2 | 2 | ----------
3 | 3 | ## linux
4 | 4 | Minix源代码.pdf
| 5 | + |
5 | 6 | just for fun.pdf
| 7 | + |
6 | 8 | linux-0.12-code.tar
| 9 | + |
7 | 10 | Linux内核完全剖析基于0.12内核.pdf
| 11 | + |
8 | 12 | 《鸟哥的Linux私房菜-基础篇》第四版.pdf
| 13 | + |
9 | 14 | Eric S. Raymond-The Art of UNIX Programming-Addison-Wesley Professional (2003).mobi
10 | 15 | UNIX网络编程 卷1.pdf
| 16 | + |
11 | 17 | Eric S. Raymond-The Art of UNIX Programming-Addison-Wesley Professional (2003).epub
12 | 18 | 鸟哥的Linux私房菜-服务器架设篇(第三版)高清晰.pdf
| 19 | + |
13 | 20 | APUE-3rd.pdf
| 21 | + |
14 | 22 | ## software engineering
| 23 | + |
15 | 24 | Code.Complete.2nd.Steve.McConnell.pdf
| 25 | + |
16 | 26 | Working Effectively with Legacy Code.pdf
| 27 | + |
17 | 28 | design-patterns in dynamic programming.ppt
| 29 | + |
18 | 30 | 大话设计模式(带目录完整版).pdf
| 31 | + |
19 | 32 | (Robert C. Martin Series) Martin, R.C.-Clean Architecture_ A Craftsman's Guide to Software Structure and Design-Pearson Education (2017).mobi
| 33 | + |
20 | 34 | Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures.pdf
| 35 | + |
21 | 36 | the_art_of_readable_code.pdf
| 37 | + |
22 | 38 | The Practice of Programming(中文版).pdf
| 39 | + |
23 | 40 | DesignPatterns.pdf
| 41 | + |
24 | 42 | The Practice of Programming(英文版).pdf
| 43 | + |
25 | 44 | Refactoring_improving_the_design_of_existing_code.pdf
| 45 | + |
26 | 46 | ExtremeProgramming.pdf
| 47 | + |
27 | 48 | 架构风格与基于网络的软件架构设计.pdf
| 49 | + |
28 | 50 | K.Beck, M.Fowler -- Planning Extreme Programming.pdf
| 51 | + |
29 | 52 | (Robert C. Martin Series) Martin, R.C.-Clean Architecture_ A Craftsman's Guide to Software Structure and Design-Pearson Education (2017).epub
| 53 | + |
30 | 54 | Clean Code.pdf
| 55 | + |
31 | 56 | Debug It! Find, Repair, and Prevent Bugs in Your Code.pdf
| 57 | + |
32 | 58 | NullObject.pdf
| 59 | + |
33 | 60 | Google_Cpp_Style_guide_CN.pdf
| 61 | + |
34 | 62 | ## game
| 63 | + |
35 | 64 | dead-reckon.pdf
| 65 | + |
36 | 66 | Hybrid Peer-to-Peer Solution forMMORPGs.pdf
| 67 | + |
37 | 68 | Algorithms And Networking For Computer Games.pdf
| 69 | + |
38 | 70 | 游戏之旅-我的编程感悟 云风著 414页 37.5M 高清书签版.pdf
| 71 | + |
39 | 72 | fast-action-net-game.pdf
| 73 | + |
40 | 74 | DOOM启示录.pdf
| 75 | + |
41 | 76 | Game Engine Architecture.pdf
| 77 | + |
42 | 78 | ## architecture
| 79 | + |
43 | 80 | Bonus_Chapter.pdf
| 81 | + |
44 | 82 | Seven Concurrency Models in Seven Weeks.pdf
| 83 | + |
45 | 84 | 1.4亿在线背后的故事-——-腾讯-QQ-IM后台架构的演化与启示.ppt
| 85 | + |
46 | 86 | 七周七并发模型.pdf
| 87 | + |
47 | 88 | The art of multiprocessor programming.pdf
| 89 | + |
48 | 90 | ## computer network
| 91 | + |
49 | 92 | 计算机网络 5edition.pdf
| 93 | + |
50 | 94 | HTTP权威指南(真正的完整版,送给爱学习的人).pdf
