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2397 lines (1854 loc) · 82.1 KB

Yet another Result types implementation


This library consists of three Result types with some tempting features :

  • Optional<TValue>
  • Result<TFault>
  • Result<TFault, TValue>






Execute that command in Package Manager console to install Kontur.Results:

Install-Package Kontur.Results -Version 1.0.1

Execute the following command instead to install Kontur.Results.Monad if you are willing for monadic extensions (implemented separately). It consists of Then, OrElse, Select and do notation:

Install-Package Kontur.Results.Monad -Version 1.0.1


Use cement to add a reference to Kontur.Results assembly.

Execute that command in your cement module:

cm ref add results your-csproj.csproj

Execute the following command in your cement module instead if you are willing for monadic extensions (implemented separately). It consists of Then, OrElse, Select and do notation:

cm ref add results/monad your-csproj.csproj


Checking Result status and extracting data with single method
using Kontur.Results;

Result<int, string> result = "success!"; // implicit conversion

if (result.TryGetValue(out string value, out var faultCode))
   Console.WriteLine(value.ToString()) // OK. Value is not null here. The compiler allows this.

Console.WriteLine("Error code: " + faultCode);
Console.WriteLine(value.ToString()) // warning CS8602: Dereference of a possibly null reference.
Converting Result-way error handling to exception-way error handling
using Kontur.Results;

class DraftError
  public int Code { get; init; }

class DraftClient
   public Task<Result<DraftError, Draft>> CreateDraft()

Result<DraftError, Draft> createDraftResult = await new DraftClient().CreateDraft();
  Draft draft = createDraftResult.GetValueOrThrow();
catch (ResultFailedException<DraftError> ex)
  Console.WriteLine("Error code: " + ex.Fault.Code));
Working with values without extracting it from Result instances
abstract Task<Optional<string>> GetFormLogin();
abstract Optional<Guid> GetUser(LoginModel login);
abstract ValueTask<Optional<Guid>> CreateUser(LoginModel login);

Task<Optional<Guid>> userId =
  .MapValue(str => new LoginModel(str))
  .Then(login => GetUser(login).OrElse(() => CreateUser(login)))
Do notation reduces the count of checks and await operators significantly
abstract ValueTask<Result<Exception, Guid>> GetCurrentUserId();
abstract Result<Exception> EnsureUserIdIsCorrect(Guid userId);
abstract Task<int> GetCurrentIndex();
abstract Task<Result<Exception, string>> GetMessage(Guid userId, int index);
abstract Result<Exception, ConvertResult> Convert(string message, Guid userId);

Task<Result<Exception, ConvertResult>> result =
  from userId  in GetCurrentUserId()
  where EnsureUserIdIsCorrect(userId)
  from index   in GetCurrentIndex()
  let nextIndex = index + 1
  from message in GetMessage(userId, nextIndex)
  select Convert(message, userId);
Data parsing
class NaturalNumber
  private readonly int value;
  private NaturalNumber(int value) => this.value = value;
  public static NaturalNumber operator +(NaturalNumber a, NaturalNumber b) => new NaturalNumber(a.value + b.value);

  public static bool TryParse(int value, [MaybeNullWhen(returnValue: false)] out NaturalNumber number)
    if (value > 0)
      number = new NaturalNumber(value);
      return true;
    number = null;
    return false;

  public static Optional<NaturalNumber> TryParse(int value) => TryParse(value, out var number) ? number : Optional.None();
  public static NaturalNumber Parse(int value) => TryParse(value).GetValueOrThrow();

Result<Exception, int> TryParseString(string input) => int.TryParse(input, out var number)
  ? number
  : new Exception(input + " is not an integer");

Result<Exception, NaturalNumber> result =
  from int1 in TryParseString(Console.ReadLine())
  from natural1 in NaturalNumber.TryParse(int1).OrElse(Result.Fail(new Exception(int1 + " is not positive")))
  from int2 in TryParseString(Console.ReadLine())
  from natural2 in NaturalNumber.TryParse(int2).OrElse(Result.Fail(new Exception(int2 + " is not positive")))
  select natural1 + natural2;
Inheritance to freeze fault type
class StringFaultResult<TValue> : Result<string, TValue>
  private readonly Result<string, TValue> result;

  public StringFaultResult(string fault) => result = fault;
  public StringFaultResult(TValue value) => result = value;

  public override TResult Match<TResult>(Func<string, TResult> onFailure, Func<TValue, TResult> onSuccess)
    => result.Match(onFailure, onSuccess);

public StringFaultResult<int> GenerateInt()
  int randomValue = new Random().Next(0, 10);
  if (randomValue > 0)
    return new StringFaultResult<int>(randomValue);

  return new StringFaultResult<int>("Failed to generate a positive number");


  • Do notation with support of async (Task and ValueTask) execution and without limit on the expression count.

  • Then (And, ContinueWith, ContinueOnSome, Bind) and OrElse (Or, Else, Catch, ContinueOnNone) async extensions that allow chaining.

  • Great interface that allows checking and extracting of data with a single method. See TryGetValue and Match.

  • Explicit behavior of methods. See GetValueOrThrow and GetValueOrDefault. There is no .Result or .Value or .Data properties that have undefined or unexpected behavior if there are no succesful result.

  • TValue and TFault generic parameters are not restricted in any way.

  • There is no specific handling of null values. So you can store nulls as TValue or TFault. Use C# 8 nullable reference types to handle nulls.

  • Assemblies contain only three Result type implementations and extension methods for them. There is no other stuff.

  • Result<TFault, TValue> has no third state. It is restricted by a schema and the compiler that only two states are possible in memory of an application. One of them is HasValue. Other one is HasFault. So there are no bottom or empty state.

  • Result type implementations are if-less and make use of abstract classes polymorphism and VMT to maintain simplicity and error safety. As a result, there is no null-forgiving operator and no third state. Also, there are no ternary operators that check Success flag or similar stuff.

  • Inheritance allows to freeze or limit generic TFault and TValue parameters with user custom type arguments.


  • To enable some features the implementation is based on abstract classes polymorphism. So Result types are not marked readonly (but they are implemented as readonly) and are not struct.

Instantiation of types

Explicit examples:

var optional = Optional.Some("hello"); // Optional<string>
var optional = Optional<string>.Some("hello"); // Optional<string>

var result = Result<Exception>.Succeed("hello"); // Result<Exception, string>
var result = Result<Exception, string>.Succeed("hello"); // Result<Exception, string>

var result = Result<Exception>.Succeed(); // Result<Exception>
var result = Result.Succeed<Exception>(); // Result<Exception>
var optional = Optional.None<string>(); // Optional<string>
var optional = Optional<string>.None(); // Optional<string>

var result = ResultFailure<string>.Create(new Exception()); // Result<Exception, string>
var result = Result<Exception, string>.Fail(new Exception()); // Result<Exception, string>

var result = Result.Fail(new Exception()); // Result<Exception>
var result = Result<Exception>.Fail(new Exception()); // Result<Exception>

Implicit examples:

Optional<string> optional = "hello";
Optional<string> optional = Optional.None();

Result<Exception, string> result = "hello";
Result<Exception, string> result = new Exception();
Result<int, int> result = Result.Succeed(55);
Result<int, int> result = Result.Fail(0);

Result<Exception> result = Result.Succeed();
Result<Exception> result = new Exception();
Optional<string> optional = flag
  ? "Hello"
  : Optional.None();

var optional = flag
  ? Optional.Some("Hello")
  : Optional.None();

var optional = flag
  ? "Hello"
  : Optional<string>.None();
Result<Exception, string> result = flag
  ? "hello"
  : new Exception();

var result = flag
  ? "hello"
  : ResultFailure<string>.Create(new Exception());

var result = flag
  ? Result<Exception>.Succeed("hello")
  : new Exception();

Result<int, int> result = flag
  ? Result.Succeed(0)
  : Result.Fail(-1);

var result = flag
  ? Result<int>.Succeed(0)
  : Result.Fail(-1);

var result = flag
  ? Result.Succeed(0)
  : ResultFailure<int>.Create(-1);
Result<Exception> = flag
  ? new Exception()
  : Result.Succeed();

var result = flag
  ? Result<Exception>.Fail(new Exception())
  : Result.Succeed();

var result = flag
  ? new Exception()
  : Result<Exception>.Succeed();

Some conversions:

Result<Exception, int> source = ...

