On the file docker/.env
you can customize easily some properties. Please, take a look on the next sections:
You can deploy the application in your desktop computer for testing it. It is not recommended for a real environment but is an easy way to check the state of the art of this application and if it fits to your needs or not.
On docker/.env
And deploy the application using docker-compose
command as usual. Ignore any information about SSL certificates as
they are not available for localhost domain.
By default, I am assuming that you are deploying this application as a docker container on a server on the cloud. That
means that probably you already have a domain that you must set on the application. Please, update machine_domain
variable on docker/.env
to match your existing domain.
Parameter protocol
is assuming that you have also an SSL certificate. If is not the case, please change to http
If you want to use a different database engine, add the correct jar dependency with the jdbc connector
in backend/libraries
. Configure these specific variables in the .env
database_type=postgresql (hsqldb, h2, oracle, mysql, postgresql, ...)
Variable jwt_secret
is used for encrypting JWT token related to the REST API authorization. Please change it and avoid
using the default one. If jwt_secret
is left empty, the system will generate a random one on start. Random is more
secure, but any user will be forced to log in into the system again if the server is restarted.
Variable database_encryption_key
will encrypt the database content, to ensure a higher level of privacy. If you want
to check the content of your database using any other external software, please leave this variable with a blank value.
Otherwise, change the default value to any other that only you know.
Since version 2.13.7, the reverse proxy engine has been changed from Nginx to Traefik. Traefik is more automated than Nginx, and it will handle all Let's encrypt certificate generation automatically.
Remember to change email
value on the docker/.env
file as it is used for the certificates' registration:
Regenerate again the proxy if needed with the next command:
docker-compose build --no-cache kendo-tournament-rproxy && docker-compose up -d kendo-tournament-rproxy
Traefik comes with a dashboard where information about the services is shown. Can be interesting for troubleshooting,
specially if you want to customize any setting. By default, is protected by user admin
and password 0b186336d5
. I
recommend to change it as soon as possible. For this purpose, you can use htpasswd
echo $(htpasswd -nB user) | sed -e s/\\$/\\$\\$/g
The sed
command is due to the docker-compose needs to scape any $
character to $$
. Ensure that is the case in your
Finally, update the docker-compose.yml
file with the obtained password, replacing the next line with the content
obtained from the value obtained on the previous step:
- "traefik.http.middlewares.auth.basicauth.users=admin:<<put here your hashed password>>"
Regenerate the docker container with a docker-compose build --no-cache kendo-tournament-rproxy && docker-compose up -d kendo-tournament-rproxy
and the new password will be used.
If you have your custom reverse proxy that is shared between other applications, maybe you need to disable the provided
one with this application, as some ports will collide. The best approach would be to force to not start the container in
the docker-compose.yml
file. Search for the kendo-tournament-rproxy
section and set the donotstart
profile. You
can uncomment the lines that are already prepared for this purpose:
# profiles:
# - donotstart
Uncomment to
- donotstart
And the container will not be started automatically. Remember to configure your reverse proxy to include the backend
and frontend
of this application or will not work properly.