- Support Rails 7.1.
- Make level at which exceptions are auto detected configurable. Defaults to
- Expose interface for cookie obfuscation.
- Fixes that filtering cookies did not handle regular expressions anchored at the beginning of a string correctly.
- Fixes that setting the error logger to
would crash.
- Fixed that objects other than strings caused the logger to crash.
- Support logging embedded json instead of text. Here embedded means the usual logger prefix is still added to each line.
- Changed format of HTTP request completed line to be "Completed: #{data.to_json}"
- Reduced Rails HTTP Request logging to a single line with JSON content.
- Support suppressing sending data to Logjam and also loggin to the
log device via an URL regex pattern list
- Allow selective logging to be globally disabled
- Added selective logging
- Fixed that loggers without log device crashed the agent
- use monotonic clocks to measure request runtime
- make Sinatra log formatter configurable and default it to the Ruby default one
- supports arbitrary log formatters, including the Ruby default one
- drops support for Rails versions before 5.2
- don't log an error when the response to a sync message is correct
- don't run at_exit handlers in child processes
- use Ruby 3.1.1 in GitHub actions
- add wait_time_ms field to logjam request before dispatching
- updated Appraisals
- Rails and Ruby 3.1.0 are not compatible
- added Ruby 3.1.0 to CI/CD
- only test Rails 7.0.0 with Ruby >= 2.7.0
- updated ruby versions for github actions
- updated Appraisals
- switched to GitHub actions
- updated appraisals
- removed gemfiles created by appraisal and ignore them
- added tests for passing sender and trace id headers
- draft implementation for trace ids
- commented out test output
- added makefile
- db changes
- rails 5 is not compatible with ruby 3
- adapted welcome controller test for different rails versions
- don't check in Gemfile locks
- updated ruby versions for travis
- fixed integration tests
- updated appraisals
- suppress Ruby 2.7 warnings in action controller tests and crashes in 3.0.0
- removed deprecated Socket.gethostbyname call
- patch ffi-rzmq to work with ffi 1.14.0
- don't deadlock when sending ping fails
- socket needs to be protected by a mutex to avoid broken ZMQ messages
- updated ruby versions on travis
- require latest time_bandits version
- try fixing travis build
- added integration tests
- support not sending a ping at exit. defaults to not running in dev or test mode.
- drop logger support for ancient Rails versions
- support inproc protocol for zmq forwarders
- move license to separate file
- Add rails app for testing
- activate Rails support only when Rails::Railtie is defined
- we don't need the sinatra-contrib gem
- make logjam_agent work with active_support 5.2. again
- raise middleware exceptions in Rails test environment
- fix stupidity
- don't send empty fields
- fixed that additions can be nil
- uuid4r is no longer used
- require user to call use LogjamAgent::Sinatra::Middleware
- updated copyright notice
- added Sinatra info to README
- truncate overlog parameters
- handle logjam agent error logs for Sinatra
- set "rack.logger" to the logjam logger
- support ip spoofing in rails again
- test classic Sinatra app support
- simplified Sinatra application setup
- silence stupid warnings about uninitialized variables
- WIP: support Sinatra apps
- Set homepage url to github repository
- make formatter attributes thread safe
- use ActiveSupport::ParameterFilter when available
- deliver correct html on exception in middleware
- drop obsolete rubyforge_project assignment
- make sure to install socket at_exit handler after context at_exit handler
- send app-env as routing key for ping messages
- only send ping at exit once if socket has been opened
- only reset zmq connection when we round robin
- Reset socket if publish fails
- logjam_agent seems rails 6 compatible
- increased ZQM hwm values to 1000
- support LZ4 compression
- dropped support for rabbitmq transport
- respect LOGJAM_ENV if set
- Set homepage url to github repository
- fixed bug in line truncation
- improved line/message truncation algorithm
- added namespace to forwarded request
- forward cluster and datacenter information
- fixed index out of bounds problem when truncating strings
- allow cookies values to be as large as LogjamAgent.max_logged_cookie_size
- protect against logging overlong parameters
- silenced a stupid warning
- use workaround to place RemoteIp middleware correctly even with Rails 5+
- fixed a parameter filter regression caused by rails 5.1.2
- Split soft and hard exceptions by default.
