetes core/v1.Volume |
ExtraVolumes can optionally be used to override default Pod volumes defined by the operator, or provide additional volumes to the Pod. Note that when adding a new volume, you should usually also add a volumeMount to specify where in each container’s filesystem the volume should be mounted. These volumes are available to be mounted by both vttablet and mysqld. |
extraVolumeMounts []Kubernetes core/v1.VolumeMount |
ExtraVolumeMounts can optionally be used to override default Pod volumeMounts defined by the operator, or specify additional mounts. Typically, these are used to mount volumes defined through extraVolumes. These values are applied to both the vttablet and mysqld containers. |
initContainers []Kubernetes core/v1.Container |
InitContainers can optionally be used to supply extra init containers that will be run to completion one after another before any app containers are started. |
sidecarContainers []Kubernetes core/v1.Container |
SidecarContainers can optionally be used to supply extra containers that run alongside the main containers. |
tolerations []Kubernetes core/v1.Toleration |
Tolerations allow you to schedule pods onto nodes with matching taints. |
(Appears on: VitessKeyspaceEqualPartitioning, VitessKeyspaceKeyRangeShard, VitessShardSpec)
VitessShardTemplate contains only the user-specified parts of a VitessShard object.
Field | Description |
tabletPools []VitessShardTabletPool |
TabletPools specify groups of tablets in a given cell with a certain tablet type and a shared configuration template. There must be at most one pool in this list for each (cell,type) pair. Each shard must have at least one “replica” pool (in at least one cell) in order to be able to serve. |
databaseInitScriptSecret SecretSource |
DatabaseInitScriptSecret specifies the init_db.sql script file to use for this shard. This SQL script file is executed immediately after bootstrapping an empty database to set up initial tables and other MySQL-level entities needed by Vitess. |
replication VitessReplicationSpec |
Replication configures Vitess replication settings for the shard. |
annotations map[string]string |
Annotations can optionally be used to attach custom annotations to the VitessShard object. |
(Appears on: VitessShardTabletPool)
VitessTabletPoolType represents the tablet types for which it makes sense to deploy a dedicated pool. Tablet types that indicate temporary or transient states are not valid pool types.
(Appears on: VitessShardStatus)
VitessTabletStatus is the status of one tablet in a shard.
Field | Description |
poolType string |
PoolType is the target tablet type for the tablet pool. |
index int32 |
Index is the tablet’s index within its tablet pool. |
running Kubernetes core/v1.ConditionStatus |
Running indicates whether the vttablet Pod is running. |
ready Kubernetes core/v1.ConditionStatus |
Ready indicates whether the vttablet Pod is passing health checks, meaning it’s ready to serve queries. |
available Kubernetes core/v1.ConditionStatus |
Available indicates whether the vttablet Pod has been consistently Ready for long enough to be considered stable. |
dataVolumeBound Kubernetes core/v1.ConditionStatus |
DataVolumeBound indicates whether the main PersistentVolumeClaim has been matched up with a PersistentVolume and bound to it. |
type string |
Type is the observed tablet type as reflected in topology. |
pendingChanges string |
PendingChanges describes changes to the tablet Pod that will be applied the next time a rolling update allows. |
(Appears on: VitessShardTabletPool)
VttabletSpec configures the vttablet server within a tablet.
Field | Description |
resources Kubernetes core/v1.ResourceRequirements |
Resources specify the compute resources to allocate for just the vttablet process (the Vitess query server that sits in front of MySQL). This field is required. |
extraFlags map[string]string |
ExtraFlags can optionally be used to override default flags set by the operator, or pass additional flags to vttablet. All entries must be key-value string pairs of the form “flag”: “value”. The flag name should not have any prefix (just “flag”, not “-flag”). To set a boolean flag, set the string value to either “true” or “false”. |
(Appears on: ReshardingStatus)
WorkflowState represents the current state for the given Workflow.
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