- general: atlantic - aeon - ground/allsides - newsasfacts
- geopolitics: foreign affairs - politico EU - responsible statecraft - understanding war - rest of the world
- tech: HN - lobsters - hackaday
- rationality: quanta magazine - less wrong - big think
- books & papers: goodreads - libgen - scholar
- arts: divisare - design files - core77 - landbook - wikiart - wul
- shopping: wirecutter - tropical price - lustre
- other: calvert - scandinavianmind - not boring - portugal stats - abnormal returns - ciechanow.ski - one typed page - biometric news - aporiamagazine - age of invention - pudding.cool - fuckinghomepage
- more: linkpantry - blogs hn - simplescience
- architectural competitions: PT - FI - SI - CZ
- models, drawings & textures: archimodels/archidrawings - modulor - textureking
- design: 10 principles - computer prototype
- ai/stable diffusion: 1
- new cad: hestus - llm on cad - cadmium
- by country: AU - BR - CZ - DE - ES - FI - GR - IT - LT - PL - PT - RU - SE - UK - other countries - EU
- cheap: EU 1/2/3 - ES 1/2 - IT
- preços habitação PT - IVA 6% serviços imóveis p/ uso exclusivo hab - E-leilões/como funciona - fazer escritura
- gmaps area calculator
- experiences: the worst tours - trekking guides - rent scenario - restaurant & bed - workaway - rent cabins 1/2 - rent houses - rent boats
- dreams (lifestyle): nomadic 1/2/3 - cabinland - wild foods
- kits: farm - Aframe 1/2 - cabin 1/2
- real estate: selected 1/2 - private islands - house shares - openrent - mimahousing - rural properties
- research: creative - exclusive or cheap houses 1/2
- graphics: brand + logo + domain package - $495 logos - crowdsource 1/2/3
- services: cleaning
- accomodation: long term - student - short term
- capital: 1/2/3
- consulting: 1/2/3/4 - on real estate
- mailbox money: printable place cards
- geoarbitrage: mturk - kolotibablo
- books: mousebookclub - waldenpond
- other: art 1/2 - mini materials - car leasing - spiedlife - vintage furniture - allekinos
- moocs & certificates: classcentral - microsoft - elements of AI - apple - near certificate - upskill - AWS
- poland: PT_PL - wroclaw 1/2
- job boards: remote 1/2/3/4/5 (stats) - relocate - nocsdegree - nocv - sidejobs - 4 day week - YC 1/2/3 - germantechjobs - landingjobs - futureweb - nploy - polychain
- head hunting: triplebyte - hired - hackerrank - hackajob - curated job boards
- info: reopen europe - hewelapp - seat61 - wroclaw airport - world heritage sites
- flights: skyscanner - google flights - kiwi - scottcheapflights
- weather: windguru.cz - windy - lightnings
- maps: trailrouter - flightradar - vesselfinder - marinetraffic - city roads - water ways
- osm: realtime - street complete - randomstreetview - instantstreetview - show my street - street view wonders
- geoarbitrage: expatistan - numbeo - sallary converter - nomadlist
- game aggregators: itch.io - boardgamearena - playok
- games: generals.io - lord of the manor - zty.pe - nation states - cosmoteer - dwarf fortress - gnomoria - nethack + volture (gui) - rimworld - prison architect - don't starve - curious expedition - stardew valley - undertale - Baba Is You - guriddo - geo 1/2/3 - princejs - painted ocean - open dune
- chess & classics: tactics - checkmatechamp - kb gambit - how to learn - bgammon
- tabletop + D&D: TLDR - dungeon magazines - sounds - escape team - scopa
- trivia: busysimulator - svelte macos - space elevator/solar system - reuse old calendar - this word does not exist - nownownow - the useless web - floor796 - weird games - chromatone - noise - scarfolk 1/2 - spooky
- milhao
- historia: brasão de armas - imperiosAD
- slow TV: cities 1/2/3 - japan 1/2 - usa - window swap - travel remotely - drive & listen - trains - building a log cabin
- movies 1/2
- books 1/2/3/4/5/6
- podcasts: lex - tyler - conversas do fim do mundo
- cultura geral: manual do mundo - oversimplified - economy
- linguas: canal autodidata - polyglot - etymology
- statistics: INE - numista/ucoin/colnect stamps - get any plant
- trades: woodworking - repair
- music: for programming - coderadio - radio garden - time machine - lofichat - lofimusic - nature sounds
- learn music: lilybin - hacklily - abcjs - ableton - lmms
- other: firedating - omegle - taskrabbit - fridge detective - meet_hn