title | description | published | date | tags | editor | dateCreated |
software |
true |
2022-03-31 03:46:11 UTC |
markdown |
2022-03-21 02:22:18 UTC |
Currently we are using Ubuntu Server 20.04.3 LTS.
We have replaced grub
with systemd-boot
. For introduction, see systemd-boot - ArchWiki (archlinux.org).
To configure systemd-boot
, use bootctl
To change kernel parameters, modify /etc/kernel/postinst.d/zz-update-systemd-boot
GitHub backup: https://gist.github.com/KiruyaMomochi/9df313c2abc55c1736d457d48abc0f54
Since Systemd v197, network interfaces use predictable naming schemes. See systemd.net-naming-scheme (www.freedesktop.org) for detail.
Ubuntu use netplan to configure network. It reads network configuration from /etc/netplan/*.yaml
, then convert them to systemd-networkd configuration.
Netplan configuration examples: https://netplan.io/examples/.
- Download drivers from Linux InfiniBand Drivers (mellanox.com).
tar -xzf MLNX_OFED_LINUX-5.4-
to the directory and
sudo ./mlnxofedinstall --add-kernel-support
For RHEL/CentOS, see IP over InfiniBand (IPoIB) - MLNX_OFED v5.1- - Mellanox Docs.
For Ubuntu, create /etc/netplan/10-infiniband.yaml
version: 2
ibp161s0f0: # Name of the InfiniBand interface
- # Change to your IP address
You may need to change interface name and ip address to your own.
To manage two server at the same time, it's easier to use Ansible.
NFS is exported from node1
. Only NFS v4 is supported:
/srv/nfs4 *(rw,sync,fsid=0,crossmnt,no_subtree_check)
/srv/nfs4/home *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check)
/proc/fs/nfsd/versions: -2 -3 +4 +4.1 +4.2
It is mounted on all nodes at /mnt/nfs4
and /mnt/home
node1:/ /mnt/nfs4 nfs rw,noauto,x-systemd.automount 0 0
node1:/home /mnt/home nfs rw 0 0
You can use /mnt/home/<user>
as your home directory:
# On node 1
sudo mkdir /srv/nfs4/home/<user>
# On all nodes
sudo usermod -d /mnt/home/<user> <user>
See systemd-nspawn