Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | string | The unique ID of the lead in the UUID format | [optional] |
title | string | The title of the lead | [optional] |
owner_id | int | The ID of the user who owns the lead | [optional] |
creator_id | int | The ID of the user who created the lead | [optional] |
label_ids | string[] | The IDs of the lead labels which are associated with the lead | [optional] |
person_id | int | The ID of a person which this lead is linked to | [optional] |
organization_id | int | The ID of an organization which this lead is linked to | [optional] |
source_name | string | Defines where the lead comes from. Will be `API` if the lead was created through the Public API and will be `Manually created` if the lead was created manually through the UI. | [optional] |
is_archived | bool | A flag indicating whether the lead is archived or not | [optional] |
was_seen | bool | A flag indicating whether the lead was seen by someone in the Pipedrive UI | [optional] |
value | \Pipedrive\Model\LeadValue | [optional] | |
expected_close_date | \DateTime | The date of when the deal which will be created from the lead is expected to be closed. In ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD. | [optional] |
next_activity_id | int | The ID of the next activity associated with the lead | [optional] |
add_time | \DateTime | The date and time of when the lead was created. In ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ. | [optional] |
update_time | \DateTime | The date and time of when the lead was last updated. In ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ. | [optional] |
visible_to | VisibleTo | The visibility of the lead. If omitted, the visibility will be set to the default visibility setting of this item type for the authorized user.<table><tr><th>Value</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td>`1`</td><td>Owner & followers (private)</td></tr><tr><td>`3`</td><td>Entire company (shared)</td></tr></table> | [optional] |
cc_email | string | The BCC email of the lead | [optional] |