Result<Exception> target = source;
Optional<int> GetResult(Random random)
  int randomValue = random.Next(0, 10);
  if (randomValue > 10)
    return randomValue;

  return Optional.None();

Extraction of data from instances


Optional<string> optional = ...;

if (optional.TryGetValue(out string value))
  // value is not null here

// value may be null here. If you used it, you would get "warning CS8602: Dereference of a possibly null reference"
Result<Exception, string> result = ...;

if (result.TryGetValue(out string value))
  // value is not null here

// value may be null here. If you used it, you would get "warning CS8602: Dereference of a possibly null reference"
Result<Exception, string> result = ...;

if (result.TryGetValue(out string value, out Exception fault))
  // value is not null here
  // fault may be null here. If you used it, you would get "warning CS8602: Dereference of a possibly null reference"
  // fault is not null here
  // value may be null here. If you used it, you would get "warning CS8602: Dereference of a possibly null reference"

// Both value and fault may be null here. If you used any of them, you would get "warning CS8602: Dereference of a possibly null reference"


Result<Exception> result = ...;

if (result.TryGetFault(out Exception fault))
  // fault is not null here

// fault may be null here. If you used it, you would get "warning CS8602: Dereference of a possibly null reference"
Result<Exception, string> result = ...;

if (result.TryGetFault(out Exception fault))
  // fault is not null here

// fault may be null here. If you used it, you would get "warning CS8602: Dereference of a possibly null reference"
Result<Exception, string> result = ...;

if (result.TryGetFault(out Exception fault, out string value))
  // fault is not null here
  // value may be null here. If you used it, you would get "warning CS8602: Dereference of a possibly null reference"
  // value is not null here
  // fault may be null here. If you use it, you get "warning CS8602: Dereference of a possibly null reference"

// Both value and fault may be null here. If you used any of them, you would get "warning CS8602: Dereference of a possibly null reference"


Optional<int> optional = ...;

string extracted = optional.Match(onNone: () => "valueOnNone", onSome: i => $"Number {i}");
string extracted = optional.Match(onNone: () => "valueOnNone", onSome: () => "Number is present");
string extracted = optional.Match(onNone: () => "valueOnNone", onSomeValue: "Number is present");
string extracted = optional.Match(onNoneValue: "valueOnNone", onSome: i => $"Number {i}");
string extracted = optional.Match(onNoneValue: "valueOnNone", onSome: () => "Number is present");
string extracted = optional.Match(onNoneValue: "valueOnNone", onSomeValue: "Number is present");
Examples with upcast
object upcasted = optional.Match(onNone: () => new object(), onSome: i => $"Number {i}");
object upcasted = optional.Match(onNone: () => new object(), onSome: () => "Number is present");
object upcasted = optional.Match(onNone: () => new object(), onSomeValue: "Number is present");
object upcasted = optional.Match(onNoneValue: new object(), onSome: i => $"Number {i}");
object upcasted = optional.Match(onNoneValue: new object(), onSome: () => "Number is present");
object upcasted = optional.Match(onNoneValue: new object(), onSomeValue: "Number is present");

object upcasted = optional.Match(onNone: () => "valueOnNone", onSome: _ => new object());
object upcasted = optional.Match(onNone: () => "valueOnNone", onSome: () => new object());
object upcasted = optional.Match(onNone: () => "valueOnNone", onSomeValue: new object());
object upcasted = optional.Match(onNoneValue: "valueOnNone", onSome: _ => new object());
object upcasted = optional.Match(onNoneValue: "valueOnNone", onSome: () => new object());
object upcasted = optional.Match(onNoneValue: "valueOnNone", onSomeValue: new object());

object upcasted = optional.Match<object>(onNone: () => new Exception("There is no value"), onSome: i => $"Number {i}");
object upcasted = optional.Match<object>(onNone: () => new Exception("There is no value"), onSome: () => "Number is present");
object upcasted = optional.Match<object>(onNone: () => new Exception("There is no value"), onSomeValue: "Number is present");
object upcasted = optional.Match<object>(onNoneValue: new Exception("There is no value"), onSome: i => $"Number {i}");
object upcasted = optional.Match<object>(onNoneValue: new Exception("There is no value"), onSome: () => "Number is present");
object upcasted = optional.Match<object>(onNoneValue: new Exception("There is no value"), onSomeValue: "Number is present");
Result<Exception, int> result = ...;

string extracted = result.Match(onFailure: ex => ex.Message, onSuccess: i => $"Number {i}");
string extracted = result.Match(onFailure: ex => ex.Message, onSuccess: () => "Number is present");
string extracted = result.Match(onFailure: ex => ex.Message, onSuccessValue: "Number is present");
string extracted = result.Match(onFailure: () => "valueOnNone", onSuccess: i => $"Number {i}");
string extracted = result.Match(onFailure: () => "valueOnNone", onSuccess: () => "Number is present");
string extracted = result.Match(onFailure: () => "valueOnNone", onSuccessValue: "Number is present");
string extracted = result.Match(onFailureValue: "valueOnNone", onSuccess: i => $"Number {i}");
string extracted = result.Match(onFailureValue: "valueOnNone", onSuccess: () => "Number is present");
string extracted = result.Match(onFailureValue: "valueOnNone", onSuccessValue: "Number is present");
Examples with upcast
object upcasted = result.Match(onFailure: ex => new object(), onSuccess: i => $"Number {i}");
object upcasted = result.Match(onFailure: ex => new object(), onSuccess: () => "Number is present");
object upcasted = result.Match(onFailure: ex => new object(), onSuccessValue: "Number is present");
object upcasted = result.Match(onFailure: () => new object(), onSuccess: i => $"Number {i}");
object upcasted = result.Match(onFailure: () => new object(), onSuccess: () => "Number is present");
object upcasted = result.Match(onFailure: () => new object(), onSuccessValue: "Number is present");
object upcasted = result.Match(onFailureValue: new object(), onSuccess: i => $"Number {i}");
object upcasted = result.Match(onFailureValue: new object(), onSuccess: () => "Number is present");
object upcasted = result.Match(onFailureValue: new object(), onSuccessValue: "Number is present");

object upcasted = result.Match(onFailure: ex => ex.Message, onSuccess: _ => new object());
object upcasted = result.Match(onFailure: ex => ex.Message, onSuccess: () => new object());
object upcasted = result.Match(onFailure: ex => ex.Message, onSuccessValue: new object());
object upcasted = result.Match(onFailure: () => "valueOnNone", onSuccess: _ => new object());
object upcasted = result.Match(onFailure: () => "valueOnNone", onSuccess: () => new object());
object upcasted = result.Match(onFailure: () => "valueOnNone", onSuccessValue: new object());
object upcasted = result.Match(onFailureValue: "valueOnNone", onSuccess: _ => new object());
object upcasted = result.Match(onFailureValue: "valueOnNone", onSuccess: () => new object());
object upcasted = result.Match(onFailureValue: "valueOnNone", onSuccessValue: new object());

object upcasted = result.Match<object>(onFailure: ex => ex.Message, onSuccess: i => $"Number {i}");
object upcasted = result.Match<object>(onFailure: ex => ex.Message, onSuccess: () => "Number is present");
object upcasted = result.Match<object>(onFailure: ex => ex.Message), onSuccessValue: "Number is present");
object upcasted = result.Match<object>(onFailure: () => new Exception("There is no value"), onSuccess: i => $"Number {i}");
object upcasted = result.Match<object>(onFailure: () => new Exception("There is no value"), onSuccess: () => "Number is present");
object upcasted = result.Match<object>(onFailure: () => new Exception("There is no value"), onSuccessValue: "Number is present");
object upcasted = result.Match<object>(onFailureValue: new Exception("There is no value"), onSuccess: i => $"Number {i}");
object upcasted = result.Match<object>(onFailureValue: new Exception("There is no value"), onSuccess: () => "Number is present");
object upcasted = result.Match<object>(onFailureValue: new Exception("There is no value"), onSuccessValue: "Number is present");
Result<Exception> result = ...;

string extracted = result.Match(onFailure: ex => ex.Message, onSuccess: () => "Fault is not present");
string extracted = result.Match(onFailure: ex => ex.Message, onSuccessValue: "Fault is not present");
string extracted = result.Match(onFailure: () => "valueOnNone", onSuccess: () => "Fault is not present");
string extracted = result.Match(onFailure: () => "valueOnNone", onSuccessValue: "Fault is not present");
string extracted = result.Match(onFailureValue: "valueOnNone", onSuccess: () => "Fault is not present");
string extracted = result.Match(onFailureValue: "valueOnNone", onSuccessValue: "Fault is not present");
Examples with upcast
object upcasted = result.Match(onFailure: ex => new object(), onSuccess: () => "Fault is not present");
object upcasted = result.Match(onFailure: ex => new object(), onSuccessValue: "Fault is not present");
object upcasted = result.Match(onFailure: () => new object(), onSuccess: () => "Fault is not present");
object upcasted = result.Match(onFailure: () => new object(), onSuccessValue: "Fault is not present");
object upcasted = result.Match(onFailureValue: new object(), onSuccess: () => "Fault is not present");
object upcasted = result.Match(onFailureValue: new object(), onSuccessValue: "Fault is not present");

object upcasted = result.Match(onFailure: ex => ex.Message, onSuccess: () => new object());
object upcasted = result.Match(onFailure: ex => ex.Message, onSuccessValue: new object());
object upcasted = result.Match(onFailure: () => "valueOnNone", onSuccess: () => new object());
object upcasted = result.Match(onFailure: () => "valueOnNone", onSuccessValue: new object());
object upcasted = result.Match(onFailureValue: "valueOnNone", onSuccess: () => new object());
object upcasted = result.Match(onFailureValue: "valueOnNone", onSuccessValue: new object());

object upcasted = result.Match<object>(onFailure: ex => ex.Message, onSuccess: () => "Fault is not present");
object upcasted = result.Match<object>(onFailure: ex => ex.Message), onSuccessValue: "Fault is not present");
object upcasted = result.Match<object>(onFailure: () => new Exception(), onSuccess: () => "Fault is not present");
object upcasted = result.Match<object>(onFailure: () => new Exception(), onSuccessValue: "Fault is not present");
object upcasted = result.Match<object>(onFailureValue: new Exception(), onSuccess: () => "Fault is not present");
object upcasted = result.Match<object>(onFailureValue: new Exception(), onSuccessValue: "Fault is not present");


