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File metadata and controls

179 lines (145 loc) · 29.6 KB


At this step, coincenter is built. To execute properly, it needs read/write access to a special directory data which contains a tree of files as follows:

  • cache: Files containing cache data aiming to reduce external calls to some costly services. They are typically read at the start of the program, and flushed at the normal termination of the program, potentially with updated data retrieved dynamically during the run. It is not thread-safe: only one coincenter service should have access to it at the same time.
  • log: Files that store history of logs and activity of relevant commands. It can be configured with the log levels of your choice thanks to generalconfig.json file. It can contain sensitive information (such as history of buy, sells, withdraws) and will not be included in any docker build or git
  • secret: contains all extremely sensitive information and data such as secrets and deposit addresses. Do not share or publish this folder! If you did it by mistake, immediately delete the keys from each of the compromised accounts and generate new ones for each exchange.
  • static: contains data which is not supposed to be updated regularly, typically loaded once at start up of coincenter and not updated automatically. exchangeconfig.json contains various options which can control general behavior of coincenter. If none is found, a default one will be generated automatically, which you can later on update according to your needs. generalconfig.json contains general options independent from exchanges (such as logging, fiat converter).

This directory is set according to these rules, by decreasing priority:

  • --data option from the command line
  • or from CCT_DATA_DIR environment variable if it is set at runtime
  • or defaults to the default data directory chosen at build time from CCT_DATA_DIR environment variable

Important files


Fill this file with your private keys for each of your account(s) in the exchanges. Of course, no need to say that this file should be kept secret, and not transit in the internet, or any other Docker image/layer or git commit. It is present in .gitignore and .dockerignore to avoid accidents.

For additional security, always bind your keys to your IP (some exchanges will force you to do it anyway), especially if you wish to use it for sensitive commands such as withdraws.

data/secret/secret_test.json shows the syntax.

Additional information


In addition of the key and private values, you will need to provide your passphrase as well. It's provided as a string field along with your key in the secret.json file.


Bithumb withdrawals have an extra personal information check: they need to know the English and Korean name of the owner of the destination account. Thus it's also an information that you need to provide in the keys of your targeted accounts for a Bithumb withdrawal. For instance, if you wish to withdraw a coin from your Bithumb to your Upbit account from coincenter, you need to specify your name in the Upbit key used as destination of the withdraw. Korean name should be provided with the accountOwner.koName field in the key of the secret.json file, whereas English name with the accountOwner.enName.

Refer to the data/secret/secret_test.json example file in case of doubt.


Contains options that are not exchange specific.

Configures the logging, tracking activity of relevant commands, and console output type.

General options description

Name Value Description
apiOutputType String among {off, table, json} Configure the default output type of coincenter (can be overridden by command line)queries
fiatConversion.rate Duration string (ex: 8h) Minimum duration between two consecutive requests of the same fiat conversion
log.activityTracking.commandTypes Array of strings (ex: ["Buy", "Sell"]) Array of command types whose output will be stored to activity history files.
log.activityTracking.dateFileNameFormat String (ex: %Y-%m for month split) Defines the date string format suffix used by activity history files. The string should be compatible with std::strftime. Old data will never be clean-up by coincenter (as it may contain important data). User should manage the clean-up / storage.
log.activityTracking.withSimulatedCommands Boolean When some commands are launched in simulated mode (trades, withdraw for instance), they will be logged if true.
log.consoleLevel String Defines the log level for standard output. Can be {'off', 'critical', 'error', 'warning', 'info', 'debug', 'trace'}
log.fileLevel String Defines the log level in files. Can be {'off', 'critical', 'error', 'warning', 'info', 'debug', 'trace'}
log.maxFileSize String (ex: 5Mi for 5 Megabytes) Defines in bytes the maximum logging file size. A string representation of an integral, possibly with one suffix ending such as k, M, G, T (1k multipliers) or Ki, Mi, Gi, Ti (1024 multipliers) are supported.
log.maxNbFiles Integer Number of maximum rotating files for log in files
requests.concurrency.nbMaxParallelRequests Integer Size of the thread pool that makes exchange requests.
trading.automation.deserialization.loadChunkDuration Duration string (ex: 1w) Time window duration of historic stored data loaded and replayed at once given to the trading engine


This json file should follow this specific format:

  - top_level_option:
    - default:
      - some_option: default_value
      - another_option: default_value
    - exchange:
      - some_exchange:
        - some_option: override_value
        - another_option: default_value
      - another_exchange:
        - some_option: override_value

Currently, options are set from two ways:

  • Comma separated values are aggregated for each exchange with the 'default' values (if present)
  • Single values are retrieved in a 'bottom first' priority model, meaning that if a value is specified for an exchange name, it is chosen. Otherwise, it checks at the default value for this option, and if again not present, uses a hardcoded default one (cf in the code).

As an example, consider this file:

  "general" : {
    "default": {
      "enabled": true
    "exchange": {
      "kucoin": {
        "enabled": false
  "asset": {
    "default": {
      "withdrawExclude": "BTC"
    "exchange": {
      "binance": {
        "withdrawExclude": "BQX"
      "kraken": {
        "withdrawExclude": "EUR,KFEE"
  "tradeFees": {
    "default": {
      "maker": "0.1",
    "exchange": {
      "bithumb": {
        "maker": "0.25",

The chosen values will be:

Exchange asset/withdrawExclude tradeFees/maker
Binance BTC,BQX 0.1
Kraken BTC,EUR,KFEE 0.1
Bithumb BTC 0.25

Refer to the hardcoded default json example as a model in case of doubt.

