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Releases: sitn/crdppf_core

Core v.1.1.6 - Improved geometry handling

24 May 11:56
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  • this is a better way to handle the polygon/multipolygon issue with postGIS data table definition

replaces v1.1.6

v1.1.5 - Fix for multiple rounding issues and multipolygon geometries

24 May 09:04
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  • This release fixes the rounding issue with the property area calculation and the restriction area rounding issue.
  • it also fixes the issue with the polygon/multipolygon data from the confederation feature service

Core Version v1.1.4 - fixing Proj4s issue

29 Apr 07:13
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This release fixes the Proj4s issue with the Swiss projection when connecting using SSL.

PostGIS2.0 compatibility

19 Apr 13:16
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Merge pull request #92 from voisardf/bloodymess

cleaning up the bloody mess with the local names table changing attri…

Core version 1.1.2

20 May 10:47
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This release fixes all issues of the milestone 1.1. and most of the open points for canton JU. It also fixes the persisting problems with legal filtering from v1.1.1:


  • Includes now all available federal topics
  • No more duplicate display of legal provisions
  • Filtering of the legal provisions in fonction of the selected topic(s) and property - leaving documents on municipality level, but filtering if the municipality has multiple cadastres.
  • Filters are updated in function of the selected layers and objects
  • Disclaimer popup is now optional to simplify development


  • Disclaimer on title page is now optional
  • Pilot phase phrase is now optional
  • Signature block on the title page is optional
  • Optional cantonal and communal topics

General changes:

  • All legal documents and references are now in one table with a reference table
  • Tables legalbases, legalprovisions, references, temporaryprovisions and so on are fusionned in this new table documents and linked to a topic, layer, object or document by the origin_reference table
  • Restrictions identifier has now the prefix R to make sure it's passed as string and there is no confusion possible with municipality or cadstre number (generally integers)
  • language of documents is now added

Required elements:

1. Specific part (crdppfportal):

  • Define all the federal topics you want to display in the mapfile AND add them in the layers table. If it's defined in the layers table, it HAS also to be defined in the map file or the PDF creation will throw an error (empty model). The other way around it's not a problem
  • Adapt with all optional restrictions layers to display (restrictions)
  • Adapt restrictions identifier in for ch_topics, emptytopics and ch_legend_layers (e.g. 103 becomes R103)
  • Adapt with new options disclaimer, signature and pilotphase - if needed (defaults to false if ommitted)
  • Check that in the buildout the options default_language and disclaimer exist and are set.

2. Database:

  • Make sure to have the latest translations table
  • Adapt all themes and topics identifiers and references to respect the new naming convention being: for a federal topic R###; for a state topic R###XX (R073NE) or for a municipality topic R###XX#### (R073NE6421)
  • Clean up appconfig table - for now we load most of the parameters from the yaml file as parsing the table complexifies the code. But, basically you should only need lang, defaultfontfamily, tempdir, slddir and legaldocsdir to be set, and for the mentionned directories only the paths for those where you do not use the default path that is now defined in the core. eg:
  • Make sure that you have and use the base tables themes, topics and layers rather than their singular counterpart used for development purposes (theme, topic and layer)
  • Verify that the column types of the tables documents, documents_edition, origin_reference, themes, topics, layers are set to varchar for the id columns to reflect the new restriction identifier type and scheme (RXXX...)
  • Make sure you renamed table document_saisie in document_edition
  • Verify that all the (empty) tables for the federal layers you use and their pdf historization exist (e.g: r108_bazl_sicherheitszonenplan and r108_bazl_sicherheitszonenplan_pdf)
  • Once the application functions and all legal documents are in the new tables documents, documents_edition and origin_reference, backup then clean up the database schema removing the now unused tables documents_saisies, theme, topic, layer, legalbases, legalprovisions, references, temporaryprovisions and tiles

3. Core (crdppf_core):

  • Requires 1. and 2. to be finished as it heavily depends on the modifications above.
  • If an error occurs verify that the documents and origin_reference tables have the correct structure and data types for all columns. If an error persists do the same for themes, topics, layers

Know issues

  • There is a compatibilty issue with InternetExplorer 8, resulting in a 'BrowserNotSupported' error. Not sure we will fix this as IE8 is now obsolete
  • When selecting your on configuration of active and inactive restriction layers in the layertree, the document filtering does not always update correctely - an issue is opend. Selecting a theme resets the filtering and updates the displayed documents

Core version v1.1.1

16 Apr 08:35
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Modifications and new features:

  • major overhaul of the infopanel and layertree : PR #68
  • Added possibility to display disclaimer or not
  • Added option to include cantonal topics or not
  • Improved measure tools
  • Added all federal topics

Resolved issues:

  • keeping selected property on topic change and update restriction info on changing : #69
  • Reordered and hiding the attributes in the restriction infopanel : #62
  • Fixed timeout on empty topic selection in IE : #60
  • Now displaying length of linear restrictions and removed empty parenthesis for point objects : #50
  • Some more generalisation of hardcoded stuff, fixing typos : #21

This release depends on the files modified in the specific part as of PRS:

renamed the documents_saisies table in documents_edition table.

Core version 1.1

12 Mar 09:42
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This release fixes all the major issues for the canton jura and allows multipolygon properties. Completes the release 1.0.8 see details on

Core version 1.0.8

19 Feb 16:36
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Core version 1.0.8 Pre-release

main features

  • contains the improved document filtering
  • property selector in case of overlying properties (DDP/SDR)
  • handles the multiple geometry types for r118 - polluted sites of the OFAC/BAZL
  • allows a different tile format for each baselayer (different GRID's could also be implemented)
  • introduces the possibility to add cantonal and communal models in the specific part
  • Adds the polluted sites data from the federal transportation office


  • This update requires the changes in in the specific part of the project to work properly.
  • Also, there are some new tables to add to the DB for: r118, tiles, documents
  • some more translations

know issues

  • docid in has to be defined as STRING not INTEGER - bugfix already done but not in PR yet
  • IE8 : publishing date of documents is not displayed in geoportal

bugfix of 1.0.6

04 Dec 12:30
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fixes errors in and table2model_match

Core version 1.0.6

01 Dec 10:29
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  • some missing generalisazions
  • filtering of legal documents by topicid and cadastral no. - there is more to come
  • activation of inclusion of legal documents into PDF extract
  • Adds newest federal data and confirmed 'no data' layers
  • Reorders page order in the PDF export
  • Allows to set or unset restrictions layers 'forestlimits' and 'forestdistances' - more to come


  • Set variable logon in your buildout (true/false). It serves to log PDF creation in the paster or a file
  • newest and pdf_config as from PR sitn/crdppf#221
  • New tables: r118_bazl_belastete_standorte_zivilflugplaetze, r118_bazl_belastete_standorte_zivilflugplaetze_pdf
  • table appconfig