Optional<int> optional = ...;

  onNone: () => Console.WriteLine("There is no value"),
  onSome: value => Console.WriteLine($"Value is {value}")

  onNone: () => Console.WriteLine("There is no value"),
  onSome: () => Console.WriteLine("Value is present")
Result<Exception, int> result = ...;

  onFailure: fault => Console.WriteLine("Fault is {fault.Message}"),
  onSuccess: value => Console.WriteLine($"Value is {value}")

  onFailure: fault => Console.WriteLine("There is {fault.Message}"),
  onSuccess: () => Console.WriteLine($"Value is present")

  onFailure: () => Console.WriteLine("Fault is present"),
  onSuccess: value => Console.WriteLine($"Value is {value}")

  onFailure: () => Console.WriteLine("Fault is present"),
  onSuccess: () => Console.WriteLine("Value is present")
Result<Exception> result = ...;

  onFailure: fault => Console.WriteLine("Fault is {fault.Message}"),
  onSuccess: () => Console.WriteLine($"There is no fault")
); =

  onFailure: () => Console.WriteLine("Fault is present"),
  onSuccess: () => Console.WriteLine("There is no fault")


Optional<int> optional = ...;

optional.OnSome(value => Console.WriteLine($"Value is {value}"));
optional.OnSome(() => Console.WriteLine("Value is present"));


Optional<int> optional = ...;

optional.OnNone(() => Console.WriteLine("There is no value"));


Result<Exception, int> result = ...;

result.OnSuccess(value => Console.WriteLine($"Value is {value}"));
result.OnSuccess(() => Console.WriteLine("Success"));
Result<Exception> result = ...;

result.OnSuccess(() => Console.WriteLine("Success"));


Result<Exception, string> result = ...;

result.OnFailure(fault => Console.WriteLine($"Fault is {fault.Message}"));
result.OnFailure(() => Console.WriteLine("Failure"));
Result<Exception> result = ...;

result.OnFailure(fault => Console.WriteLine($"Fault is {fault.Message}"));
result.OnFailure(() => Console.WriteLine("Failure"));

Switch/OnSome/OnNone/OnSuccess/OnFailure method chaining

Optional<int> optional = ...;

string result = optional
    onNone: () => Console.WriteLine("There is no value"),
    onSome: value => Console.WriteLine($"Value is {value}"))
  .OnSome(value => Console.WriteLine($"Value is {value}"))
  .OnNone(() => Console.WriteLine("There is no value"))
  .Match(onNoneValue: "valueOnNone", onSome: value => value.ToString());

Result<TFault, TValue> and Result<TFault> have similar syntax.

Switch/OnSome/OnNone/OnSuccess/OnFailure return value upcasting

Optional<string> optional = ...;

Optional<object> upcasted = optional.Switch<object>(
  onNone: () => Console.WriteLine("There is no value"),
  onSome: value => Console.WriteLine($"Value is {value}")
Optional<object> upcasted = optional.Switch<object>(
  onNone: () => Console.WriteLine("There is no value"),
  onSome: () => Console.WriteLine("Value is present")

Optional<object> upcasted = optional.OnSome<object>(value => Console.WriteLine($"Value is {value}"));
Optional<object> upcasted = optional.OnSome<object>(() => Console.WriteLine("Value is present"));

Optional<object> upcasted = optional.OnNone<object>(() => Console.WriteLine("There is no value"));

Result<TFault, TValue> and Result<TFault> have similar syntax.


Optional<string> optional = ...;

string extracted = optional.GetValueOrElse(() => "defaultValue");
string extracted = optional.GetValueOrElse("defaultValue");
Examples with upcast
object upcasted = optional.GetValueOrElse(() => new object());
object upcasted = optional.GetValueOrElse(new object());

object upcasted = optional.GetValueOrElse<object>(() => new Exception("There is no value"));
object upcasted = optional.GetValueOrElse<object>(new Exception("There is no value"));

Optional<object> objectOptional = ...;
object upcasted = objectOptional.GetValueOrElse(() => "defaultValue");
object upcasted = objectOptional.GetValueOrElse("defaultValue");
Result<Exception, string> result = ...;

string extracted = result.GetValueOrElse(fault => $"Converted to success fault: {fault.Message}");
string extracted = result.GetValueOrElse(() => "defaultValue");
string extracted = result.GetValueOrElse("defaultValue");
Examples with upcast
object upcasted = result.GetValueOrElse(_ => new object());
object upcasted = result.GetValueOrElse(() => new object());
object upcasted = result.GetValueOrElse(new object());

object upcasted = result.GetValueOrElse<object>(fault => new Exception(fault.Message));
object upcasted = result.GetValueOrElse<object>(() => new Exception("There is no value"));
object upcasted = result.GetValueOrElse<object>(new Exception("There is no value"));

Result<Exception, object> objectResult = ...;
object upcasted = objectResult.GetValueOrElse(fault => fault.Message);
object upcasted = objectResult.GetValueOrElse(() => "defaultValue");
object upcasted = objectResult.GetValueOrElse("defaultValue");


Result<Exception, string> result = ...;

Exception extracted = result.GetFaultOrElse(value => new Exception(value));
Exception extracted = result.GetFaultOrElse(() => new Exception());
Exception extracted = result.GetFaultOrElse(new Exception());
Examples with upcast
object upcasted = result.GetFaultOrElse(_ => new object());
object upcasted = result.GetFaultOrElse(() => new object());
object upcasted = result.GetFaultOrElse(new object());

object upcasted = result.GetFaultOrElse<object>(value => value);
object upcasted = result.GetFaultOrElse<object>(() => "There is no fault");
object upcasted = result.GetFaultOrElse<object>("There is no fault");

Result<object, string> objectResult = ...;
object upcasted = objectResult.GetFaultOrElse(value => value);
object upcasted = objectResult.GetFaultOrElse(() => "defaultFault");
object upcasted = objectResult.GetFaultOrElse("defaultFault");
Result<Exception> result = ...;

Exception extracted = result.GetFaultOrElse(() => new Exception());
Exception extracted = result.GetFaultOrElse(new Exception());
Examples with upcast
object upcasted = result.GetFaultOrElse(() => new object());
object upcasted = result.GetFaultOrElse(new object());

object upcasted = result.GetFaultOrElse<object>(() => "There is no fault");
object upcasted = result.GetFaultOrElse<object>("There is no fault");

Result<object> objectResult = ...;
object upcasted = objectResult.GetFaultOrElse(() => "defaultFault");
object upcasted = objectResult.GetFaultOrElse("defaultFault");


Optional<string> optional = ...;

string extracted = optional.GetValueOrThrow(); // Throws `ValueMissingException` on None
string extracted = optional.GetValueOrThrow(new Exception("There is no value"));
string extracted = optional.GetValueOrThrow(() => new Exception("There is no value"));

object upcasted = optional.GetValueOrThrow<object>();
object upcasted = optional.GetValueOrThrow<object>(new Exception("There is no value"));
object upcasted = optional.GetValueOrThrow<object>(() => new Exception("There is no value"));
Result<Exception, string> result = ...;

string extracted = result.GetValueOrThrow(); // Throws `ResultFailedException<Exception>` on Failure
string extracted = result.GetValueOrThrow(new Exception("There is no value"));
string extracted = result.GetValueOrThrow(() => new Exception("There is no value"));
string extracted = result.GetValueOrThrow(fault => new Exception(fault.Message));

object upcasted = result.GetValueOrThrow<object>();
object upcasted = result.GetValueOrThrow<object>(new Exception("There is no value"));
object upcasted = result.GetValueOrThrow<object>(() => new Exception("There is no value"));
object upcasted = result.GetValueOrThrow<object>(fault => new Exception(fault.Message));

To override exception thrown by default for a specific TValue you can implement an extension method with the specific TValue in your namespace. You can also use inheritance to override exception thrown by default for TValue in any namespace.

namespace CustomValues
  class CustomValue
  static class GetValueOrThrowExtensions
    static CustomValue GetValueOrThrow(this Optional<CustomValue> optional)
      return optional.GetValueOrThrow(new Exception("Overiden!"));

    static CustomValue GetValueOrThrow<TFault>(this Result<TFault, CustomValue> result)
      return result.GetValueOrThrow(new Exception("Overiden!"));


Result<Exception, string> result = ...;

Exception extracted = result.GetFaultOrThrow(); // Throws `ResultSucceedException<string>` on Success
Exception extracted = result.GetFaultOrThrow(new Exception("There is no fault"));
Exception extracted = result.GetFaultOrThrow(() => new Exception("There is no fault"));
Exception extracted = result.GetFaultOrThrow(value => new Exception(value));

object upcasted = result.GetFaultOrThrow<object>();
object upcasted = result.GetFaultOrThrow<object>(new Exception("There is no fault"));
object upcasted = result.GetFaultOrThrow<object>(() => new Exception("There is no fault"));
object upcasted = result.GetFaultOrThrow<object>(value => new Exception(value));
Result<Exception> result = ...;