| 95 | + |
51 | 96 | HTTP_The+Definitive+Guide.pdf
| 97 | + |
52 | 98 | TCP_IP_第5版.pdf
| 99 | + |
53 | 100 | tcp_ip-illustrated-vol-2.pdf
| 101 | + |
54 | 102 | Richard_Stevens-TCP-IP_Illustrated-EN.pdf
| 103 | + |
55 | 104 | ## others
| 105 | + |
56 | 106 | Debugging With GDB中文版.pdf
| 107 | + |
57 | 108 | proactor.pdf
| 109 | + |
58 | 110 | Head First jQuery.pdf
| 111 | + |
59 | 112 | 精通正则表达式.pdf
| 113 | + |
60 | 114 | An_Introduction_to_GCC_中文.pdf
| 115 | + |
61 | 116 | 大教堂与集市_中英文对照.pdf
| 117 | + |
62 | 118 | 编码的奥秘.pdf
| 119 | + |
63 | 120 | 暗时间.pdf
| 121 | + |
64 | 122 | podc-1996.pdf
| 123 | + |
65 | 124 | How To Ask Questions The Smart Way. Eric Steven Raymond.pdf
| 125 | + |
66 | 126 | 浪潮之巅.pdf
| 127 | + |
67 | 128 | build you own memory manager.pdf
| 129 | + |
68 | 130 | Head First Jquery(中文版).pdf
| 131 | + |
69 | 132 | Debugging With Gdb - The Gnu Source-Level Debugger.pdf
| 133 | + |
70 | 134 | 深入理解Java虚拟机(第2版)-da83.mobi
| 135 | + |
71 | 136 | 数学之美.吴军.影印版.PDF
| 137 | + |
72 | 138 | cpumemory.pdf
| 139 | + |
73 | 140 | Structure And Interpretation Of Computer Programs (SICP).pdf
| 141 | + |
74 | 142 | 如何理解c和c++的复杂类型声明.pdf
| 143 | + |
75 | 144 | 《大教堂与集市》中文版.pdf
| 145 | + |
76 | 146 | threads.pdf
| 147 | + |
77 | 148 | ## database
| 149 | + |
78 | 150 | O'Reilly.High.Performance.MySQL.3rd.Edition.Mar.2012.pdf
| 151 | + |
79 | 152 | Redis in Action.pdf
| 153 | + |
80 | 154 | Redis设计与实现.mobi
| 155 | + |
81 | 156 | SQL必知必会Ben Forta.mobi
| 157 | + |
82 | 158 | QConSF2012-EricBrewer-NoSQLPastPresentFuture.pdf
| 159 | + |
83 | 160 | Mastering Redis.epub
| 161 | + |
84 | 162 | Spanner Googles Globally Distributed Database.pdf
| 163 | + |
85 | 164 | REDIS 入门指南.pdf
| 165 | + |
86 | 166 | ## shell
| 167 | + |
87 | 168 | shell 脚本各种括号的用途.docx
| 169 | + |
88 | 170 | LINUX SHELL脚本攻略(中文版带书签).pdf
| 171 | + |
89 | 172 | ## server
| 173 | + |
90 | 174 | 大型多人在线游戏开发_20.pdf
| 175 | + |
91 | 176 | 百万用户级游戏服务器架构设计 .pdf
| 177 | + |
92 | 178 | 大型网站技术架构+核心原理与案例分析+李智慧.pdf
| 179 | + |
93 | 180 | ## program language
| 181 | + |
94 | 182 | Fluent_Scheme简明中文手册-带书签.pdf
| 183 | + |
95 | 184 | Programming in Lua third edition.pdf
| 185 | + |
96 | 186 | C++ Templates_ The Complete Guide -Addison-Wesley Professional 1ed(2002).epub
| 187 | + |
97 | 188 | C++ C编程指南》.林锐着.pdf
| 189 | + |
98 | 190 | Effective Modern CPP.pdf
| 191 | + |
99 | 192 | Modern C++ Design_ Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied by Andrei Alexandrescu-Addison-Wesley Professional (2001).mobi
| 193 | + |
100 | 194 | The.Little.Schemer.4th.2.pdf
| 195 | + |
101 | 196 | Programming.in.Lua.4th.Edition.2016.8.mobi
| 197 | + |
102 | 198 | Seven Languages in Seven Weeks.pdf
