The log of my #100DaysOfCode (to keep separate from main repo and let others fork a clean version).
Started on July 17, Monday, 2017.
Today I've started the 3rd API project from @freeCodeCamp ->!/collapse-url + started configuring mongodb Planning to do more tomorrow: handling routes, etc. but will have to learn more about Mongo and DBs - feeling a bit lost
Worked on the URL Shortener App:!/collapse-url added mongodb connection, regex to determine if URL is valid. Today I honestly had the best time - for the first time ever I figured out how to work with a database (super basics). I don't know why I haven't done that before - I think I had fear of it or exaggerated the difficulty of it in my mind. And I can say that today is the day I've written something to a mongodb database for the first time ever :)
Finished the URL Shortener App (doesn't look like much, but it works :) Feel free to test :) Here is the view into the code:!/collapse-url
Started working on the next @freeCodeCamp back-end project - Image Search Abstraction Layer . What it will do is just do a search and display image data it finds as JSON. Users will be able to view recent searches. Here is the view into the code:!/pic-search So far I connected mongodb to it, added some route handling. Getting more and more comfortable with node, express and mongo :) They don't seem as intimidating as they once were. Got a bit sick, today not feeling great at all but didn't let that stop me today :) If I felt worse than that I'd skip a day and I think that's a valid reason to take a little break - health is important!
Continued working on the Image Search App, at first had no idea what API to use - went with Google Custom Search API. The API requests seem to be working, but for now all the queries return 0 results #oops. You can see the code here:!/pic-search and try it out (though it's broken 🤖 here:
Finished the Image Search Abstraction Layer App on @freeCodeCamp feel free to try it out! I fixed the API settings issue, added database calls, formatted response JSONs. Excited to start the next project!
Built a little back-end app that allows user to upload a file and returns back its size - as part of @freeCodeCamp. Here is the link to the app: and to the code:!/find-file-size . I thought I would be the most straight-forward project of the back-end ones, but I ended up sitting in frustration for most of today's session... :) After a lot of googling, I found the problem - I needed to have the name of the input to be the same as it was in the code dealing with that route. So when you work on this project: - keep it in mind ;) Might save you some time. I still need to come back to the first back end project and make a index page for it. After that - probably full-stack 😬
Set up the first Full Stack project on #freeCodeCamp - using Cloud9. There is a whole lot to figure out now :) If you've recently done any of the Full Stack projects on @freeCodeCamp - what did you use on top of ClementineJS? Did you do React on top of it? Or did you just stay with VanillaJS? Feeling a bit lost on how to best proceed #code
Continued to dig into the setup of the boilerplate for the full stack projects. Started work on displaying the poll list. Also found out what Mongoose does for MongoDB, created a Schema for a Poll in the database. Looking forward to accomplishing more tomorrow, as today I was more about understanding how it all fits together :)
Today I got a bit back into React and Redux (after taking a little break from it) + worked on the Voting App. The voting app is still a bit too much to take in, trying to figure it out as I go along. Worked on adding ways to display the polls, and a bit of very basic styling. Thinking of maybe adding Pug to it.
Kept working on the voting app, adding the new poll page, and struggling with the routes a bit :)
Got home very late, didn't think I would manage to make myself code for an hour, so I've decided to do smth fun: I've decided to start playing around with a-frame (for VR) - wanted to do that for a long time: made a little thing: it shows 'planets' you can view it here. You don't need VR gear for this. I've only used pre-made components (primitives) so far + some textures. Gave me understanding of the coordinates there. here you can find the code for it!/virtuality . I was also very surprised (and happy) that the app name 'virtuality' was still available on @glitch
Restarted the Voting App project on @glitch - added css, added a database connection. Here is the link to what I have so far + the code itself:!/polls
Went through the basics of Go (the programming language) here:
Worked on the Voting app - adding the HTML templating engine Pug :) I like the syntax, but had some bugs :)
Continued learning Go (the Tour of Go) and looked at Docker basics on @codeschool
Worked on the Pug templates for the Voting App - learnt more about Pug, fixed issues along the way!/polls .