Exception extracted = result.GetFaultOrThrow(); // Throws `ResultSucceedException` on Success
Exception extracted = result.GetFaultOrThrow(new Exception("There is no fault"));
Exception extracted = result.GetFaultOrThrow(() => new Exception("There is no fault"));

object upcasted = result.GetFaultOrThrow<object>();
object upcasted = result.GetFaultOrThrow<object>(new Exception("There is no fault"));
object upcasted = result.GetFaultOrThrow<object>(() => new Exception("There is no fault"));

To override exception thrown by default exception for a specific TFault you can implement an extension method with the specific TFault in your namespace. You can also use inheritance to override exception thrown by default for TFault in any namespace.

namespace CustomFaults
  class CustomFault
  static class GetValueOrThrowExtensions
    static CustomFault GetFaultOrThrow(this Result<CustomFault> result)
      return result.GetFaultOrThrow(new Exception("Overridden!"));

    static CustomFault GetFaultOrThrow<TValue>(this Result<CustomFault, TValue> result)
      return result.GetFaultOrThrow(new Exception("Overridden!"));


Optional<string> optional = ...;

string? extracted = optional.GetValueOrDefault(); // null or actual value for reference types

object? upcasted = optional.GetValueOrDefault<object>();
Optional<int> optional = ...;

int extracted = optional.GetValueOrDefault();  // 0 or actual value for the value type
Result<Exception, string> result = ...;

string? extracted = result.GetValueOrDefault(); // null or actual value for reference types

object? upcasted = result.GetValueOrDefault<object>();
Result<Exception, int> result = ...;

int extracted = result.GetValueOrDefault();  // 0 or actual value for the value type


Result<Exception, string> result = ...;

Exception? extracted = result.GetFaultOrDefault(); // null or actual fault for reference types

object? upcasted = result.GetFaultOrDefault<object>();
Result<int, string> result = ...;

int extracted = result.GetFaultOrDefault();  // 0 or actual fault for the value type
Result<Exception> result = ...;

Exception? extracted = result.GetFaultOrDefault(); // null or actual fault for reference types

object? upcasted = result.GetFaultOrDefault<object>();
Result<int> result = ...;

int extracted = result.GetFaultOrDefault();  // 0 or actual fault for the value type


This method can be applied to non-nullable value types (structs) only.

Optional<int> optional = ...;

int? extracted = optional.GetValueOrNull(); // null or actual value
Result<Exception, int> result = ...;

int? extracted = result.GetValueOrNull(); // null or actual value

Upcasts are not supported.


This method can be applied to non-nullable value types (structs) only.

Result<int, string> result = ...;

int? extracted = result.GetFaultOrNull(); // null or actual fault
Result<int> result = ...;

int? extracted = result.GetFaultOrNull(); // null or actual fault

Upcasts are not supported.


Optional<string> optional = ...;

// Nothing if `Some`
optional.EnsureHasValue(); // Throws `ValueMissingException` on None
optional.EnsureHasValue(new Exception("There is no value"));
optional.EnsureHasValue(() => new Exception("There is no value"))

To override exception thrown by default exception for a specific TValue you can implement an extension method with the specific TValue in your namespace. You can also use inheritance to override exception thrown by default for TValue in any namespace.

namespace Custom
  class CustomValue
  static class EnsureHasValueExtensions
    static void EnsureHasValue(this Optional<CustomValue> optional)
      return optional.EnsureHasValue(new Exception("Overridden!"));


Optional<string> optional = ...;

// Nothing if `None`
optional.EnsureNone(); // Throws `ValueExistsException<string>` if `Some`
optional.EnsureNone(new Exception("There is value"));
optional.EnsureNone(() => new Exception("There is value"))
optional.EnsureNone(value => new Exception($"There is value: {value}"))

To override exception thrown by default exception for a specific TValue you can implement an extension method with the specific TValue in your namespace. You can also use inheritance to override exception thrown by default for TValue in any namespace.

namespace Custom
  class CustomValue
  static class EnsureNoneExtensions
    static void EnsureNone(this Optional<CustomValue> optional)
      return optional.EnsureNone(new Exception("Overridden!"));


Result<Exception, string> result = ...;

// Nothing if `Success`
result.EnsureSuccess(); // Throws `ResultFailedException<Exception>` on Failure
result.EnsureSuccess(new Exception("There is no value"));
result.EnsureSuccess(() => new Exception("There is no value"))
result.EnsureSuccess(fault => new Exception(fault.Message))
Result<Exception> result = ...;

// Nothing if `Success`
result.EnsureSuccess(); // Throws `ResultFailedException<Exception>` on Failure
result.EnsureSuccess(new Exception("It's failure"));
result.EnsureSuccess(() => new Exception("It's failure"))
result.EnsureSuccess(fault => new Exception(fault.Message))

To override exception thrown by default exception for a specific TValue or TFault you can implement an extension method with the specific TValue or TFault in your namespace. You can also use inheritance to override exception thrown by default for TFault or TValue in any namespace.

namespace CustomTypes
  class CustomFault
  class CustomValue
  static class EnsureSuccessExtensions
    static void EnsureSuccess<TFault>(this Result<TFault, CustomValue> result)
      return result.EnsureSuccess(new Exception("Overridden!"));
    static void EnsureSuccess(this Result<CustomFault> result)
      return result.EnsureSuccess(new Exception("Overridden!"));


Result<Exception, string> result = ...;

// Nothing if `Failure`
result.EnsureFailure(); // Throws `ResultSucceedException<string>` on Success
result.EnsureFailure(new Exception("There is no fault"));
result.EnsureFailure(() => new Exception("There is no fault"))
result.EnsureFailure(value => new Exception(value))
Result<Exception> result = ...;

// Nothing if `Failure`
result.EnsureFailure(); // Throws `ResultSucceedException` on Success
result.EnsureFailure(new Exception("It's success"));
result.EnsureFailure(() => new Exception("It's success"))

To override exception thrown by default exception for a specific TValue or TFault you can implement an extension method with the specific TValue or TFault in your namespace. You can also use inheritance to override exception thrown by default for TFaultor TValue in any namespace.

namespace CustomTypes
  class CustomFault
  class CustomValue
  static class EnsureFailureExtensions
    static void EnsureFailure<TFault>(this Result<TFault, CustomValue> result)
      return result.EnsureFailure(new Exception("Overridden!"));
    static void EnsureFailure(this Result<CustomFault> result)
      return result.EnsureFailure(new Exception("Overridden!"));


Optional<string> optional = "has value";

bool extracted = optional.HasSome; // true
Optional<string> optional = Optional.None();

bool extracted = optional.HasSome; // false


Optional<string> optional = "has value";

bool extracted = optional.IsNone; // false
Optional<string> optional = Optional.None();

bool extracted = optional.IsNone; // true


Result<Exception, string> result = "has value";

bool extracted = result.Success; // true
Result<Exception, string> result = new Exception();

bool extracted = result.Success; // false
Result<Exception> result = Result.Succeed();

bool extracted = result.Success; // true
Result<Exception> result = new Exception();

bool extracted = result.Success; // false


Result<Exception, string> result = "has value";

bool extracted = result.Failure; // false
Result<Exception, string> result = new Exception();

bool extracted = result.Failure; // true
Result<Exception> result = Result.Succeed();

bool extracted = result.Failure; // false
Result<Exception> result = new Exception();

bool extracted = result.Failure; // true

LINQ method syntax (GetValues, GetFaults)

Optional<string> optional = ...;

// `[]` if `None`
// `[value]` if `Some`
IEnumerable<string> values = optional
  .ToArray(); // optional

IEnumerable<object> upcasted = optional.GetValues<object>();
Result<Exception, string> result = ...;

// `[]` if `Failure`
// `[value]` if `Success`
IEnumerable<string> values = result.GetValues().ToArray();

IEnumerable<object> upcasted = result.GetValues<object>();
Result<Exception, string> result = ...;

// `[exception]` if `Failure`
// `[]` if `Success`
IEnumerable<Exception> faults = result.GetFaults().ToArray();

IEnumerable<object> upcasted = result.GetFaults<object>();
Result<Exception> result = ...;

// `[exception]` if `Failure`
// `[]` if `Success`
IEnumerable<Exception> faults = result.GetFaults().ToArray();

IEnumerable<object> upcasted = result.GetFaults<object>();

LINQ query syntax

There is no preferred way of combining the IEnumerable and Optional or Result. You can choose a variant that suits your needs and implement it in your project. Some variants are found in the tests folder.

Some examples:

Threat Result and Optional as containers with single or no elements

This is the simplest variant. But using it results in losing fault details.

