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File metadata and controls

48 lines (40 loc) · 2.15 KB

Georeference the maps and the address points

python cadastre_general_paris.csv "+proj=aeqd +lat_0=48.83635863 +lon_0=2.33652533 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +to_meter=1.94903631 +no_defs +type=crs" tps

Note that the process (the csv actually) needs you to have:

  • the georeferencing points in the directory cadastre_general_paris (for instance cadastre_general_paris/1/FRAN_0265_00007_L.png.points)
  • the address points in the directory cadastre_general_paris_numeros (for instance cadastre_general_paris_numeros/1/
  • the map images in the directory FRAN_0265 (for instance FRAN_0265/FRAN_0265_00007_L.png)

The results are saved in directory cadastre_general_paris_resultat (for instance cadastre_general_paris_resultat/1/NUMEROS_QUARTIER_1_CORRIGES_GEOREF.gpkg)

You can merge all the files with: -single -f GPKG -o cadastre_general_paris_addresses.gpkg cadastre_general_paris_resultat/*/*.gpkg
ogr2ogr \
  -sql "SELECT \
    geom, \
    CONCAT(\"NUMERO TXT\", ' ', NOM_SAISI) AS historical_name, \
    CONCAT(\"NUMERO TXT\", ' ', NOM_SAISI, ', Paris') AS normalised_name, \
    NULL AS specific_spatial_precision, \
    'cadastre_general_paris' AS historical_source, \
    'cadastre_general_paris' AS numerical_origin_process, \
    CONCAT(NOM_NOTE, ', Paris') AS associated_normalised_rough_name, \
    NUM_QUART AS quartier_numero, \
    NUMEROTATI AS numerotation, \
    INTERP AS interpretation \
    FROM merged WHERE \"EXP_GEO\" = 1" \
  -f "PostgreSQL" PG:"host='' user='postgres' dbname='soduco' password='GHDB_987_admin'" \
  cadastre_general_paris_addresses.gpkg \
  -lco SCHEMA=geocoder_workspace \
  -nln "cadastre_general_paris_1825_numbers_initial_import"

You can update the database to include the district names:

ALTER TABLE geocoder_workspace.cadastre_general_paris_1825_numbers_initial_import ADD COLUMN quartier text;

UPDATE geocoder_workspace.cadastre_general_paris_1825_numbers_initial_import AS A 
SET quartier = B."NOM_CADASTRE"
FROM public.quartiers_cadastre AS B 
WHERE A.quartier_numero = B."NUM_QUARTIER_CADASTRE";