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File metadata and controls

560 lines (459 loc) · 15.2 KB


Node Importance Services


The corresponding methods from the networkx library are wrapped and put as a service. Some of the parameter descriptions are credited to NetworkX Developers.


Identify the central nodes from the given input graph


  • A graph (required)
  • usebounds (optional,default value is False): When this option is used, the extrema_bounding method is used for calculating central nodes.

Sample call

Sample call while using the SingularityNET CLI terminal application

snet client call snet network-analytics-nodeimportance CentralNodes centralnodes.json -y

where the content of the file centralnodes.json is

 "graph": {
        "nodes": ["1","2","3","4","5","6"],
        "edges": [{"edge": ["1","2"]},{"edge": ["1","4"]},{"edge": ["2","3"]},{"edge": ["2","5"]},{"edge": ["3","4"]},{"edge": ["3","6"]},{"edge": ["4","6"]}]

Sample output

status: true
message: "success"
output: "2"
output: "3"


Identify the peripheral/remote nodes from the given input graph


  • A graph (required)
  • usebounds (optional,default value is False): When this option is used, the extrema_bounding method is used for calculating peripheral nodes.

Sample call

Sample call while using the SingularityNET CLI terminal application

snet client call snet network-analytics-nodeimportance Periphery periphery.json -y

where the content of the file periphery.json is

 "graph": {
        "nodes": ["1","2","3","4","5","6"],
        "edges": [{"edge": ["1","2"]},{"edge": ["1","4"]},{"edge": ["2","3"]},{"edge": ["2","5"]},{"edge": ["3","4"]},{"edge": ["3","6"]},{"edge": ["4","6"]}]

Sample output

status: true
message: "success"
output: "1"
output: "4"
output: "5"
output: "6"
output: "7"
output: "8"


Find the degree centrality of nodes.


  • A graph (required)

Sample call

Sample call while using the SingularityNET CLI terminal application

snet client call snet network-analytics-nodeimportance DegreeCentrality degreecentrality.json -y

where the content of the file degreecentrality.json is

 "graph": {
        "nodes": ["1","2","3","4","5","6"],
        "edges": [{"edge": ["1","2"]},{"edge": ["1","4"]},{"edge": ["2","3"]},{"edge": ["2","5"]},{"edge": ["3","4"]},{"edge": ["3","6"]},{"edge": ["4","6"]}]

Sample output

status: true
message: "success"
output {
  node: "1"
  output: 0.2857142857142857
output {
  node: "2"
  output: 0.5714285714285714
output {
  node: "3"
  output: 0.5714285714285714
output {
  node: "4"
  output: 0.2857142857142857
output {
  node: "5"
  output: 0.14285714285714285
output {
  node: "6"
  output: 0.14285714285714285
output {
  node: "7"
  output: 0.14285714285714285
output {
  node: "8"
  output: 0.14285714285714285


Compute closeness centrality for nodes.


  • A graph (required)
  • distance (Optional. Default is False): If True, then the weights in the given graph are used in shortest path calculations
  • wf_improved (optional. Default value is 'wf_improved'. Any other value other than the default value including the null string will result in not using the improved Wasserman and Faust formula.
  • reverse (Optional. Default is False): If True and input graph G is a directed graph, reverse the edges of G, using successors instead of predecessors.
  • directed (Optional. Default is False). If True the graph is treated as a directed graph where the first specified node in an edge is the source node.

Sample call

Sample call while using the SingularityNET CLI terminal application

snet client call snet network-analytics-nodeimportance ClosenessCentrality closenesscentrality.json -y

where the content of the file betweennesscentrality.json is

            "nodes": ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8"],
            "edges": [{"edge": ["1", "2"]}, {"edge": ["1", "4"]}, {"edge": ["2", "3"]}, {"edge": ["2", "5"]}, {"edge": ["3", "4"]}, {"edge": ["3", "6"]}, {"edge": ["2", "7"]}, {"edge": ["3", "8"]}]


Sample output

status: true
message: "success"
output {
  node: "1"
  output: 0.5
output {
  node: "2"
  output: 0.7
output {
  node: "3"
  output: 0.7
output {
  node: "4"
  output: 0.5
output {
  node: "5"
  output: 0.4375
output {
  node: "6"
  output: 0.4375
output {
  node: "7"
  output: 0.4375
output {
  node: "8"
  output: 0.4375


Find the BetweennessCentrality of nodes.