Optional<int> optional = Optional.Some(10);

IEnumerable<int> extracted =
  from value in optional
  from i1 in new [] { 1, 2 }
  from i2 in new [] { 100, 200 }
  select value + i1 + i2;

IEnumerable<int> extracted =
  from i1 in new [] { 1, 2 }
  from value in optional
  from i2 in new [] { 100, 200 }
  select i1 + value + i2;

// extracted is [111, 112, 211, 212].
Optional<int> optional = Optional.Some(10);

IEnumerable<int> extracted =
  from value in optional
  from i1 in new [] { 1, 2 }
  from i2 in Array.Empty<int>()
  select value + i1 + i2;

IEnumerable<int> extracted =
  from i1 in new [] { 1, 2 }
  from value in optional
  from i2 in Array.Empty<int>()
  select i1 + value + i2;

// extracted is empty.
Optional<int> optional = Optional.None();

IEnumerable<int> extracted =
  from value in optional
  from i in new [] { 1, 2 }
  select value + i;

IEnumerable<int> extracted =
  from i in new [] { 1, 2 }
  from value in optional
  select value + i;

// extracted is empty.
To implement it you can use the code
public static IEnumerable<TResult> SelectMany<TValue, TItem, TResult>(
  this IOptional<TValue> optional,
  Func<TValue, IEnumerable<TItem>> collectionSelector,
  Func<TValue, TItem, TResult> resultSelector)
  return optional.GetValues().SelectMany(collectionSelector, resultSelector);

public static IEnumerable<TResult> SelectMany<TItem, TValue, TResult>(
  this IEnumerable<TItem> collection,
  Func<TItem, IOptional<TValue>> optionSelector,
  Func<TItem, TValue, TResult> resultSelector)
  return collection.SelectMany(value => optionSelector(value).GetValues(), resultSelector);
Result<Exception, int> result = Result.Succeed(10);

IEnumerable<int> extracted =
  from value in result
  from i1 in new [] { 1, 2 }
  from i2 in new [] { 100, 200 }
  select value + i1 + i2;

IEnumerable<int> extracted =
  from i1 in new [] { 1, 2 }
  from value in result
  from i2 in new [] { 100, 200 }
  select i1 + value + i2;

// extracted is [111, 112, 211, 212].
Result<Exception, int> result = Result.Succeed(10);

IEnumerable<int> extracted =
  from value in result
  from i1 in new [] { 1, 2 }
  from i2 in Array.Empty<int>()
  select value + i1 + i2;

IEnumerable<int> extracted =
  from i1 in new [] { 1, 2 }
  from value in result
  from i2 in Array.Empty<int>()
  select i1 + value + i2;

// extracted is empty.
Result<Exception, int> result = Result.Fail(new Exception());

IEnumerable<int> extracted =
  from value in result
  from i in new [] { 1, 2 }
  select value + i;

IEnumerable<int> extracted =
  from i in new [] { 1, 2 }
  from value in result
  select value + i;

// extracted is empty.
To implement it you can use the code
public static IEnumerable<TResult> SelectMany<TFault, TValue, TItem, TResult>(
  this IResult<TFault, TValue> result,
  Func<TValue, IEnumerable<TItem>> collectionSelector,
  Func<TValue, TItem, TResult> resultSelector)
  return result.GetValues().SelectMany(collectionSelector, resultSelector);

public static IEnumerable<TResult> SelectMany<TItem, TFault, TValue, TResult>(
  this IEnumerable<TItem> collection,
  Func<TItem, IResult<TFault, TValue>> selector,
  Func<TItem, TValue, TResult> resultSelector)
  return collection.SelectMany(value => selector(value).GetValues(), resultSelector);

Returning the first found fault

This is is the most useful way of combining data.

Optional<int> optional = Optional.Some(10);

Optional<IEnumerable<int>> extracted =
  from value in optional
  from i1 in new [] { 1, 2 }
  from i2 in new [] { 100, 200 }
  select value + i1 + i2;

Optional<IEnumerable<int>> extracted =
  from i1 in new [] { 1, 2 }
  from value in optional
  from i2 in new [] { 100, 200 }
  select i1 + value + i2;

// extracted is [111, 112, 211, 212].
Optional<int> optional = Optional.Some(10);

Optional<IEnumerable<int>> extracted =
  from value in optional
  from i1 in new [] { 1, 2 }
  from i2 in Array.Empty<int>()
  select value + i1 + i2;

Optional<IEnumerable<int>> extracted =
  from i1 in new [] { 1, 2 }
  from value in optional
  from i2 in Array.Empty<int>()
  select i1 + value + i2;

// extracted is empty.
Optional<int> optional = Optional.None();

Optional<IEnumerable<int>> extracted =
  from value in optional
  from i in new [] { 1, 2 }
  select value + i;

Optional<IEnumerable<int>> extracted =
  from i in new [] { 1, 2 }
  from value in optional
  select value + i;

// extracted is `None`.
To implement it, four `SelectMany` methods can be used
static Optional<IEnumerable<TResult>> SelectMany<TItem, TValue, TResult>(
  this IEnumerable<TItem> collection,
  Func<TItem, Optional<TValue>> optionalSelector,
  Func<TItem, TValue, TResult> resultSelector)
  List<TResult> results = new();
  foreach (var item in collection)
    if (!optionalSelector(item).TryGetValue(out var value))
      return Optional.None();
    results.Add(resultSelector(item, value));
  return results;

static Optional<IEnumerable<TResult>> SelectMany<TItem1, TItem2, TResult>(
  this Optional<IEnumerable<TItem1>> optional,
  Func<TItem1, IEnumerable<TItem2>> collectionSelector,
  Func<TItem1, TItem2, TResult> resultSelector) =>
  optional.MapValue(values => values.SelectMany(value => collectionSelector(value).Select(item => resultSelector(value, item))));

static Optional<IEnumerable<TResult>> SelectMany<TValue, TItem, TResult>(
  this Optional<IEnumerable<TValue>> optional,
  Func<TValue, Optional<TItem>> collectionSelector,
  Func<TValue, TItem, TResult> resultSelector) =>
    values => SelectMany(values, collectionSelector, resultSelector));

// To allow infinite chaining the following method could be placed in local namespace and other 3 methods can be placed in root namespace
static Optional<IEnumerable<TResult>> SelectMany<TValue, TItem, TResult>(
  this Optional<TValue> optional,
  Func<TValue, IEnumerable<TItem>> collectionSelector,
  Func<TValue, TItem, TResult> resultSelector) =>
  optional.MapValue(value => collectionSelector(value).Select(item => resultSelector(value, item)));
Result<Exception, int> result = Result.Succeed(10);

Result<Exception, IEnumerable<int>> extracted =
  from value in result
  from i1 in new [] { 1, 2 }
  from i2 in new [] { 100, 200 }
  select value + i1 + i2;

Result<Exception, IEnumerable<int>> extracted =
  from i1 in new [] { 1, 2 }
  from value in result
  from i2 in new [] { 100, 200 }
  select i1 + value + i2;

// extracted is [111, 112, 211, 212].
Result<Exception, int> result = Result.Succeed(10);

Result<Exception, IEnumerable<int>> extracted =
  from value in result
  from i1 in new [] { 1, 2 }
  from i2 in Array.Empty<int>()
  select value + i1 + i2;

Result<Exception, IEnumerable<int>> extracted =
  from i1 in new [] { 1, 2 }
  from value in result
  from i2 in Array.Empty<int>()
  select i1 + value + i2;

// extracted is empty.
Result<Exception, int> result = Result.Fail(new Exception("fault"));

Result<Exception, IEnumerable<int>> extracted =
  from value in result
  from i in new [] { 1, 2 }
  select value + i;

Result<Exception, IEnumerable<int>> extracted =
  from i in new [] { 1, 2 }
  from value in result
  select value + i;

// extracted is Exception("fault").
To implement it, four `SelectMany` methods can be used
static Result<TFault, IEnumerable<TResult>> SelectMany<TItem, TFault, TValue, TResult>(
  this IEnumerable<TItem> collection,
  Func<TItem, Result<TFault, TValue>> selector,
  Func<TItem, TValue, TResult> resultSelector)
  List<TResult> results = new();
  foreach (var item in collection)
    if (selector(item).TryGetFault(out var fault, out var value))
      return fault;
    results.Add(resultSelector(item, value));
  return results;

static Result<TFault, IEnumerable<TResult>> SelectMany<TFault, TItem1, TItem2, TResult>(
  this Result<TFault, IEnumerable<TItem1>> result,
  Func<TItem1, IEnumerable<TItem2>> collectionSelector,
  Func<TItem1, TItem2, TResult> resultSelector) =>
  result.MapValue(values => values.SelectMany(value => collectionSelector(value).Select(item => resultSelector(value, item))));

static Result<TFault, IEnumerable<TResult>> SelectMany<TFault, TValue, TItem, TResult>(
  this Result<TFault, IEnumerable<TValue>> result,
  Func<TValue, Result<TFault, TItem>> collectionSelector,
  Func<TValue, TItem, TResult> resultSelector) =>
    Result<TFault, IEnumerable<TResult>>.Fail,
    values => SelectMany(values, collectionSelector, resultSelector));

// To allow infinite chaining the following method could be placed in local namespace and other 3 methods can be placed in root namespace
static Result<TFault, IEnumerable<TResult>> SelectMany<TFault, TValue, TItem, TResult>(
            this Result<TFault, TValue> result,
            Func<TValue, IEnumerable<TItem>> collectionSelector,
            Func<TValue, TItem, TResult> resultSelector) =>
            result.MapValue(value => collectionSelector(value).Select(item => resultSelector(value, item)));


string FindValue(Optional<int> optional)
  foreach(var value in optional)
    return value + " is found!";

  return "no value found";
string FindValue(Result<Exception, int> result)
  foreach(var value in result)
    return value + " is found!";

  return "no value found";


Optional<string> optional = ...;

// `None<string>` if `None`
// `Some<string> value={Value}` if `Some`
string str = optional.ToString();
Result<int, string> result = ...;

// `ResultFailure<Int32, string> fault={Fault}` if `Failure`
// `ResultSuccess<Int32, string> value={Value}` if `Success`
string str = result.ToString();
Result<int> result = ...;

// `ResultFailure<Int32> fault={Fault}` if `Failure`
// `ResultSuccess<Int32>` if `Success`
string str = result.ToString();


You can upcast a return value of many data extraction methods by providing a type argument or by combining two arguments of different types in a single method call.


