This project showcases the use of blockchain in the supply chain domain. In this application, we have five participants: a Producer, Shipper, Retailer, Regulator, and Customer. The scenario is such that:
- Retailer orders a product from a particular Producer.
- Producer accepts the Order
- Producer fulfills Order by assigning it to a Shipper.
- Shipper creates the shipment by adding a tracking number to the Order
- Shipper transports the shipment back to the Retailer.
- Retailer then accepts the shipment. The Product is now available for a Customer to purchase.
- At this point the Customer can trace the Order history through the supply chain. This is essentially equivalant to scanning a UPC of a product and tracing it back to a farm.
- At any point, the Regulator has access to all orders in the system to ensure the process is being followed for each product.
Order contains fields:
- String orderId
- String productId
- Float price
- Integer quantity
- String producerId
- String shipperId
- String retailerId
- String modifiedBy
- String trackingInfo
- Enumerated currentOrderState
Retailer -
- Places an Order to a Producer
- Receives Order from a Shipper.
Producer -
- Fulfills an Order
- Assigns to a Shipper.
Shipper -
- Creates shipment and transports Order assigned by Producer.
Customer -
- Queries an Order to get the Order Transaction History, essentially tracing it back to origination.
Regulator -
- Moderates all Orders in the system to ensure that proper quality and guidelines are being followed.
1. orderProduct - Creates an Order asset. currentOrderState is changed to ORDER_CREATED.
- orderId
- productId
- price
- quantity
- producerId
- retailerId
- Only a Retailer or a Producer can invoke this transaction
2. receiveOrder - Modifies an Order asset. currentOrderState is changed to ORDER_RECEIVED.
- valid orderId
- Only a Retailer can invoke this transaction
3. assignShipper - Modifies an Order asset. currentOrderState is changed to SHIPMENT_ASSIGNED.
- valid orderId
- valid shipperId
- Only a Retailer can invoke this transaction
4. createShipment - Modifies an Order asset. currentOrderState is changed to SHIPMENT_CREATED.
- valid orderId
- trackingInfo
- Only a Shipper can invoke this transaction
5. transportShipment - Modifies an Order asset. currentOrderState is changed to SHIPMENT_IN_TRANSIT.
- valid orderId
- Only a Shipper can invoke this transaction
6. receiveShipment - Modifies an Order asset. currentOrderState is changed to SHIPMENT_RECEIVED.
- valid orderId
- Only a Retailer can invoke this transaction
7. deleteOrder - Deletes an Order asset.
- valid orderId
- Only the originator of the Order can invoke this transaction
8. queryOrder - Query an Order asset.
- valid orderId
- returns a buffer containing the Order details
- Only a Producer, Shipper or Retailer associated with the input orderId can invoke this transaction
9. queryAllOrders - Query all Order assets.
- returns an array of order assets accessible by current active identity with details in JSON format.
- Only Orders associated with the current user will be returned
10. getOrderHistory - Query transaction history of an Order asset.
- valid orderId
- returns an array of JSON objects with the transaction history of an Order
- If the current user is a Customer, the currentOrderState must equal ORDER_RECEIVED to invoke this transaction
- Only a Producer, Shipper or Retailer associated with the input orderId can invoke this transaction
- A Regulator can see the history of any Order
11. getCurrentUserId - Get the id of the current logged in user.
- a String containing the current user's id
12. getCurrentUserType - Get the type of the current logged in user.
- a String containing the current user's type
- server.js - Uses Node Express to define the API routes
- utils.js - Contains the Node JS support code to interact with the fabric network
- ibp/config.json - Contains information used to run against a running IBM Blockchain 2.0 Service
- local/config.json - Contains information used to run against a local Hyperledger v1.4 Fabric.
Angular Frontend User Interface application
- The smart contract files. VSCode needs to be opened up to this directory to package the smart contract. See for more information on running VSCode IDE.
- files needed to deploy this sample onto an iks cluster