  • A graph (required)
  • type (Optional. Possible values are 'node'(default) and 'edge'): Indicates to calculate node or edge betweeness centrality
  • k (optional. Default value is zero meaning that the parameter is not used)
  • normalized (Optional. Default is True): If k is not zero use k node samples to estimate betweenness. The value of k <= n where n is the number of nodes in the graph. Higher values give better approximation.
  • weight (Optional. Default is False): If True, then the weights in the given graph are used
  • endpoints (Optional. Default is False): If True include the endpoints in the shortest path counts.
  • seed (Optional. Default is zero meaning that the parameter is not used): – Indicator of random number generation state. This is only used if k is not None.
  • directed (Optional. Default is False). If True the graph is treated as a directed graph where the first specified node in an edge is the source node.

Sample call

Sample call while using the SingularityNET CLI terminal application

snet client call snet network-analytics-nodeimportance BetweennessCentrality betweennesscentrality.json -y

where the content of the file betweennesscentrality.json is

            "nodes": ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8"],
            "edges": [{"edge": ["1", "2"]}, {"edge": ["1", "4"]}, {"edge": ["2", "3"]}, {"edge": ["2", "5"]}, {"edge": ["3", "4"]}, {"edge": ["3", "6"]}, {"edge": ["2", "7"]}, {"edge": ["3", "8"]}]

Sample output

status: true
message: "success"
output {
  node: "1"
  output: 0.07142857142857142
output {
  node: "2"
  output: 0.5952380952380952
output {
  node: "3"
  output: 0.5952380952380952
output {
  node: "4"
  output: 0.07142857142857142
output {
  node: "5"
output {
  node: "6"
output {
  node: "7"
output {
  node: "8"


Find the EigenvectorCentrality of nodes.


  • A graph (required)
  • max_iter (Optional. Integer. Default is 100): Maximum number of iterations in power method.
  • tol (Optional. Float. Default is 1e-06): Error tolerance used to check convergence in power method iteration.
  • nstart (Optional. If you skip setting this field, you will get the default behavior): It is a dictionary of starting values of eigenvector iteration for each node. I.e., each node would have a corresponding value.
  • weight (Optional. Default is False): If True, then the weights in the given graph are used. If no weights are given, all edge weights are considered equal.
  • directed (Optional. Default is False). If True the graph is treated as a directed graph where the first specified node in an edge is the source node.
  • in_out (Optinal. String value. Default is the empty string '' or the string 'in'). This is used when the graph is a directed graph. Supply the string 'in' or leave setting the parameter (that is it will have value of the null string '') if you want to calculate 'left' eigenvector centrality which corresponds to the in-edges in the graph. Use the string 'out' or anyother string to calculate the out-edges eigenvector centrality.

Sample call

Sample call while using the SingularityNET CLI terminal application

snet client call snet network-analytics-nodeimportance EigenvectorCentrality eigenvectorcentrality.json -y

where the content of the file eigenvectorcentrality.json is

            "nodes": ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8"],
            "edges": [{"edge": ["1", "2"]}, {"edge": ["1", "4"]}, {"edge": ["2", "3"]}, {"edge": ["2", "5"]}, {"edge": ["3", "4"]}, {"edge": ["3", "6"]}, {"edge": ["2", "7"]}, {"edge": ["3", "8"]}]

Sample output

status: true
message: "success"
output {
  node: "1"
  output: 0.35775018836999806
output {
  node: "2"
  output: 0.5298994260311778
output {
  node: "3"
  output: 0.5298994260311778
output {
  node: "4"
  output: 0.35775018836999806
output {
  node: "5"
  output: 0.2135666184274351
output {
  node: "6"
  output: 0.2135666184274351
output {
  node: "7"
  output: 0.2135666184274351
output {
  node: "8"
  output: 0.2135666184274351


Find the PageRank of nodes.


