diff --git a/_config.yml b/_config.yml
index 0fa7c7e..ec5c959 100644
--- a/_config.yml
+++ b/_config.yml
@@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ youtube:
width: 560
- room: G14
- venue: 9 Mappin Street
- location: Sheffield, UK
+ room: Lecture Theatre 8
+ venue: Diamond Building, 32 Leavygreave Rd
+ location: Sheffield, S3 7RD, UK
registration_url: "https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/entropy-day-2016-tickets-24770521296"
name: Entropy Day
year: 2016
@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ map:
show: True
latitude: 53.3819 # latitude of map center
- longitude: -1.4793 # longitude of map center
- map_id: lawrennd.pnghko26 # mapbox id
+ longitude: -1.483 # longitude of map center
+ map_id: lawrennd.068bmgf6 # mapbox id
access_token: "pk.eyJ1IjoibGF3cmVubmQiLCJhIjoiY2luNmUyN2psMDB2MXdlbTJib3dmM3BsOSJ9.OpJ8Nc0xOGyNKZtAAsLECQ" # mapbox access token
zoom_level: 17
width: 100%
diff --git a/_includes/listmulti.html b/_includes/listmulti.html
index c45ee00..1aae7f3 100644
--- a/_includes/listmulti.html
+++ b/_includes/listmulti.html
@@ -1 +1 @@
{{ post.title }} ({% if post.organizers %}{% for organizer in post.organizers %}{% if organizer.url %}{% endif %}{{ organizer.firstname }} {{ organizer.lastname }}{% if organizer.url %}{% endif %}{% if post.organizers | size>1 %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endif %} {{ post.date | date: "%A, %B %-d" }})
Room: {{ post.room }}
+{{ post.title }} ({{ post.date | date: "%A, %B %-d" }})
{% if post.organizers %}{% for person in post.organizers %}{% include listperson.html %}{% endfor %}{% endif %}
Room: {{ post.room }}
diff --git a/_posts/2016-05-23-session-2.md b/_posts/2016-05-23-session-2.md
index 82e0342..2fcaee3 100644
--- a/_posts/2016-05-23-session-2.md
+++ b/_posts/2016-05-23-session-2.md
@@ -24,20 +24,20 @@ talks:
- title: "Coffee Break"
start: "14:45"
end: "15:00"
+- title: "Can you calculate entropy generation in bio-chemical-techno-socio-political systems?"
+ abstract: "In science, entropy is the driver for all physical, chemcial and biological processes. However the calculation of entropy in these different kinds of processes seems to be being done subtly differently. It would be great to try and figure out a way to calculate entropy generation in systems that involve all kinds of different biological, technological and socio-technical processes. Maybe this kind of calculation would be useful in understanding historical environmental changes and allow society's to plan more effectively for future change?"
+ start: "15:00"
+ end: "15:45"
+ speaker: "Alastair Buckley"
+ institute: "Physics"
+ url: "https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/physics/contacts/alastair-buckley"
- title: "All I know is that I know nothing, and I can prove it"
speaker: "IƱaki Esnaola"
url: "https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/acse/staff/ie/index"
institute: "Automatic Control and Systems Engineering"
abstract: "The data deluge we are witnessing highlights the need for operational definitions of information in complex systems. It comes as no surprise then to see that information theory is reaching into domains that go far beyond its original scope. However, when Shannon used entropy to quantify the information content of a message in 1948, he focused on very specific point-to-point communication systems; and the extension of information theory to complex multiterminal systems is far from complete. Moreover, the concept of information, in the wide sense, is traditionally linked to the notion of knowledge about a particular process or system. For that reason, entropy is usually envisioned as a mean for developing tools that increase our knowledge extraction capabilities. In this talk we will argue that Shannon's entropy has a less known sobering dimension to it: Entropy allows us to quantify how fundamentally ignorant we are."
- start: "15:00"
- end: "15:45"
-- title: "Can you calculate entropy generation in bio-chemical-techno-socio-political systems?"
- abstract: "In science, entropy is the driver for all physical, chemcial and biological processes. However the calculation of entropy in these different kinds of processes seems to be being done subtly differently. It would be great to try and figure out a way to calculate entropy generation in systems that involve all kinds of different biological, technological and socio-technical processes. Maybe this kind of calculation would be useful in understanding historical environmental changes and allow society's to plan more effectively for future change?"
start: "15:45"
end: "16:30"
- speaker: "Alastair Buckley"
- institute: "Physics"
- url: "https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/physics/contacts/alastair-buckley"
- title: "Engines and refrigerators could be more efficient if it weren't for that pesky second law"
abstract: "Engineering is the science, or art, of achieving the best compromise to solve problems. Many Engineers are interested in the optimisation of energy conversion. The earliest work on the second law by Carnot defined limits on the conversion of heat to work (e.g. burning coal to pump water). This was later codified by Clausius and Thomson into the second law of thermodynamics, based on heat, work and temperature. Even though these limits are inviolable, there are ways of sidestepping the laws, but many of the routes to Thermotopia are limited by technology.