Optional<string> optional = ...

Optional<object> upcasted1 = optional.OnNone<object>(str => Console.WriteLine(str));
Optional<object> upcasted2 = optional.Match(onNone: () => new object(), onSome: str => str);

Only safe upcasts are allowed. For example, Optional<string> can be converted to Optional<object> but not vice versa.

Safety is enforced by covariance rules. So:

  • Upcasts are only supported for reference types because covariance can not be used with value types.
  • Upcasts are only supported for synchronous methods because Task<T> and ValueTask<T> types do not support covariance.

Conversion of generic arguments

All conversion methods except Upcast method support async extensions for every listed synchronous scenario. All synchronous methods support upcasts of TFault and TValue.

Async extensions make use of methods returning Task<T>, ValueTask<T> and inline async lambdas. For example:

async Task<int> Get1(int number) => number + 1;
async ValueTask<int> Get2(number) => number - 1;

Task<Optional<int>> Get(Task<Optional<int>> optional)
  return optional
    .MapValue(i => Get1(i))
    .MapValue(i => Get2(i))
    .MapValue(async i => await Get1(i));

If there is at least one async method in a chain returning Task<T> the result is Task<T2>. Otherwise, the result is ValueTask<T2>.


MapValue changes value or/and type of TValue.

Optional<string> optional = ...;

Optional<string> extracted = optional.MapValue(str => str + "suffix");
Optional<string> extracted = optional.MapValue(() => "new value");
Optional<string> extracted = optional.MapValue("other string");

Optional<int> extracted = optional.MapValue(str => int.Parse(str));
Optional<int> extracted = optional.MapValue(() => int.Parse("123"));
Optional<int> extracted = optional.MapValue(15);
Async examples
Optional<string> optional = ...;

ValueTask<Optional<string>> extracted = optional.MapValue(async str => await Task.FromResult(str));
ValueTask<Optional<string>> extracted = optional.MapValue(str => new ValueTask(str));
Task<Optional<string>> extracted = optional.MapValue(str => Task.FromResult(str));
ValueTask<Optional<string>> optional = ...;

ValueTask<Optional<string>> extracted = optional.MapValue(str => str + "suffix");
ValueTask<Optional<string>> extracted = optional.MapValue(async str => await Task.FromResult(str));
ValueTask<Optional<string>> extracted = optional.MapValue(str => new ValueTask(str));
Task<Optional<string>> extracted = optional.MapValue(str => Task.FromResult(str));
Task<Optional<string>> optional = ...;

Task<Optional<string>> extracted = optional.MapValue(str => str + "suffix");
Task<Optional<string>> extracted = optional.MapValue(async str => await Task.FromResult(str));
Task<Optional<string>> extracted = optional.MapValue(str => new ValueTask(str));
Task<Optional<string>> extracted = optional.MapValue(str => Task.FromResult(str));
Result<Guid, string> result = ...;

Result<Guid, string> extracted = result.MapValue(str => str + "suffix");
Result<Guid, string> extracted = result.MapValue(() => "new value");
Result<Guid, string> extracted = result.MapValue("other string");

Result<Guid, int> extracted = result.MapValue(str => int.Parse(str));
Result<Guid, int> extracted = result.MapValue(() => int.Parse("123"));
Result<Guid, int> extracted = result.MapValue(15);
Async examples
Result<Guid, string> result = ...;

ValueTask<Result<Guid, string>> extracted = result.MapValue(async str => await Task.FromResult(str));
ValueTask<Result<Guid, string>> extracted = result.MapValue(str => new ValueTask(str));
Task<Result<Guid, string>> extracted = result.MapValue(str => Task.FromResult(str));
ValueTask<Result<Guid, string>> result = ...;

ValueTask<Result<Guid, string>> extracted = result.MapValue(str => str + "suffix");
ValueTask<Result<Guid, string>> extracted = result.MapValue(async str => await Task.FromResult(str));
ValueTask<Result<Guid, string>> extracted = result.MapValue(str => new ValueTask(str));
Task<Result<Guid, string>> extracted = result.MapValue(str => Task.FromResult(str));
Task<Result<Guid, string>> result = ...;

Task<Result<Guid, string>> extracted = result.MapValue(str => str + "suffix");
Task<Result<Guid, string>> extracted = result.MapValue(async str => await Task.FromResult(str));
Task<Result<Guid, string>> extracted = result.MapValue(str => new ValueTask(str));
Task<Result<Guid, string>> extracted = result.MapValue(str => Task.FromResult(str));


MapFault changes value or/and type of TFault.

Result<string, Guid> result = ...;

Result<string, Guid> extracted = result.MapFault(str => str + "suffix");
Result<string, Guid> extracted = result.MapFault(() => "new fault");
Result<string, Guid> extracted = result.MapFault("other string");

Result<int, Guid> extracted = result.MapFault(str => int.Parse(str));
Result<int, Guid> extracted = result.MapFault(() => int.Parse("123"));
Result<int, Guid> extracted = result.MapFault(15);
Async examples
Result<string, Guid> result = ...;

ValueTask<Result<string, Guid>> extracted = result.MapFault(async str => await Task.FromResult(str));
ValueTask<Result<string, Guid>> extracted = result.MapFault(str => new ValueTask(str));
Task<Result<string, Guid>> extracted = result.MapFault(str => Task.FromResult(str));
ValueTask<Result<string, Guid>> result = ...;

ValueTask<Result<string, Guid>> extracted = result.MapFault(str => str + "suffix");
ValueTask<Result<string, Guid>> extracted = result.MapFault(async str => await Task.FromResult(str));
ValueTask<Result<string, Guid>> extracted = result.MapFault(str => new ValueTask(str));
Task<Result<string, Guid>> extracted = result.MapFault(str => Task.FromResult(str));
Task<Result<string, Guid>> result = ...;

Task<Result<string, Guid>> extracted = result.MapFault(str => str + "suffix");
Task<Result<string, Guid>> extracted = result.MapFault(async str => await Task.FromResult(str));
Task<Result<string, Guid>> extracted = result.MapFault(str => new ValueTask(str));
Task<Result<string, Guid>> extracted = result.MapFault(str => Task.FromResult(str));
Result<string> result = ...;

Result<string> extracted = result.MapFault(str => str + "suffix");
Result<string> extracted = result.MapFault(() => "new fault");
Result<string> extracted = result.MapFault("other string");

Result<int> extracted = result.MapFault(str => int.Parse(str));
Result<int> extracted = result.MapFault(() => int.Parse("123"));
Result<int> extracted = result.MapFault(15);
Async examples
Result<string> result = ...;

ValueTask<Result<string>> extracted = result.MapFault(async str => await Task.FromResult(str));
ValueTask<Result<string>> extracted = result.MapFault(str => new ValueTask(str));
Task<Result<string>> extracted = result.MapFault(str => Task.FromResult(str));
ValueTask<Result<string>> result = ...;

ValueTask<Result<string>> extracted = result.MapFault(str => str + "suffix");
ValueTask<Result<string>> extracted = result.MapFault(async str => await Task.FromResult(str));
ValueTask<Result<string>> extracted = result.MapFault(str => new ValueTask(str));
Task<Result<string>> extracted = result.MapFault(str => Task.FromResult(str));
Task<Result<string>> result = ...;

Task<Result<string>> extracted = result.MapFault(str => str + "suffix");
Task<Result<string>> extracted = result.MapFault(async str => await Task.FromResult(str));
Task<Result<string>> extracted = result.MapFault(str => new ValueTask(str));
Task<Result<string>> extracted = result.MapFault(str => Task.FromResult(str));


Optional<string> optional = ...;

// Compiles
Optional<object> objectOptional = optional.Upcast<object>();

// Does not compile
var doesNotCompile = objectOptional.Upcast<string>();
Result<string> result = ...;

// Compiles
Result<object> objectResult = result.Upcast<object>();

// Does not compile
var doesNotCompile = objectResult.Upcast<string>();
Result<string, string> result = ...;

// Compiles
Result<object, string> objectResult1 = result.Upcast<object, string>();
Result<string, object> objectResult2 = result.Upcast<string, string>();
Result<object, object> objectResult3 = result.Upcast<object, object>();

// Does not compile
var doesNotCompile = objectResult1.Upcast<string, string>();
var doesNotCompile = objectResult2.Upcast<string, string>();
var doesNotCompile = objectResult3.Upcast<string, string>();

Async extensions are not supported Upcast methods.

Result combining

There are some monadic extensions that can help you to reduce lines and errors in your code. All Optional/Result combining methods support async extensions for every listed synchronous scenario.

Currently synchronous Optional/Result combining methods do not support upcasts of TFault and TValue.


Then is Then (And, ContinueWith, ContinueOnSome, Bind) Result combining method.

If a first optional/result is None/Failure then the None/Failure is returned. If the first optional/result is Some/Success then a second optional/result is returned. The second Optional/Result factory method is only executed if the first Optional/Result is Some/Success.

