Testing Facebook apps is hard; part of that difficulty comes from
managing your test users. Currently, Facebook's "Developer" app
doesn't offer any way to do it, so you wind up with a bunch of curl
commands and pain (see Facebook's API
documentation for
This gem tries to take away the pain of managing your test users. It's easy to get started.
$ gem install facebook_test_users
$ fbtu apps register --name myapp --app-id 123456 --app-secret abcdef
$ fbtu users list --app myapp
$ fbtu users create --app myapp --name Fred
$ fbtu users change --app myapp --user 1000000093284356 --name "Sir Fred"
$ fbtu apps add-user --from-app myapp --user 1000000093284356 --to-app myotherapp
$ fbtu apps rm-user --app myapp --user 1000000093284356
$ fbtu users rm --app myapp --user 1000000093284356
You can also use it in your own Ruby applications; require "facebook_test_users"
and off you go.
It's easy to integrate with Rails apps. For example, if your app has
a "config/omniauth/#{Rails.env}.yml"
file containing:
name: http://localhost:3000
API_key: 123456789012
app_secret: a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d0e1f2a3b4c5d6
and config/initializers/omniauth.rb
omniauth_yml_path = Rails.root.join("config", "omniauth", Rails.env + ".yml")
SETTINGS = YAML.load(IO.read(omniauth_yml_path))
Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
SETTINGS.each do |service, secrets|
provider service.to_sym, secrets['API_key'], secrets['app_secret']
then you could build simple rake tasks like this:
require 'facebook_test_users/cli'
require File.expand_path "#{Rails.root}/config/initializers/omniauth.rb"
fb = SETTINGS['facebook']
APP_ID = fb['API_key']
SECRET = fb['app_secret']
namespace :fbtu do
namespace :app do
desc 'Register facebook app credentials with fbtu'
task :register do
FacebookTestUsers::App.create!(:name => fb['name'], :id => APP_ID, :secret => SECRET)
puts "Registered app '#{fb['name']}'"
namespace :users do
desc 'List test users via fbtu'
task :list do
cli = FacebookTestUsers::CLI::Main.start [:users, :list, '--app', fb['name'] ]
Then after running rake fbtu:app:register
, you can invoke fbtu
commands as per normal, using --app http://localhost:3000
to refer
to the registered app.