- Merge pull request #28 from 0robustus1/master
- only connect to one single logjam device to preserve message sequencing
- protect against Rails 5 firing on_load multiple times
- Fix typo on concat
- base soft-exceptions split on a new option
- split exceptions into two classes
- return 403 instead of 500 when detecting a spoofing attack
- need fully qualified class name when rescuing spoof attack exceptions
- log ip spoofing attacks
- Allow to log on std outputs only
- Read version from REVISION file
- Add support for X-Starttime in seconds
- no change
- send ping message to logjam-device/importer on exit
- support publishing synchronously using LogjamAgent.start_request(:sync => true)
- switch to using a single DEALER socket for both sync/async messaging
- generate sequence numbers according to spec
- fixed broken tests
- go back to using alias_method to enable testing with rspec
- publish events synchronously. on failure, fall back to async
- fixed broken module.prepend which broke testing
- reformatted comment
- rack logger seems compatible with rails 5
- rails 5 now logs backtraces etc. with one logger call per line. we don't like that.
- rails 5 has deprecated alias_method_chain
- rails 5 has deprecated strings for middlewares
- correct default liner value in README
- add ignore_render_events option
- fixed that forwarder already encodes payload
- ensure that calling forwarder.forward directly encodes the payload
- make zmq publisher more robust against setting host to nil or blank string
- disable request forwarding when running in rails test environment
- allow logjam broker to be nil when logjam agent has been disabled
- allow specification of multiple hosts for zmq forwarder
- updated README.md
- we'll never need more than one zeromq io thread
- use default pull port for zmq forwarder
Merge pull request #20 from markschmidt/master
Merge pull request #22 from markschmidt/fix_0.19.0
bugfix: make sure remote ip is a string
Revert "set a cookie with the request id in the middleware"
Merge pull request #21 from markschmidt/remote_ip
use actionpack remote ip middleware for client ip
fix incoming etag header in middleware
- Merge pull request #19 from markschmidt/master
- set a cookie with the request id in the middleware
- it's zlib compression, not gzip
- added support for compressing logjam messages
allow suppressing disk logging altogether
Merge pull request #17 from JHK/log_level_device
configure min severity to error for logging to disk
- don't send authorisation header
- provide application revision with each request
describe overriding device logging on a per request basis
Merge pull request #15 from markschmidt/master
Added Request#log_device_ignored_lines
Revert "set frame_max option for amqp connection"
Merge pull request #14 from markschmidt/master
set frame_max option for amqp connection
- avoid calling forwarder when agent has been disabled
- Merge pull request #13 from BjRo/uuid_v4
- Switch to v4 when using uuid4r
added uploaded file size for logging purposes
Merge pull request #12 from pietbrauer/fix_closing_bracket
Remove superfluous closing bracket
- sending started_ms field with requests
- rescue Unknown HTTP methods
- reset logger attributes in rack middleware
- seems to be rails 4.2 compatible
- updated README
- use new meta_info format for messages
- only truncate lines with a log level less than error
- allow publishing of messages for other apps
- send X-Logjam-Request-Action from middleware
- send a sequence number and a timestamp on each request
- removed request-stream- prefix form first zmq frame
- Merge pull request #8 from plu/master
- Make logjam agent work on heroku.
