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2bdbfe7 · Oct 24, 2023


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File metadata and controls

205 lines (153 loc) · 8.11 KB


A PowerShell module for creating and updating datasets on a Socrata domain.



This module requires PowerShell 5.1 or greater. To install, follow these steps:

  1. Download this repository as a ZIP or git clone it locally
  2. Unzip the directory, if necessary
  3. Move the Socrata-PowerShell directory to wherever you'd like to keep it
  4. Import the module in your PowerShell scripts like so: Import-Module "./Socrata-PowerShell/Socrata.psm1" (updating the import filepath as needed)

For detailed information on installing PowerShell modules locally and globally, see Installing a PowerShell Module.


Here's a script that performs a full replace of an existing dataset using a CSV file:

Import-Module "./Socrata-PowerShell/Socrata.psm1"

$Url = Update-Dataset `
    -Domain "" `
    -DatasetId "fej7-9vb3" `
    -Type "replace" `
    -Filepath "\\treasurer\financial_data\budget.csv" `
    -ErrorAction "Stop"

Write-Host "Update complete! See dataset here: $Url"


To use this module, you must have access to a Socrata user account with permissions to create and/or update datasets on a Socrata domain.

While Socrata APIs will accept a username and password as HTTP Basic Auth credentials, it's best to generate a pair of API keys and use those instead.

By default, this module will automatically look for credentials under the environment variables SOCRATA_USERNAME and SOCRATA_PASSWORD. However, you can also supply credentials explicitly by passing a PSCredential to the -Credentials parameter:

Import-Module "./Socrata-PowerShell/Socrata.psm1"

$Credentials = New-Object PSCredential(
    ($Env:API_SECRET | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force)

Update-Dataset `
    -Domain "" `
    -DatasetId "fej7-9vb3" `
    -Type "replace" `
    -Filepath "\\treasurer\financial_data\budget.csv" `
    -Credentials $Credentials

As a reminder, do not store secure credentials in a script or commit them to version control.


Update an existing dataset

Import-Module "./Socrata-PowerShell/Socrata.psm1"

Update-Dataset `
    -Domain "" `                   # Required
    -DatasetId "c2xb-y8f6" `                       # Required
    -Type "update" `                               # Required; "update" (upsert/append), "replace" (full replace), or "delete" (delete rows)
    -Filepath "C:\Documents\vet_facils.geojson" `  # Required
    -Filetype "geojson" `                          # Optional; if not supplied, this is guessed from the filepath
    -Publish $true `                               # Optional; $true or $false (default: $true)
    -Credentials $Credentials                      # Optional; if not supplied, this is looked up from the env variables SOCRATA_USERNAME and SOCRATA_PASSWORD

Create a new dataset

Note: it's common to run into schema errors and data quality issues when first creating a Socrata dataset programmatically. A better approach is to create a new dataset using the Data Management Experience user interface, implement any desired fixes or schema changes, then publish. After that, you can schedule programmatic updates for the dataset going forward. However, in cases where dataset creation must be automated, New-Dataset may be useful:

Import-Module "./Socrata-PowerShell/Socrata.psm1"

New-Dataset `
    -Domain "" `                   # Required
    -Name "Hospital Bed Availability by County" `  # Required
    -Filepath "\\datasets\BEDS_AVAIL.xlsx" `       # Required
    -Filetype "xlsx" `                             # Optional; if not supplied, this is guessed from the filepath
    -Audience "private" `                          # Optional; "private" or "public" (default: "private")
    -Publish $true `                               # Optional; $true or $false (default: $true)
    -Credentials $Credentials                      # Optional; if not supplied, this is looked up from the env variables SOCRATA_USERNAME and SOCRATA_PASSWORD

Create a dataset draft

Sometimes it's necessary to create a draft revision of a new or existing dataset without publishing the draft. Update-Dataset and New-Dataset both accept an optional -Publish parameter that, when set to $false, will leave the revision in draft (unpublished) state.

Import-Module "./Socrata-PowerShell/Socrata.psm1"

New-Dataset `
    -Domain "" `                   # Required
    -Name "Assisted Living Facilities by State" `  # Required
    -Filepath "datasets\assisted_living.csv" `     # Required
    -Publish $false                                # Optional; $true or $false (default: $true)

Get dataset metadata

Import-Module "./Socrata-PowerShell/Socrata.psm1"

Get-Metadata `
    -Domain "" `                   # Required
    -DatasetId "prx6-94ku" `                       # Required
    -Credentials $Credentials                      # Optional; if not supplied, this is looked up from the env variables SOCRATA_USERNAME and SOCRATA_PASSWORD

This will return an object like the following:

    id              = "prx6-94ku"
    name            = "Gross Domestic Product by County, 2021"
    attribution     = "Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)"
    # ...
    customFields    = @{
        Department  = @{
            Name    = "Economic Development"
            Office  = "Office of Data and Performance"
    tags            = @( "economic", "performance", "gdp", "counties" )

Update dataset metadata

Import-Module "./Socrata-PowerShell/Socrata.psm1"

$Fields = @{
    description    = "An estimate of the value of goods and services by county."
    category       = "Economy"
    customFields   = @{
        Department = @{
            Team   = "Innovation and Analytics Team"

Update-Metadata `
    -Domain "" `                   # Required
    -DatasetId "prx6-94ku" `                       # Required
    -Fields $Fields `                              # Required; must be a hashtable containing metadata fields as key-value pairs
    -ValidateOnly $false `                         # Optional; $true or $false (default: $false)
    -Strict $false `                               # Optional; $true or $false (default: $false)
    -Credentials $Credentials                      # Optional; if not supplied, this is looked up from the env variables SOCRATA_USERNAME and SOCRATA_PASSWORD


To run Socrata-PowerShell's integration tests, run Pester at the repository root:

Invoke-Pester -Output "Detailed"

For the tests to pass, the following environment variables must be set:


To run script analysis, use PSScriptAnalyzer:

Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Path "./Socrata.psm1"