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References: early works in cloud physics (18 th century till 1950 ties)
Sylwester Arabas edited this page Jan 26, 2022
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Fahrenheit 1724 (Phil. Trans. 33)
"Experimenta & observationes de congelatione aquæ in vacuo factæ" -
Darwin 1788 (Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London 78)
"Frigorific experiments on the mechanical expansion of air, explaining the cause of the great degree of cold on the summits of high mountains, the sudden condensation of aerial vapour, and of the perpetual mutability of atmospheric heat" -
Hutton 1788 (Trans. Roy. Soc. Edi. 1)
"The Theory of Rain" -
Dalton 1793 (link to 2nd edition of 1834)
"Meteorological Observations and Essays"
- Dalton 1802 (Mem. Lit. Philos. Soc. Manchester)
Howard 1803 (Phil. Mag. 17)
"On the modifications of clouds, and on the principles of their production, suspension, and destruction" - August 1828 (Ann. Phys. 89) cited by: Google Scholar
Apjohn 1831 (Trans. Royal Irish Acad. 17)
"On the theory of the moist-bulb hygrometer" - Clapeyron 1834 (J. École Polyt. 23)
- Espy 1836 (J. Franklin Inst. 22)
- Magnus 1844 (Ann. Phys. Chem. 61) cited by: Google Scholar
- Clausius 1850 (Ann. Phys. 155)
Sorby 1959 (Phil. Mag. 4)
"On the freezing-point of water in capillary tubes" -
Wüllner (Ann. Phys. 1860, 186 (8))
"Versuche über die Spannkraft des Wasserdampfes aus Lösungen wasserhaltiger Salze" -
Dufour 1861 (Bibl. univ. Aer.)
"Uber das Gefrieren des Wassers und ̈uber die Bildungdes Hagels" - Thomson (Kelvin) 1871 (Phil. Mag. 42)
- Coulier 1875 cited by: Google Scholar
- Maxwell 1877
- Aitken 1880
- Raoult 1886 (C. R. Acad. Sci., 103(2)) cited by: Google Scholar
von Bezold 1888 (Proc. Royal Prussian Acad. Sci.)
"On the thermo-dynamics of the atmosphere"
(English translation Abbe, C. The mechanics of the earth's atmosphere. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, no 843, 1893, 212–242.)
- De Coppet 1907 (Ann. Chim. et Phys.)
"Recherches sur la surfusion et la sursaturation" -
Mendenhall & Ingersoll 1908
"On certain phenomena exhibited by small particles on a Nernst glower" -
Szyszkowski 1908
"Experimentelle Studien über kapillare Eigenschaften der wässerigen Lösungen von Fettsäuren"
- Wegener 1911 ("Thermodynamik der Atmosphäre")
- Berget 1914 ("Les problèmes de l'atmosphère")
Smoluchowski 1916a
"Drei Vorträge über Diffusion, Brownsche Molekularbewegung und Koagulation von Kolloidteilchen (1/2)" -
Smoluchowski 1916b
"Drei Vorträge über Diffusion, Brownsche Molekularbewegung und Koagulation von Kolloidteilchen (2/2)" - Rudzki 1917 ("Zasady Meteorologii")
Dines 1917 (QJRMS 43)
"The heat balance of the atmosphere" -
Richardson 1919 (Proc. Roy. Soc. London)
"Measurement of water in clouds"
- Köhler 1921 cited by: Google Scholar
- Houghton 1932 (J. Appl. Phys.)
- Bennett 1934 (QJRMS 60)
- Bergeron 1935 (Proc. 5th Assembly U.G.G.I.) cited by: Google Scholar
- Köhler 1936 (T. Faraday Soc. 32)
Schumann 1940 (QJRMS)
"Theoretical aspects of the size distribution of fog particles" - Langmuir 1944
- Fnideisen 1944 (lecture given in Prague, original at the Institut for Physics of the Atmosphere, Czech Academy of Science)
"Wasserdampfuebersaettingungen bei der Wolkenentstehung" -
Vonnegut 1947 (J. Appl. Phys. 18)
"The Nucleation of Ice Formation by Silver Iodide" -
Vonnegut 1948 (J. Colloid Sci.)
"Variation with temperature of the nucleation rate of supercooled liquid tin and water drops" -
Langmuir 1948 (J. Meteor. 5)
"The production of rain by a chain reaction in cumulus clouds at temperatures above freezing" -
Marshall and Palmer 1948 (J. Meteor. 5)
"The distribution of raindrops with size" -
Horton 1984
Vonnegut 1949 (Chem. Rev.)