- README changes
- limit size if log lines and total size of all log lines
protect against negative wait time
Version 0.9.11
don't add the Exception class to the list of autodetected exception classes
Merge pull request #7 from contaxt/changes
fix for strange implementations of self.<=> in external class definitions
rescuing from exception raised when collecting exceptions with compare
- use DONTWAIT instead of obsolete NonBlocking
- fixed that rails 4.1 calls start_processing twice
- start processing is still compatible in Rails 4.1.0
- enable tracking of apache wait time
- rescue pattern match exceptions potentially caused by character encodings
- optionally suppress writing log lines to log device
- configurable logging and forwarding of asset requests
- fixed fuscator typo
- fix ip logging by patching rack
- README typos
- README improvements
- fixed typo in README
- only try to obfuscate cookies if list of obfuscations is present
- fixed typo in README
- more ruby syntax coloring
- fix README formatting
- hide a few more variables
- added cookie obfuscation
- added ip obfuscation
- remove empty debug line
- updated README
- turn on exception class detection by default
- log forwarder exceptions on local log file
- provide add_forwarder method to avoid exposing Forwarders class
- automatically use default app and env names
- mention that zeromq is also an option
- upped time_bandits requirements
- fall back to SecureRandom if uuid4r cannot be laoded
- require bunny gem when instantiating an amqp forwarder
- enable flexible start_request syntax
- lose remnants of rails 2 support
- Rails might not be defined
- make sure logjam requests are created in test environment
- moved request cycle handling to module LogjamAgent
- removed the dubious hack to silently fetch the logjam request from the main thread
- fixed wrong version comparison
- fixed broken exception handling when using tagged logging
- fixed typo
- ignore .rvmrc
- more robust extraction of time bandits completion info
- now compatible with rails 4
- don't send caller_id back if it was blank
- log caller timeouts
- compatibility with older rails versions
- added action accessor
- analyze and set caller_action field on request
- update action filed on request as early as possible
- fixed json encoding of event fields
- ported events sending code to zmq forwarder and refactored a bit
- fixed typo in a rescue clause
- Ability to publish events to a new queue
- allow applications to change the action name sent to logjam
- support zeromq transport
- removed superflous blank
- switch to using ffi-rzmq
- fixed crash in rack logger
- use thread_variables gem
- user request.remote_ip
- use oj if application has it
- protect against trying to send uploaded files across AMQP and hogging the CPU with to_json
- try to preserve as much request info as possible
- also translate CONTENT_TYPE
- flush buffered logger at program exit
- hide more env variables
- Relax deps for rails version
- forgot to throw away RAW_POST_DATA
- fixed memory leak caused by bug in rails
- log request environment
- support logging from background threads
- access log level via logger accessor, because rails3 stores it on the encapsulated logger
- protect against ripple modifying to_json time formats
- use SyslogLikeFormatter as default
- automatically require time_bandits and logjam_agent/railtie
- fixed bug which prevented the automatic setting of Rails.logger for Rails version < 3.2
- rails 3.2 compatibility
- close AMQP connections on program exit
- use - as field separator
- use uuids for identifying requests
- need rake for releasing
- made SyslogLikeFormatter compatible with formmatter shipped with ruby stdlib
- forgotten .first
- use fully qualified domain names for logging
- changed the attributes interface
- move execption tracking setup to LogjamAgent module
- use rails excpetion formatting conventions
- syntax rulez!
- ignore anaonymous exception classes when auto detecting exceptions
- support auto detecting logged exceptions
- support logging exceptions and forwadring them to the request stream
- all inspecting forwarders easily
- renamed send to forward to avoid horrible confusion in logs
- code cleanup
- format microseconds with leading zeros
- support overriding environment name globally and per request
- formatting changes
- more accurate dependency
- rails 3 support
- removed whitespace from line for logjam
- allow disabling of forwarding for testing, for example
- need engine as part of the routing key
- we depend on timebandits
- rails 2 gem support
- rack middleware
- forgotten checkin
- allow reconnecting log device
- allow adding fields when starting/finishing requests
- added host name to log line
- provide accessor for setting application name
- next iteration
- somewhat usable now
- initial commit