TFault types should be identical. Upcasts are not supported yet. TValue types can be different.

Optional<int> optional1 = ...;
Optional<string> optional2 = ...;

// If optional1 is None then None is returned.
// Otherwise optional2 is returned.
Optional<string> result = optional1.Then(optional2);
Optional<string> result = optional1.Then(() => optional2);
Optional<string> result = optional1.Then(i => i > 10 ? Optional<string>.Some(i.ToString()) : Optional<string>.None());
Async examples
Optional<int> optional1 = ...;
Optional<string> optional2 = ...;

ValueTask<Optional<string>> result = optional1.Then(async value => await Task.FromResult(optional2));
ValueTask<Optional<string>> result = optional1.Then(value => new ValueTask(optional2));
Task<Optional<string>> result = optional1.Then(value => Task.FromResult(optional2));

ValueTask<Optional<string>> result = new ValueTask(optional1).Then(value => optional2);
ValueTask<Optional<string>> result = new ValueTask(optional1).Then(async value => await Task.FromResult(optional2));
ValueTask<Optional<string>> result = new ValueTask(optional1).Then(value => new ValueTask(optional2));
Task<Optional<string>> result = new ValueTask(optional1).Then(value => Task.FromResult(optional2));

Task<Optional<string>> result = Task.FromResult(optional1).Then(value => optional2);
Task<Optional<string>> result = Task.FromResult(optional1).Then(async value => await Task.FromResult(optional2));
Task<Optional<string>> result = Task.FromResult(optional1).Then(value => new ValueTask(optional2));
Task<Optional<string>> result = Task.FromResult(optional1).Then(value => Task.FromResult(optional2));
Result<Exception, int> result1 = ...;
Result<Exception, string> result2 = ...;

// If option1 is None then None is returned.
// Otherwise option2 is returned.
Result<Exception, string> result = result1.Then(result2);
Result<Exception, string> result = result1.Then(() => result2);
Result<Exception, string> result = result1.Then(i => i > 10 ? Result<Exception, string>.Success(i.ToString()) : Result<Exception, string>.Failure());
Async examples
Result<Exception, int> result1 = ...;
Result<Exception, string> result2 = ...;

ValueTask<Result<Exception, string>> result = result1.Then(async value => await Task.FromResult(result2));
ValueTask<Result<Exception, string>> result = result1.Then(value => new ValueTask(result2));
Task<Result<Exception, string>> result = result1.Then(value => Task.FromResult(result2));

ValueTask<Result<Exception, string>> result = new ValueTask(result1).Then(value => result2);
ValueTask<Result<Exception, string>> result = new ValueTask(result1).Then(async value => await Task.FromResult(result2));
ValueTask<Result<Exception, string>> result = new ValueTask(result1).Then(value => new ValueTask(result2));
Task<Result<Exception, string>> result = new ValueTask(result1).Then(value => Task.FromResult(result2));

Task<Result<Exception, string>> result = Task.FromResult(result1).Then(value => result2);
Task<Result<Exception, string>> result = Task.FromResult(result1).Then(async value => await Task.FromResult(result2));
Task<Result<Exception, string>> result = Task.FromResult(result1).Then(value => new ValueTask(result2));
Task<Result<Exception, string>> result = Task.FromResult(result1).Then(value => Task.FromResult(result2));

All meaningful combinations of Optional<TValue>, Result<TFault> and Result<TFault, TValue> are also supported.


OrElse is Or (OrElse, Else, Catch, ContinueOnNone) Result combining method.

If a first optional/result is Some/Success then it is returned. If the first optional/result is None/Failure then a second optional/result is returned. The second Optional/Result factory method is only executed if the first Optional/Result is None/Failure.

TValue types should be identical. Upcasts are not supported yet. TFault types can be different.

Optional<string> optional1 = ...;
Optional<string> optional2 = ...;

// If optional1 is Some then option1 is returned.
// Otherwise optional2 is returned.
Optional<string> result = optional1.OrElse(optional2);
Optional<string> result = optional1.OrElse(() => optional2);
Async examples
Optional<string> optional1 = ...;
Optional<string> optional2 = ...;

ValueTask<Optional<string>> result = optional1.OrElse(async () => await Task.FromResult(optional2));
ValueTask<Optional<string>> result = optional1.OrElse(() => new ValueTask(optional2));
Task<Optional<string>> result = optional1.OrElse(() => Task.FromResult(optional2));

ValueTask<Optional<string>> result = new ValueTask(optional1).OrElse(() => optional2);
ValueTask<Optional<string>> result = new ValueTask(optional1).OrElse(async () => await Task.FromResult(optional2));
ValueTask<Optional<string>> result = new ValueTask(optional1).OrElse(() => new ValueTask(optional2));
Task<Optional<string>> result = new ValueTask(optional1).OrElse(() => Task.FromResult(optional2));

Task<Optional<string>> result = Task.FromResult(optional1).OrElse(() => optional2);
Task<Optional<string>> result = Task.FromResult(optional1).OrElse(async () => await Task.FromResult(optional2));
Task<Optional<string>> result = Task.FromResult(optional1).OrElse(() => new ValueTask(optional2));
Task<Optional<string>> result = Task.FromResult(optional1).OrElse(() => Task.FromResult(optional2));
Result<int, string> result1 = ...;
Result<Exception, string> result2 = ...;

// If option1 is Some then option1 is returned.
// Otherwise option2 is returned.
Result<Exception, string> result = result1.OrElse(result2);
Result<Exception, string> result = result1.OrElse(() => result2);
Result<Exception, string> result = result1.OrElse(fault => result2);
Async examples
Result<int, string> result1 = ...;
Result<Exception, string> result2 = ...;

ValueTask<Result<Exception, string>> result = result1.OrElse(async fault => await Task.FromResult(result2));
ValueTask<Result<Exception, string>> result = result1.OrElse(fault => new ValueTask(result2));
Task<Result<Exception, string>> result = result1.OrElse(fault => Task.FromResult(result2));

ValueTask<Result<sException, tring>> result = new ValueTask(result1).OrElse(fault => result2);
ValueTask<Result<sException, tring>> result = new ValueTask(result1).OrElse(async fault => await Task.FromResult(result2));
ValueTask<Result<Exception, string>> result = new ValueTask(result1).OrElse(fault => new ValueTask(result2));
Task<Result<Exception, string>> result = new ValueTask(result1).OrElse(fault => Task.FromResult(result2));

Task<Result<Exception, string>> result = Task.FromResult(result1).OrElse(fault => result2);
Task<Result<Exception, string>> result = Task.FromResult(result1).OrElse(async fault => await Task.FromResult(result2));
Task<Result<Exception, string>> result = Task.FromResult(result1).OrElse(fault => new ValueTask(result2));
Task<Result<Exception, string>> result = Task.FromResult(result1).OrElse(fault => Task.FromResult(result2));

All meaningful combinations of Optional<TValue>, Result<TFault> and Result<TFault, TValue> are also supported.

Then/OrElse method chaining

abstract Optional<string> GetFormLogin();
abstract Optional<Guid> GetUser(string login);
abstract Task<Optional<Guid>> CreateUser(string login);
abstract Optional<DateTime> GetCreationDate(Guid userId);

Task<Optional<long>> userCreationDateTicks =
  .Then(login => GetUser(login).OrElse(() => CreateUser(login)))
  .Then(userId => GetCreationDate(userId))
  .MapValue(date => date.Ticks);
abstract Result<TicksError, string> GetFormLogin();
abstract Result<UserException, Guid> GetUser(string login);
abstract Task<Result<TicksError, Guid>> CreateUser(string login);
abstract Result<TicksError, DateTime> GetCreationDate(Guid userId);
abstract Result<TicksError> EnsureTicksIsValid(long ticks);

Task<Result<GetTicksError>> userCreationDateTicksValid =
  .Then(login => GetUser(login).OrElse(() => CreateUser(login)))
  .Then(userId => GetCreationDate(userId))
  .MapValue(date => date.Ticks);
  .Then(ticks => EnsureTicksIsValid(ticks))


Select is a mix of MapValue and Then. Like both of them, a factory method of a second Optional/Result or value is only executed if the first Optional/Result is Some/Success. Like MapValue it allows changing type and value by using value factory. Unlike MapValue and like Then it allows creating a second Optional/Result which is a result of the whole operation. It also allows you to change Some/Success to None/Failure if you want.

TFault types should be identical. Upcasts are not supported yet. TValue types can be different.

