Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | string | The ID of the message | |
channel_id | string | The channel ID as in the provider | |
sender_id | string | The ID of the provider's user that sent the message | |
conversation_id | string | The ID of the conversation | |
message | string | The body of the message | |
status | string | The status of the message | |
created_at | \DateTime | The date and time when the message was created in the provider, in UTC. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM | |
reply_by | \DateTime | The date and time when the message can no longer receive a reply, in UTC. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM | [optional] |
conversation_link | string | A URL that can open the conversation in the provider's side | [optional] |
attachments | \Pipedrive\Model\MessageObjectAttachments[] | The list of attachments available in the message | [optional] |