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File metadata and controls

63 lines (50 loc) · 1.88 KB


A simple cacheing service written in Swift for the cacheing of NSObjects (and hence, UIImage, since UIImages conform to NSCoding/NSSecureCoding) and Codable.

General NSObject + NSSecureCoding, and Codable class implementation examples:

class NSTestObject : NSObject, NSSecureCoding {
    var bird:Int!;
    var dog:String!;
    static var supportsSecureCoding: Bool = true
    func encode(with coder: NSCoder) {
        coder.encode(bird, forKey: "bird")
        coder.encode(dog, forKey: "dog")
    init(bird: Int, dog:String)
        self.bird = bird = dog
    required convenience init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
        guard let k = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: "bird") as? Int,
            let y = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: "dog") as? String else {
                return nil
        self.init(bird: k, dog: y)

class CodableTestObject : Codable {
    var bird:Int;
    var dog:String;
    init(bird: Int, dog:String)
        self.bird = bird = dog

Usage with cache service (and demonstration of all basic cache features, such as (de)serialization to/from disk:

let testObject = NSTestObject(bird: 1, dog: "woof");  //let testObject = CodableTestObject(bird: 1, dog: "woof");
CacheService.shared.cacheObject(key: "object1", object: testObject)
CacheService.shared.clearCache(memoryOnly: true)

if let birddog =  CacheService.shared.getObject(for: "object1") as NSTestObject? {
         //good job
} else {
        //something failed

The above example creates an object to cache, caches it, then serializes the cache to disk, then clears the cache memory, then reads the cache from disk to memory, and finally reads the original object out of the cache.