This KBS corresponds to the offline file system KBC. It wraps keys to be used by that KBC. As this is done ahead of time rather than at the runtime of the KBC, it is not a broker service in the stricter sense of the word.
Keys must be provided in a file (e.g. aa-offline_fs_kbc-keys.json
) like:
"key_id1": "cGFzc3BocmFzZXdoaWNobmVlZHN0b2JlMzJieXRlcyE=",
with the 32-byte keys base64-encoded. This file must be available to the KBC later (see documentation linked above).
You can also use the included
to generate some sample keys based on /dev/random
if this fits your use case sufficiently well.
The KBS can be run with e.g.:
cargo run --release --features offline_fs_kbs -- --grpc_sock
To correspond with the KBS as described above, an ocicrypt.conf
"key-providers": {
"attestation-agent": {
"grpc": ""
is required.
To encrypt e.g. oci:busybox
with the key file path and key ID suggested above, run
OCICRYPT_KEYPROVIDER_CONFIG=ocicrypt.conf skopeo copy --encryption-key provider:attestation-agent:$(realpath aa-offline_fs_kbc-keys.json):key_id1 oci:busybox oci:busybox_encrypted