Learned more about Golang syntax, completed some Golang exercises on @codewars
Worked on the Voting App, mostly with Pug and BulmaCSS, struggled to get Pug includes working on Glitch
Learnt more CSS Grid and about setting up a React app without create-react-app (big thanks to @hallaathrad for help)
Worked on the Voting App, exploring more BulmaCSS, as well as some d3 on Glitch, debugging issues with with includes
Setting up React to work with NodeJS and Express, isolating component CSS
Semantic HTML, React components, setting things up for Dungeon Crawler Game
Fully set up the React Rogue-like game project with webpack, SCSS & React . Huge thanks to my friend Justin @hallaathrad for helping me with the Webpack and React setup!
Worked on the React Roguelike Dungeon Game (part of the @freeCodeCamp curriculum)
Set up some of the required components. Further developed the basic structure of the app. Planning to ask around for some advice on how to best structure the map, and objects on it tomorrow at @freeCodeCamp Toronto Coffee'n'Code. Having worked on the Game of Life app before helps, but this one is a bit more complex :)
Continued work on adding required components and structure.
Added components to the Dungeon Game App, read Redux documentation.
Worked on map generation for the Dungeon Game App. Further reading of Redux documentation.
Adding redux to the Dungeon Game App (referencing the docs as I go along)
Learnt more about redux here:, solved kata "Title Case" on @codewars:
Solved a kata on @codewars: Then started working on a new site! Very excited about it! Didn't notice how the time flew by :) Hope to show it to all of you soon! Had some practice with CSS Grid while at it.
Continued working on the new site + some Golang practice (basic exercises)
Added content and pages to the site + going through CodeSchool (free this weekend!) Golang course
More site content; finished the Golang course on @codeschool
Learning more about Golang. Setting up environmental variables and the workspace on my machine. Enjoying it a lot - very curious :)
Finished Golang workspace setup. Configured all the required packages in Atom Editor to enable golang code autocompletion, ability to jump to definitions, etc. Also, created a repo to store all the Golang experiments as I go ;)
Practiced a bit on Tour of Go (solved the first exercise there), learnt more about using different numeral systems in Golang, and format 'verbs'
Registered and set up on @exercism_io and completed 3 exercises there. Continued going through Tour of Go learning concepts and completed the Slices exercise, which is simple but has a nice visualization :)
Working through Tour of Go + completed a couple of exercises there, learnt about Maps. Worked on Clock exercise from @exercism_io
Learning about (and experimenting with) scope and closures in Golang
Learning more Golang concepts: constants, blank identifier, pointers
Completed exercises on errors, interfaces, readers in the Tour of Go. Learnt more about arrays (+slices), methods & interfaces. I was on the subway today a lot - used the time by reading Effective Go
Struggled with the Clock exercise from @exercism_io - will need to put more effort to complete :) Learnt more about pointers, referencing/dereferencing
Finally had a little breakthrough with the Clock challenge on @exercism_io :) Was able to finish another 3 Golang challenges there: Hamming (DNA), Gigasecond, Raindrops. I found the 3 to be way easier than the Clock. The nature of coding: some days we get stuck, other days - we finish exercises/make visible progress. However, we need to remember that being stuck and figuring it out is where learning happens. It feels really uncomfortable, but it's good for us. As we keep going, putting in the time, our skill improves and more problems become solvable.
Completed 2 exercises on @exercism_io : Acronym & Accumulate. Worked a lot on Pangram. Fun exercises, I enjoy them a lot :)
Managed to finish Pangram in #Go on @exercism_io - started yesterday, but got stuck then. Happy! :)
Finished exercise "Bob" on @exercism_io Learnt a lot from reading other people's solutions after submitting mine :)
Working through "Triangle" on @exercism_io . Besides that, I have been reading "Effective Go"
Still stuck on "Triangle" challenge on @exercism_io . Not quite sure what about the types there... Will figure out :)
Couldn't figure out the types issue at first and had to submit incomplete "Triangle" to @exercism_io (my first incomplete). I didn't feel great about that, but overall it's good for the learning process - not to get stuck & to not be afraid to move on and ask for help. I've viewed some solutions online, then wrote my own version and submitted it.