Exchanges options description

Module Name Value Description
general enabled Boolean (true or false) If not enabled, no query will be made for this exchange.
asset allExclude Array of coin acronyms (ex: ["EUR", "AUD"]) Exclude coins with these acronym from coincenter
asset withdrawExclude Array of coin acronyms (ex: ["BTC", "ETC"]) Make these coins unavailable for withdraw
asset preferredPaymentCurrencies Ordered array of coin acronyms (ex: ["USDT", "BTC"]) Coins that can be used for smart buy and sell as base payment currency. They should be ordered by decreasing priority.
asset preferredChains Ordered array of coin acronyms (ex: ["ERC20"]) When a currency has several network chains, coincenter will pick the first one that matches a preferred chain. If the array is empty, it will attempt to pick only the chain with the same name as the currency code, if it exists.
query acceptEncoding Comma separated list of accepted encodings (ex: "br,gzip,deflate"), or empty Sets list of accepted encodings that will be passed to curl requests as Accept-Encoding header. More information here
query dustAmountsThreshold Unordered array of monetary amounts (ex: ["1 USDT", "0.000001 BTC"]) For dust sweeper option, if total balance of a currency is convertible to any of these monetary amounts and if their amount is under the threshold, it will be eligible for the selling
query logLevels.requestsCall String log level for requests call ("off", "critical", "warning", "info", etc) Specifies the log level for this exchange requests call. It prints the full public URL and the HTTP request type (GET, POST, etc)
query logLevels.requestsAnswer String log level for requests call ("off", "critical", "warning", "info", etc) Specifies the log level for this exchange requests replies. It prints the full answer if it is in json type, otherwise it will be truncated to a maximum of around 10 Ki to avoid logging too much data.
query dustSweeperMaxNbTrades Positive integer Maximum number of trades performed by the automatic dust sweeper process. A high value may have a higher chance of successfully sell to 0 the wanted currency, at the cost of more trades (and fees) paid to the exchange.
query http.timeout Duration string (ex: 15s) Sets the timeout duration for the HTTP requests of the exchanges.
query privateAPIRate Duration string (ex: 500ms) Minimum duration between two consecutive requests of private account
query publicAPIRate Duration string (ex: 250ms) Minimum duration between two consecutive requests of public account
query trade.minPriceUpdateDuration Duration string (ex: 30s) Minimum duration between two consecutive price changes during trade
query trade.strategy <maker, nibble, taker> Trade strategy for the exchange. It will be the default for the exchange if not manually specified.
query trade.timeout Duration string (ex: 1m) Trade timeout duration for a single trade. It will be the default for the exchange if not manually specified.
query trade.timeoutMatch Boolean (true or false) If false, the remaining unmatched order is cancelled for the trade when it reaches timeout duration specified above. If true, trade will be placed as a taker order when the timeout is reached.
query updateFrequency.currencies Duration string (ex: 4h) Minimum duration between two consecutive requests of currencies
query Duration string (ex: 4h) Minimum duration between two consecutive requests of markets
query updateFrequency.withdrawalFees Duration string (ex: 12h) Minimum duration between two consecutive requests of withdrawal fees
query updateFrequency.allOrderBooks Duration string (ex: 2s) Minimum duration between two consecutive requests of all order books (or ticker)
query updateFrequency.orderBook Duration string (ex: 1s) Minimum duration between two consecutive requests of a single orderbook
query updateFrequency.tradedVolume Duration string (ex: 4h) Minimum duration between two consecutive requests of last traded volume
query updateFrequency.lastPrice Duration string (ex: 1s500ms) Minimum duration between two consecutive requests of price
query updateFrequency.depositWallet Duration string (ex: 1min) Minimum duration between two consecutive requests of deposit information (including wallet)
query updateFrequency.currencyInfo Duration string (ex: 4h) Minimum duration between two consecutive requests of dynamic currency info retrieval on Bithumb only (used for place order)
query placeSimulateRealOrder Boolean (true or false) If true, in trade simulation mode (with --sim) exchanges which do not support simulated mode in place order will actually place a real order, with the following characteristics:
  • trade strategy forced to maker
  • price will be changed to a maximum for a sell, to a minimum for a buy
This will allow place of a 'real' order that cannot be matched in practice (if it is, lucky you!)
query marketDataSerialization Boolean (true or false) If true and coincenter is compiled with protobuf support, some market data will automatically be exported in the data/serialization directory (orderbook and last-trades) for a long term storage
query multiTradeAllowedByDefault Boolean (true or false) If true, multi-trade will be allowed by default for trade, buy and sell. It can be overridden at command line level with --no-multi-trade and --multi-trade.
query validateApiKey Boolean (true or false) If true, each loaded private key will be tested at start of the program. In case of a failure, it will be removed from the list of private accounts loaded by coincenter, so that later queries do not consider it instead of raising a runtime exception. The downside is that it will make an additional check that will make startup slower.
tradeFees maker String as decimal number representing a percentage (for instance, "0.15") Trade fees occurring when a maker order is matched
tradeFees taker String as decimal number representing a percentage (for instance, "0.15") Trade fees occurring when a taker order is matched
withdraw validateDepositAddressesInFile Boolean (true or false) If true, each withdraw will perform an additional validation check from a trusted list of "whitelisted" addresses in depositaddresses.json file. Withdraw will not be processed if destination wallet is not present in the file.
  • updateFrequency is itself a json document containing all duration values as query frequencies. See ExchangeConfig default file as an example for the syntax.
  • Unused and not explicitly set values (so, when loaded from default values) from your personal exchangeconfig.json file will be logged for information about what will actually be used by coincenter.