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Dan Avner edited this page Nov 19, 2019 · 26 revisions

Welcome to the 90prime-galil-fwgui wiki!

Here you will find all documentation done for the 90Prime fw-gui and galilserver. It is a work in progress.


`import socket import sys from struct import *

HOST = '' PORT = 9874

sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

returns "OK: Connected to galilserver. Client 1"

message = sock.recv(1024).decode()

request all LVDT values

returns "OK: 0.600 0.727 0.507" in order of LVDT A, B, then C

sock.send('SHOWALLLVDTVALS\r\n'.encode()) message = sock.recv(1024).decode()

request actuator encoder values

requires sending a STATUS command

sock.send('STATUS\r\n'.encode()) message = sock.recv(1024) sock.close()

must remove the "OK: " of response

message_slice = message[4:len(message)]

each actuator encoder value is at different byte locations

actuator A = 52

actuator B = 80

actuator C = 108

getting actuator A

raw_actuator_encoder_a = message_slice[52:54]

must unpack the response

'h' is for signed short integer

actuator_encoder_a = unpack('h', raw_actuator_encoder_a)[0] # returns tuple `


Currently, only high level commmands to galil server are being documented.

Commands to galilserver


Daily logs of progress and notes.

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