Read through "Learn X in Y Minutes" for Golang. Solved "Twelve Days" and "Difference of Squares" on @exercism_io
Working on "Error Handling" exercise from @exercism_io (it features some reading as well :)
Continued work on "Error Handling" challenge on @exercism_io. Read up on error handling in Go.
Reading Golang Book (always reading it on the subway :) - more on pointers and structs. Working on "Error Handling" challenge.
More Golang practice + had the idea for some time and finally made a repo to make it easier to customize/setup Atom Editor to serve as IDE.
Moderate progress (but still progress :) with "Error Handling" challenge - the files that come with it help unravel the solution. On another note, I've finally understood pointers (with referencing and dereferencing) and I am very happy about that! :)
Learning Go on the go today :) Reading Golang Book mostly, some light practice. Tomorrow off to Montreal for 5 days! Very excited! I will be coding from there though :)
Montreal is amazing! Really tired after the road though... Practice on codewars - solved the "Counting Duplicates" challenge in Go.
More Golang practice on Codewars, mostly on "Consecutive Strings" challenge - eventually solved it!
Going through Golang challenges on @codewars - today working on "Valid Parentheses"
Worked further through the "Valid Parentheses" exercise
The brain refuses to work after being on the road almost all day today. Worked on "Decode the Morse Code" in Go on @codewars
Learning more about and experimenting with defer, panic and recover
Error handling in Golang + some practice working on "Playing with digits" on @codewars
Continuing with Golang exercises on codewars
Practicing interfaces in Golang using basic examples
More golang on codewars + learning a tiny bit of VueJS (just out of curiousity :)
Experimenting with VueJS in codepen
Going through a Golang Udemy course - working on exercises given there
Finished the 'control flow' section + learnt more about Runes in golang. + exercises from the course
Golang exercises + going through 'functions' section of the course
Golang - learning about variadic params/args + checking out some Angular 2+ (will probably need it for work)
Learning about app structure in Angular 2+ and modules/components
Skipped a day because was not feeling good
Learning and experimenting with func expressions and closures in golang
Going through the functions section of the Go course + solved a couple exercises there
More info on slices + worked on a site on @GoHugoIO
Working on the site + solving golang challenges on the topic of functions
Learnt about hash functions + exercises in Golang: on functions and working with http
Diving into OOP in Go with structs, JSON Marshal/Unmarshal, Encode/Decode
Working through golang exercises accompanying the course + some simple http examples
Working on a new version of the website
Continued work on the new version of the site + some tinkering with the
Building the site, finally really understood interfaces in Go + some React
Released the new version of the site, but content still needs work.
Worked on a React project - started, set things up + started using BitBucket :)
Continued with React project - building out the basic functionality :) Will be adding things as I go
Adding more functionality to the react app - so far it's pretty basic, but good practice for me :)
added redux to my simple React app :) Looking to add more functionality
Continued work on the react project, figuring out some issues with Redux
Lots of CSS + Learning more about & practicing interfaces in Go
Doing exercises with Go interfaces: using sort package, reversing and sorting various types
Working with empty interfaces, goroutines + learning about parallelism & concurrency
Going through exercises and examples with goroutines
Learning about mutex and experimenting with channels in go
More practice with golang channels :)
Completed exercises on channel pipelines and worked out all the problems on fixing channel deadlocks :) Good day!
Finished some Fan In/Fan Out and deadlock challenges in go
Working through more golang channel exercises. Getting more comfortable with the syntax of go everyday :)
Third round complete! Worked on golang error handling exercises. Starting to plan the next round :)