You do need to have an up to date playable build for me to try. During the meeting, be prepared to answer the following:
What feedback you have collected from your playtesting sessions. What feedback you have decided to move forward with and what feedback you decided to diregard and why.
- Player doesn't have time to develop relationship with aliens and map -> Will address
- Disconnect between jump and run -> Addressed
- Cannot tell when alien is chasing -> Addressed; will add sound effects also
- Need minimap showing where aliens are -> Will address
- Make oxygen tanks more visible -> Addressed
- Make oxygen go down faster so player must get oxygen -> Addressed
- Controls too sensitive -> Disregarded
- Upgrade material pickup to make it smoother
- Adjust jumping, running speed
- Add sprint
- Make health item more visible
- Adjust oxygen meter time length
- Anchoring the health bars and the compass to the edges of the screen
- Add and update menus
- Alien indicator
- Character Movement with Physics (for Keyboard)
- Game Over & Win Screens
- Game Over & Win Scenes
- Main Menu
- Algorithm for randomly spawning Spaceship Parts, Health Items, and Aliens
- Alien Indicator feature: Used to indicate if player has been scene by Alien(s)
- Controller support
- Cinemachine support: third person camera
- Input system support and Astronaut main movement: walk and jump
- Astronaut main interactions: picking up items and dropping
- Animation controller for player, state machines for walking, jumping and running
- Audio support: audioManager for main sounds like overworld, oxygen, picking up and dropping
- Terrain modelling and texture
- Astronaut and alien textures
- Adding oxygen meter bar, UI, and corresponding logic
- Adding spaceship bar, UI, and corresponding logic
- Adding spaceship compass navigator UI and corresponding logic
- Adding health item, textures, and replenishing health item logic
- Adding player sprint movement, and decreasing oxygen when sprinting
- Spaceship Model
- Spaceship textures
- Rusty spaceship parts
- Spaceship crumbling mechanics
- Material spawning
- Material deposit
- Spaceship regeneration
- Win conditions
- Alien and spaceship sound effects
- Collectible hold slot
- Props such as rocks
- Working on player sounds
- Creating alien types - randomized lurker, patrol type, scream type
- Created movement engines for the aliens
- Created attack and awareness engines for aliens with three states - patrol, chase, and attack
- Created NavMeshSurface for smooth traversal of the aliens
- Added stealth features to the player, through raycasts
- Added alien model and texture from the art team modellers
- Added field of view to the aliens, for viewing within a given angle
- Added Editor UI files for adding a viewable angle to the aliens
- Adding sounds for aliens
- Adding fog effect for the general atmosphere
- Working on alien animations
- Alien radar
- Dodge mechanic
- Multiple alien types
- Alien vegetation
- Walking/running sounds
- Alien sounds