Optional examples
Optional<string> optional = ...;

Optional<string> extracted = optional.Select(str => str.Length > 5 ? Optional.Some(str) : Optional.None());
Optional<string> extracted = optional.Select(str => str + "suffix");
Optional<int> extracted = optional.Select(str => int.Parse(str));

ValueTask<Optional<int>> extracted = optional.Select(async str => await Task.FromResult(int.Parse(str)));
ValueTask<Optional<int>> extracted = optional.Select(str => new ValueTask(int.Parse(str)));
Task<Optional<int>> extracted = optional.Select(str => Task.FromResult(int.Parse(str)));

ValueTask<Optional<int>> extracted = new ValueTask(optional).Select(async str => await Task.FromResult(int.Parse(str)));
ValueTask<Optional<int>> extracted = new ValueTask(optional).Select(str => new ValueTask(int.Parse(str)));
Task<Optional<int>> extracted = new ValueTask(optional).Select(str => Task.FromResult(int.Parse(str)));

Task<Optional<int>> extracted = Task.FromResult(optional).Select(async str => await Task.FromResult(int.Parse(str)));
Task<Optional<int>> extracted = Task.FromResult(optional).Select(str => new ValueTask(int.Parse(str)));
Task<Optional<int>> extracted = Task.FromResult(optional).Select(str => Task.FromResult(int.Parse(str)));
Result examples
Result<Exception, string> result = ...;

Result<Exception, string> extracted = result.Select(str => str.Length > 5 ? Result<Exception, string>.Succeed(str) : Result<Exception, string>.Fail(new Exception(str)));
Result<Exception, string> extracted = result.Select(str => str + "suffix");
Result<Exception, int> extracted = result.Select(str => int.Parse(str));

ValueTask<Optional<int>> extracted = result.Select(async str => await Task.FromResult(int.Parse(str)));
ValueTask<Optional<int>> extracted = result.Select(str => new ValueTask(int.Parse(str)));
Task<Optional<int>> extracted = result.Select(str => Task.FromResult(int.Parse(str)));

ValueTask<Optional<int>> extracted = new ValueTask(result).Select(str => int.Parse(str));
ValueTask<Optional<int>> extracted = new ValueTask(result).Select(async str => await Task.FromResult(int.Parse(str)));
ValueTask<Optional<int>> extracted = new ValueTask(result).Select(str => new ValueTask(int.Parse(str)));
Task<Optional<int>> extracted = new ValueTask(result).Select(str => Task.FromResult(int.Parse(str)));

Task<Optional<int>> extracted = Task.FromResult(result).Select(str => int.Parse(str));
Task<Optional<int>> extracted = Task.FromResult(result).Select(async str => await Task.FromResult(int.Parse(str)));
Task<Optional<int>> extracted = Task.FromResult(result).Select(str => new ValueTask(int.Parse(str)));
Task<Optional<int>> extracted = Task.FromResult(result).Select(str => Task.FromResult(int.Parse(str)));

Do notation

abstract Optional<Guid> GetCurrentUserId();
abstract Optional<int> GetCurrentIndex();
abstract Optional<Product> GetCurrentProduct();
abstract Optional<string> GetMessage(Guid userId, int index, Product product);
abstract Optional<ConvertResult> Convert(string message, Product product);

Optional<ConvertResult> result =
  from userId  in GetCurrentUserId()
  where userId != Guid.Empty
  from index   in GetCurrentIndex()
  from product in GetCurrentProduct()
  let nextIndex = index + 1
  from message in GetMessage(userId, nextIndex, product)
  select Convert(message, product);

The last select expression can return either Optional<TResult> or just TResult.

abstract Result<Exception, Guid> GetCurrentUserId();
abstract Result<Exception> EnsureUserIdIsCorrect(Guid userId);
abstract Result<Exception, int> GetCurrentIndex();
abstract Result<Exception, Product> GetCurrentProduct();
abstract Result<int, string> GetMessage(Guid userId, int index, Product product);
abstract Result<Exception, ConvertResult> Convert(string message, Product product);

Result<Exception, ConvertResult> result =
  from userId  in GetCurrentUserId()
  where EnsureUserIdIsCorrect(userId)
  from index   in GetCurrentIndex()
  from product in GetCurrentProduct()
  let nextIndex = index + 1
  from message in GetMessage(userId, nextIndex, product).MapFault(i => new Exception(i.ToString()))
  select Convert(message, product);

The last select expression can return Result<Exception, TResult>, Result<Exception> or just TResult. TFault should be identical in all clauses. Use MapFault to convert different TFault to the same one.

Do notation with async extensions

abstract Optional<Guid> GetCurrentUserId();
abstract Task<int> GetCurrentIndex();
abstract ValueTask<Optional<Product>> GetCurrentProduct();
abstract Task<Optional<string>> GetMessage(Guid userId, int index, Product product);
abstract Task<Format> GetFormat(int index, string message);
abstract Optional<ConvertResult> Convert(string message, Format format);
abstract Task<bool> IsValid(int index);

Task<Optional<ConvertResult>> result =
  from userId  in GetCurrentUserId() // A
  where userId != Guid.Empty       // B
  from index   in GetCurrentIndex() // C
  from product in GetCurrentProduct() // D
  let nextIndex = index + 1
  where IsValid(nextIndex) // E
  from message in GetMessage(userId, nextIndex, product) // F
  from format  in GetFormat(nextIndex, message) // G
  select Convert(message, format); // H


  • A (first from/in clause) must return Optional<T>, ValueTask<Optional<T>> or Task<Optional<T>>.
  • B and E (where clause) may return bool, ValueTask<bool> or Task<bool>.
  • C, D, F and G (subsequent from/in clause) may return one of Optional<T>, ValueTask<T>, ValueTask<Optional<T>>, Task<T> or Task<Optional<T>>. Subsequent expressions may depend on previous expressions (F and G for example) or may not depend on previous expressions (C and D for example). The total count of B, C, D, E, F and G-like statements is efficiently unlimited.
  • H (select clause) should return TResult, Optional<TResult>, ValueTask<TResult>, ValueTask<Optional<TResult>>, Task<TResult> or Task<Optional<TResult>>.
abstract Result<Exception, Guid> GetCurrentUserId();
abstract Result<Exception> EnsureUserIdIsCorrect(Guid userId);
abstract Task<int> GetCurrentIndex();
abstract ValueTask<Result<Exception, Product>> GetCurrentProduct();
abstract Task<Result<int, string>> GetMessage(Guid userId, int index, Product product);
abstract Task<Format> GetFormat(int index, string message);
abstract Result<Exception, ConvertResult> Convert(string message, Format format);
abstract Task<Result<Exception>> IsValid(int index);

Task<Result<Exception, ConvertResult>> result =
  from userId  in GetCurrentUserId() // A
  where EnsureUserIdIsCorrect(userId) // B
  from index   in GetCurrentIndex() // C
  from product in GetCurrentProduct() // D
  let nextIndex = index + 1
  where IsValid(nextIndex) // E
  from message in GetMessage(userId, nextIndex, product).MapFault(i => new Exception(i.ToString())) // F
  from format  in GetFormat(nextIndex, message) // G
  select Convert(message, format); // H


  • A (first from/in clause) must return Result<TFault, TValue>, ValueTask<Result<TFault, TValue>> or Task<Result<TFault, TValue>>.
  • B and E (where clause) may return Result<TFault>, ValueTask<Result<TFault>> or Task<Result<TFault>>.
  • C, D, F and G (subsequent from/in clause) may return one of Result<TFault, TValue>, ValueTask<TValue>, ValueTask<Result<TFault, TValue>>, Task<TValue> or Task<Result<TFault, TValue>>. Subsequent expressions may depend on previous expressions (F and G for example) or may not depend on previous expressions (C and D for example). The total count of B, C, D, E, F and G-like statements is efficiently unlimited.
  • H (select clause) should return TResult, Result<TFault>, Result<TFault, TResult>, ValueTask<TResult>, ValueTask<Result<TFault>>, ValueTask<Result<TFault, TResult>>, Task<TResult>, Task<Result<TFault>> or Task<Result<TFault, TResult>>.

TFault should be identical in all clauses. Use MapFault to convert different TFault to the same one.


You can create your own Result type by inheriting provided types.

class StringFaultResult<TValue> : Result<string, TValue>
  private readonly Result<string, TValue> result;

  public StringFaultResult(string fault) => result = Fail(fault);

  public StringFaultResult(TValue value) => result = Succeed(value);

  public override TResult Match<TResult>(Func<string, TResult> onFailure, Func<TValue, TResult> onSuccess)
    => result.Match(onFailure, onSuccess);

All synchronous methods are inherited.

If you inherit, to bring back some lost features you can reimplement the following:

  • implicit conversion operators
  • some async extensions that do not inherit by default due to invariance of Task<T> and ValueTask<T>

Because this implementation relies heavily on C# 9 source generators it is not a hard task to implement a new feature that reimplements lost features automatically. Send me requests if you need such a feature.

You can also override extensions methods. For example:

  • MapValue to override return type with inherited type
  • GetValueOrThrow to override Exception type thrown by default


  • Equals and GetHashCode make use of type arguments, faults and values (if present) for calculations.
  • There is no fold method.

Yet to be implemented

  • (easy) Currently only Result combining methods (Map, Select, Then, OrElse and do notation), MapValue and MapFault support async extensions with Task or ValueTask types. Data extraction methods (like TryGetValue, Switch or GetOrThrow) only support synchronous execution.
  • (easy) Currently monadic extensions (Select, Then, OrElse and do notation) do not support upcasts for synchronous methods.
  • (medium) Implement do-notations (LINQ Query Syntax) for collections.
  • (medium) Currently implemented source generators can not generate async extensions and implicit conversion operators for custom inherited classes in your assemblies.
  • (hard) Do notation for Result<TFault, TValue> with different TFault type arguments is possible in a limited way but unimplemented. If it is implemented, it would disallow a few struct type arguments for TFault and would not enable all scenarios of selecting Result<TFaultOther> with different TFault argument in subsequent from/in clauses. The current workaround is to use MapFault method before passing Result to a do notation clause.

Send me your requests if you need such features.


Contributions are appreciated.