title |
string |
The title of the deal |
value |
string |
The value of the deal. If omitted, value will be set to 0. |
[optional] |
label |
int[] |
The array of the labels IDs. |
[optional] |
currency |
string |
The currency of the deal. Accepts a 3-character currency code. If omitted, currency will be set to the default currency of the authorized user. |
[optional] |
user_id |
int |
The ID of the user which will be the owner of the created deal. If not provided, the user making the request will be used. |
[optional] |
person_id |
int |
The ID of a person which this deal will be linked to. If the person does not exist yet, it needs to be created first. This property is required unless `org_id` is specified. |
[optional] |
org_id |
int |
The ID of an organization which this deal will be linked to. If the organization does not exist yet, it needs to be created first. This property is required unless `person_id` is specified. |
[optional] |
pipeline_id |
int |
The ID of the pipeline this deal will be added to. By default, the deal will be added to the first stage of the specified pipeline. Please note that `pipeline_id` and `stage_id` should not be used together as `pipeline_id` will be ignored. |
[optional] |
stage_id |
int |
The ID of the stage this deal will be added to. Please note that a pipeline will be assigned automatically based on the `stage_id`. If omitted, the deal will be placed in the first stage of the default pipeline. |
[optional] |
status |
string |
open = Open, won = Won, lost = Lost, deleted = Deleted. If omitted, status will be set to open. |
[optional] |
add_time |
string |
The optional creation date & time of the deal in UTC. Requires admin user API token. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS |
[optional] |
won_time |
string |
The optional date and time of changing the deal status as won in UTC. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. Can be set only when deal `status` is already Won. Can not be used together with `lost_time`. |
[optional] |
lost_time |
string |
The optional date and time of changing the deal status as lost in UTC. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. Can be set only when deal `status` is already Lost. Can not be used together with `won_time`. |
[optional] |
close_time |
string |
The optional date and time of closing the deal in UTC. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. |
[optional] |
expected_close_date |
\DateTime |
The expected close date of the deal. In ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD. |
[optional] |
probability |
float |
The success probability percentage of the deal. Used/shown only when `deal_probability` for the pipeline of the deal is enabled. |
[optional] |
lost_reason |
string |
The optional message about why the deal was lost (to be used when status = lost) |
[optional] |
visible_to |
VisibleTo |
The visibility of the deal. If omitted, the visibility will be set to the default visibility setting of this item type for the authorized user. Read more about visibility groups <a href="https://support.pipedrive.com/en/article/visibility-groups\" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">here</a>.<h4>Essential / Advanced plan</h4><table><tr><th style="width:40px">Value</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td>`1`</td><td>Owner & followers</td><tr><td>`3`</td><td>Entire company</td></tr></table><h4>Professional / Enterprise plan</h4><table><tr><th style="width:40px">Value</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td>`1`</td><td>Owner only</td><tr><td>`3`</td><td>Owner's visibility group</td></tr><tr><td>`5`</td><td>Owner's visibility group and sub-groups</td></tr><tr><td>`7`</td><td>Entire company</td></tr></table> |
[optional] |