| 199 | + |
103 | 200 | More Effective CPP.pdf
| 201 | + |
104 | 202 | Monads for functional programming.pdf
| 203 | + |
105 | 204 | Lua 5.pdf
| 205 | + |
106 | 206 | Modern C++ Design_ Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied by Andrei Alexandrescu-Addison-Wesley Professional (2001).pdf
| 207 | + |
107 | 208 | C#+6.0+in+a+Nutshell.pdf
| 209 | + |
108 | 210 | build your own memory manager.pdf
| 211 | + |
109 | 212 | Javascrpt 高级程序设计(第3版)英文.pdf
| 213 | + |
110 | 214 | scheme之道.docx
| 215 | + |
111 | 216 | Object-Oriented Programming With ANSI-C.pdf
| 217 | + |
112 | 218 | Programming in Lua, Third Edition by Roberto Ierusalimschy, Lua.org; 3 edition (January 3, 2013).mobi
| 219 | + |
113 | 220 | Threading in C#.pdf
| 221 | + |
114 | 222 | schem-r5rscn.pdf
| 223 | + |
115 | 224 | C++对象模型 PDF中文清晰版.pdf
| 225 | + |
116 | 226 | The Design And Evolution Of Cpp.pdf
| 227 | + |
117 | 228 | C程序设计语言(第2版_新版).pdf
| 229 | + |
118 | 230 | Lua中文教程.pdf
| 231 | + |
119 | 232 | The C Programming Language 2E.pdf
| 233 | + |
120 | 234 | C Interfaces and Implementations.pdf
| 235 | + |
121 | 236 | Effective CPP.pdf
| 237 | + |
122 | 238 | Programming.in.Lua.4th.Edition.pdf
| 239 | + |
123 | 240 | C和指针.pdf
| 241 | + |
124 | 242 | C++ Templates_ The Complete Guide-Addison-Wesley (2017).epub
| 243 | + |
125 | 244 | Simply.Scheme.pdf
| 245 | + |
126 | 246 | readinglua.pdf
| 247 | + |
127 | 248 | 关于_思考函数式编程_几点注记_裘宗燕.pdf
| 249 | + |
128 | 250 | JavaScript高级程序设计(第3版)中文 高清 完整.pdf
| 251 | + |
129 | 252 | C++ Primer Fifth Edition.pdf
| 253 | + |
130 | 254 | The Garbage Collection Handbook.pdf
| 255 | + |
131 | 256 | C语言接口与实现--创建可重用软件的技术.pdf
| 257 | + |
132 | 258 | Turing Machines And Languages With Only Two Formation Rules.pdf
| 259 | + |
133 | 260 | Effective Go - The Go Programming Language.pdf
| 261 | + |
134 | 262 | Programming+Language+Pragmatics+4th.pdf
| 263 | + |
135 | 264 | Lambda和高阶函数_刘新宇.pdf
| 265 | + |
136 | 266 | The Evolution of Lua.pdf
| 267 | + |
137 | 268 | The.MIT.Press.Essentials.of.Programming.Languages.3rd.Edition.Apr.2008.pdf
| 269 | + |
138 | 270 | Masterminds of Programming.pdf
| 271 | + |
139 | 272 | A Little Java A Few Patterns.pdf
| 273 | + |
140 | 274 | 自制编译器 ,青木峰郎著 ,P445.pdf
| 275 | + |
141 | 276 | 两周自制脚本语言高清完整版.pdf
| 277 | + |
142 | 278 | scheme-r5rs.pdf
| 279 | + |
143 | 280 | The_essence_of_functional_programming_(1992).pdf
| 281 | + |
144 | 282 | JavaScript权威指南-第6版.pdf
| 283 | + |
145 | 284 | The Garbage Collection Handbook_The Art of Automatic Memory Management (2011, Chapman and Hall_CRC).epub
| 285 | + |
146 | 286 | The Go Programming Language.pdf
| 287 | + |
147 | 288 | JavaScript权威指南(第6版)(中文版).pdf