"Nucleation of Supercooled Water Clouds by Silver Iodide Smokes" -
Howell 1949
"The growth of cloud drops in uniformly cooled air" -
Kraus & Smith 1949 (Aust. J. Sci. Res.)
"Theoretical Aspects of Cloud Drop Distributions" -
Gunn & Kinzer 1949 (J. Meteorology)
"The terminal velocity of fall for water droplets in stagnant air" -
Schaefer 1949 (Chem. Rev. 44)
"The formation of ice crystals in the laboratory and the atmosphere"
Best 1950 (QJRMS 76)
"Empirical formulae for the terminal velocity of water drops falling through the atmosphere" -
Bowen 1950
"The Fomation of Rain by Coalescence" -
Tsuji 1950 (J. Meteorol. Soc. Jpn Ser. II 28)
"On the Growth of Cloud Particles and the Degree of Supersaturation in Convective Clouds" -
Frank 1950 (Proc. Royal Soc. A)
"Radially symmetric phase growth controlled by diffusion" -
Anderson & Gustafson 1951
"Operation Greenhouse: Scientific Director’s Report, Annex 4.1, Cloud Studies" -
Gunn & Hitschfeld 1951 (J. Meteor. 8)
"A laboratory investigation of the coalescence between large and small water-drops" -
Ludlam 1951 (QJRMS 77)
"The production of showers by the coalescence of cloud droplets" -
Bowen 1952
"A new method of stimulating convective clouds to produce rain and hail" -
Havens 1952
"History of Project Cirrus" -
Ludlam 1952 (QJRMS 78)
"The production of showers by the growth of ice particles" -
Squires 1952 (Aust. J. Sci. Res)
"The Growth of Cloud Drops by Condensation. I. General Characteristics" -
Bigg 1953a
"The supercooling of water" -
Bigg 1953b
"The formation of atmospheric ice crystals by the freezing of droplets" -
Bowen 1953
"The influence of meteor dust on rainfall" -
Melzak 1953 (Quart. J. Appl. Math., 11)
"The effect of coalescence in certain collision processes" -
Fritz 1954 (J. Meteorol. 11)
"Scattering and absorption of solar energy by clouds of large water drops" -
Mason & Ramanadham 1954 (QJRMS 80)
"Modification of the size distribution of falling raindrops by coalescence" -
Hitschfeld 1955/1957 (in Artificial simulation of rain, edited by Weickmann and Smith, Pergamon Press)
"Size distribution generated by a random process" -
Telford 1955 (J. Meteorol 12)
"A new aspect of coalescence theory" -
Battan & Braham 1956
"A study of convective precipitation based on cloud and radar observations" -
Bowen 1956
"The relation between rainfall and meteor showers" -
Magarvey & Taylor 1956 (J. Appl. Phys. 27)
"Free Fall Breakup of Large Drops" -
Saffman & Turner 1956 (J. Fluid Mech. 1)
"On the collision of drops in turbulent clouds" -
East 1957 (QJRMS 83)
"An inherent precipitation mechanism in cumulus clouds" -
Ludlam & Mason 1957 (volume 10/48 of "Encyclopedia of Physics")
"The Physics of Clouds" -
Braham et al. 1957 (Meteorol. Monog. 2)
"Artificial Nucleation of Cumulus Clouds" -
Rooth 1957 (Tellus 9)
"On a Special Aspect of the Condensation Process and its Importance in the Treatment of Cloud Particle Growth" -
Langham & Mason 1958
"The heterogeneous and homogeneous nucleation of supercooled water" -
Mason 1958
"The supercooling and nucleation of water" -
McDonalnd 1958 (Adv. Geophys.)
"The physics of cloud modification" -
Squires 1958
"Penetrative downdrafts in cumuli" -
Squires 1958
"The Microstructure and Colloidal Stability of Warm Clouds. Part I — The Relation between Structure and Stability" -
Squires 1958
"The Microstructure and Colloidal Stability of Warm Clouds: Part II — The Causes of the Variations in Microstructure" -
Warner & Squires 1958
"Liquid Water Content and the Adiabatic Model of Cumulus Development" -
Carte 1959
"Probability of Freezing" -
Twomey 1959 (Pure Appl. Geophys.)
"The nuclei of natural cloud formation part II: The supersaturation in natural clouds and the variation of cloud droplet concentration" -
Welander 1959 (Tellus 11)
"A theoretical power-law for the size distribution of small particles falling through the atmosphere"