  • A graph (required)
  • alpha (Optional. Float. Default is 0.85): Damping parameter.
  • personalization (Optional. Dictionary. If you skip setting this field, you will get the default behavior). A dictionary with a key for some subset of graph nodes and personalization value each of those. At least one personalization value must be non-zero. If not specfiied, a nodes personalization value will be zero. By default, a uniform distribution is used.
  • max_iter (Optional. Integer. Default is 100): Maximum number of iterations in power method eigenvalue solver.
  • tol (Optional. Float. Default is 1e-06): Maximum number of iterations in power method eigenvalue solver.
  • nstart (Optional. Dictionary. If you skip setting this field, you will get the default behavior): It is a dictionary of starting values of eigenvector iteration for each node. I.e., each node would have a corresponding value.
  • weight (Optional. Default is False): If True, then the weights in the given graph are used. If no weights are given, all edge weights are set to one.
  • dangling (Optional. Dictionary. If you skip setting this field, you will get the default behavior): The outedges to be assigned to nodes without any outedges. The dict key is the node the outedge points to and the dict value is the weight of that outedge. By default, dangling nodes are given outedges according to the personalization vector (uniform if not specified). This must be selected to result in an irreducible transition matrix. It may be common to have the dangling dict to be the same as the personalization dict.
  • directed (Optional. Default is False). If True the graph is treated as a directed graph where the first specified node in an edge is the source node.

Sample call

Sample call while using the SingularityNET CLI terminal application

snet client call snet network-analytics-nodeimportance PageRank pagerank.json -y

where the content of the file pagerank.json is

            "nodes": ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8"],
            "edges": [{"edge": ["1", "2"]}, {"edge": ["1", "4"]}, {"edge": ["2", "3"]}, {"edge": ["2", "5"]}, {"edge": ["3", "4"]}, {"edge": ["3", "6"]}, {"edge": ["2", "7"]}, {"edge": ["3", "8"]}]

Sample output

status: true
message: "success"
output {
  node: "1"
  output: 0.12113884655309373
output {
  node: "2"
  output: 0.23955113566709454
output {
  node: "3"
  output: 0.23955113566709454
output {
  node: "4"
  output: 0.12113884655309375
output {
  node: "5"
  output: 0.06965500888990583
output {
  node: "6"
  output: 0.06965500888990583
output {
  node: "7"
  output: 0.06965500888990583
output {
  node: "8"
  output: 0.06965500888990583


Find the HITS hubs and authorities values for nodes.


  • A graph (required)
  • max_iter (Optional. Integer. Default is 100): Maximum number of iterations in power method.
  • tol (Optional. Float. Default is 1e-08): Maximum number of iterations in power method eigenvalue solver.
  • nstart (Optional. Dictionary. If you skip setting this field, you will get the default behavior): It is a dictionary of starting values of eigenvector iteration for each node. I.e., each node would have a corresponding value.
  • normalized (Optinal. String value. Default is the empty string '' or the string 'n'). This is used to normalize results by the sum of all of the values. Any string value except 'n' and '' would not use normalization.
  • directed (Optional. Default is False). If True the graph is treated as a directed graph where the first specified node in an edge is the source node.

Sample call

Sample call while using the SingularityNET CLI terminal application

snet client call snet network-analytics-nodeimportance Hits hits.json -y

where the content of the file hits.json is

            "nodes": ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8"],
            "edges": [{"edge": ["1", "2"]}, {"edge": ["1", "4"]}, {"edge": ["2", "3"]}, {"edge": ["2", "5"]}, {"edge": ["3", "4"]}, {"edge": ["3", "6"]}, {"edge": ["2", "7"]}, {"edge": ["3", "8"]}]

Sample output

status: true
message: "success"
hubs {
  node: "1"
  output: 0.13604957690850644
hubs {
  node: "2"
  output: 0.2015158583139189
hubs {
  node: "3"
  output: 0.2015158583139189
hubs {
  node: "4"
  output: 0.13604957690850644
hubs {
  node: "5"
  output: 0.08121728238878734
hubs {
  node: "6"
  output: 0.08121728238878734
hubs {
  node: "7"
  output: 0.08121728238878734
hubs {
  node: "8"
  output: 0.08121728238878734
authorities {
  node: "1"
  output: 0.13604957688814256
authorities {
  node: "2"
  output: 0.2015158585243154
authorities {
  node: "3"
  output: 0.2015158585243154
authorities {
  node: "4"
  output: 0.13604957688814256
authorities {
  node: "5"
  output: 0.08121728229377104
authorities {
  node: "6"
  output: 0.08121728229377104
authorities {
  node: "7"
  output: 0.08121728229377104
authorities {
  node: "8"
  output: 0.08121728229377104