| 289 | + |
148 | 290 | C++ Templates_ The Complete Guide-Addison-Wesley (2017).pdf
| 291 | + |
149 | 292 | 垃圾回收的算法与实现.pdf
| 293 | + |
150 | 294 | Programming Language Pragmatics 3rd.pdf
| 295 | + |
151 | 296 | How To Design Programs.pdf
| 297 | + |
152 | 298 | The development of Chez Scheme.pdf
| 299 | + |
153 | 300 | 函数式语言并行化的方法_古志民.pdf
| 301 | + |
154 | 302 | The Essence of Compiling with Continuations.pdf
| 303 | + |
155 | 304 | 如何编写程序(scheme lambda).PDF
| 305 | + |
156 | 306 | The Seasoned Schemer.pdf
| 307 | + |
157 | 308 | 函数式编程语言发展及应用_王学瑞.pdf
| 309 | + |
158 | 310 | Go语言编程.pdf
| 311 | + |
159 | 312 | 思考函数式编程_蔡学镛.pdf
| 313 | + |
160 | 314 | Programming in Lua, Third Edition by Roberto Ierusalimschy, Lua.org; 3 edition (January 3, 2013).epub
| 315 | + |
161 | 316 | ## code exercise
| 317 | + |
162 | 318 | leetcode-cpp.pdf
| 319 | + |
163 | 320 | ## distributed system
| 321 | + |
164 | 322 | Time, Clocks, and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System.pdf
| 323 | + |
165 | 324 | raft-extended.pdf
| 325 | + |
166 | 326 | vm-ft.pdf
| 327 | + |
167 | 328 | Distributed systems basic concepts.pdf
| 329 | + |
168 | 330 | Distributed systems basic concepts.mobi
| 331 | + |
169 | 332 | replication2.pdf
| 333 | + |
170 | 334 | Distributed Systems Concepts and Design 5ed.pdf
| 335 | + |
171 | 336 | Martin Kleppmann-Designing Data-Intensive Applications_ The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems-O’Reilly Media (2017).epub
| 337 | + |
172 | 338 | gfs.pdf
| 339 | + |
173 | 340 | MapReduce Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters.pdf
| 341 | + |
174 | 342 | Perspectives on the CAP TheoremBrewer2.pdf
| 343 | + |
175 | 344 | paxos-simple.pdf
| 345 | + |
176 | 346 | Martin Kleppmann-Designing Data-Intensive Applications_ The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems-O’Reilly Media (2017).pdf
| 347 | + |
177 | 348 | Impossibility of Distributed Consensus with One Faulty Process (FLP Impossibility).pdf
| 349 | + |
178 | 350 | lamport-paxos.pdf
| 351 | + |
179 | 352 | ## data structure and algrithm
| 353 | + |
180 | 354 | lock-free-vector.pdf
| 355 | + |
181 | 356 | 算法引论:一种创造性方法.pdf
| 357 | + |
182 | 358 | 数据结构与算法分析:C语言描述_原书第2版_高清版.pdf
| 359 | + |
183 | 360 | 算法导论中文第二版.pdf
| 361 | + |
184 | 362 | Data Structure For Game Programers - Ron Penton.pdf
| 363 | + |
185 | 364 | RedBlack.pdf
| 365 | + |
186 | 366 | ## tools
| 367 | + |
187 | 368 | progit.pdf
| 369 | + |
188 | 370 | progit-zh.936.mobi
| 371 | + |
189 | 372 | ## container
| 373 | + |
190 | 374 | Docker-for-Virtualization-Admin-eBook.pdf
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