diff --git a/player/mac/quick-x-player.app/Contents/MacOS/bridge.lua b/player/mac/quick-x-player.app/Contents/MacOS/bridge.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c4fafb41d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/player/mac/quick-x-player.app/Contents/MacOS/bridge.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+local simpleList = {
+ {id="demo1_id", text="One Demo
", args=""},
+ {id="demo2_id", text="Two Demo
", args=""},
+-- string.split()
+function lua_string_split(s, p)
+ local rt= {}
+ string.gsub(s, '[^'..p..']+', function(w) table.insert(rt, w) end )
+ return rt
+-- helper
+-- @return -p @packageName -f -r portrait -o @projectPath
+function GET_CREATE_PROJECT_COMMAND_ARGS( projectPath, packageName, isPortrait )
+ local screen = (isPortrait and " -r portrait") or " -r landscape"
+ local cmd = "-f -p "..packageName..screen.." -o "..projectPath
+ return cmd, " "
+ return json.encode(simpleList)
+-- core
+local core = {}
+function core.openDemo( demoId )
+ QT_INTERFACE("core.openProject")
+function core.login( data )
+ user = json.decode(data)
+ print(user.user..user.pwd)
+function core.positionNofity(name)
+ local notificationCenter = CCNotificationCenter:sharedNotificationCenter()
+ notificationCenter:postNotification(name)
+-- player : register submodule
+local PLAYER = {core=core}
+-- interface for player
+function LUA_Interface(messageId, messageData)
+ local messageList = lua_string_split(messageId, ".")
+ local messageSize = #messageList;
+ if messageSize == 1 then
+ PLAYER[messageId](messageData)
+ else
+ local object = PLAYER[messageList[1]]
+ for i=2, messageSize-1 do
+ object = object[messageList[i]]
+ i=i+1
+ end
+ local functionName = messageList[messageSize]
+ object[functionName](messageData)
+ end
+-- init
+function __QT_INIT()
+ local notificationCenter = CCNotificationCenter:sharedNotificationCenter()
+ notificationCenter:registerScriptObserver(nil, function() QT_INTERFACE("core.newProject") end, "WELCOME_NEW_PROJECT")
+ notificationCenter:registerScriptObserver(nil, function() QT_INTERFACE("core.openProject") end, "WELCOME_OPEN_PROJECT")
+ notificationCenter:registerScriptObserver(nil, function() QT_INTERFACE("core.openDemo") end, "WELCOME_LIST_SAMPLES")
+ notificationCenter:registerScriptObserver(nil, function() QT_INTERFACE("core.openURL", "http://quick.cocoachina.com/wiki/doku.php?id=zh_cn") end,"WELCOME_OPEN_COMMUNITY")
+ notificationCenter:registerScriptObserver(nil, function() QT_INTERFACE("core.openURL", "http://quick.cocoachina.com/wiki/doku.php?id=zh_cn") end,"WELCOME_OPEN_DOCUMENTS")
diff --git a/player/mac/quick-x-player.app/Contents/MacOS/quick-x-player b/player/mac/quick-x-player.app/Contents/MacOS/quick-x-player
index 94e7ae447..f729e67f5 100755
Binary files a/player/mac/quick-x-player.app/Contents/MacOS/quick-x-player and b/player/mac/quick-x-player.app/Contents/MacOS/quick-x-player differ
diff --git a/player/win/bridge.lua b/player/win/bridge.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a6a1e03f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/player/win/bridge.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+local simpleList = {
+ {id="demo1_id", text="One Demo
", args=""},
+ {id="demo2_id", text="Two Demo
", args=""},
+-- string.split()
+function lua_string_split(s, p)
+ local rt= {}
+ string.gsub(s, '[^'..p..']+', function(w) table.insert(rt, w) end )
+ return rt
+-- helper
+-- @return -p @packageName -f -r portrait -o @projectPath
+function GET_CREATE_PROJECT_COMMAND_ARGS( projectPath, packageName, isPortrait )
+ local screen = (isPortrait and " -r portrait") or " -r landscape"
+ local cmd = "-f -p "..packageName..screen.." -o "..projectPath
+ return cmd, " "
+ return json.encode(simpleList)
+-- core
+local core = {}
+function core.openDemo( demoId )
+ QT_INTERFACE("core.openProject")
+function core.login( data )
+ user = json.decode(data)
+ print(user.user..user.pwd)
+function core.positionNofity(name)
+ local notificationCenter = CCNotificationCenter:sharedNotificationCenter()
+ notificationCenter:postNotification(name)
+-- player : register submodule
+local PLAYER = {core=core}
+-- interface for player
+function LUA_Interface(messageId, messageData)
+ local messageList = lua_string_split(messageId, ".")
+ local messageSize = #messageList;
+ if messageSize == 1 then
+ PLAYER[messageId](messageData)
+ else
+ local object = PLAYER[messageList[1]]
+ for i=2, messageSize-1 do
+ object = object[messageList[i]]
+ i=i+1
+ end
+ local functionName = messageList[messageSize]
+ object[functionName](messageData)
+ end
+-- init
+function __QT_INIT()
+ local notificationCenter = CCNotificationCenter:sharedNotificationCenter()
+ notificationCenter:registerScriptObserver(nil, function() QT_INTERFACE("core.newProject") end, "WELCOME_NEW_PROJECT")
+ notificationCenter:registerScriptObserver(nil, function() QT_INTERFACE("core.openProject") end, "WELCOME_OPEN_PROJECT")
+ notificationCenter:registerScriptObserver(nil, function() QT_INTERFACE("core.openDemo") end, "WELCOME_LIST_SAMPLES")
+ notificationCenter:registerScriptObserver(nil, function() QT_INTERFACE("core.openURL", "http://quick.cocoachina.com/wiki/doku.php?id=zh_cn") end,"WELCOME_OPEN_COMMUNITY")
+ notificationCenter:registerScriptObserver(nil, function() QT_INTERFACE("core.openURL", "http://quick.cocoachina.com/wiki/doku.php?id=zh_cn") end,"WELCOME_OPEN_DOCUMENTS")
diff --git a/player/win/quick-x-player.exe b/player/win/quick-x-player.exe
index 6f0ef4449..8157e0b33 100644
Binary files a/player/win/quick-x-player.exe and b/player/win/quick-x-player.exe differ