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780f0fb · Feb 16, 2025


213 lines (153 loc) · 6.14 KB

File metadata and controls

213 lines (153 loc) · 6.14 KB

Labradorite Notebook

Labradorite dreamed by openai's Dall-E2: A brown labrador shooting a lazer from a blue crystal on its forehead, digital art

Labradorite rightfully belongs to the group of wisdom crystals, because it promotes a free flow of mental energy as it awakens intuition and allows us to get mentally unstuck.

- every esoteric out there

Ruby 3.3 Rust 1.76.0

[!IMPORTANT] Tantiny has died this summer (most probably) ...

This project heavily depends on Tantiny, and as a result, we anticipate releasing our final updates in the near future.
I am committed to maintaining the project's functionality for as long as feasible. However, I will not be investing additional time or resources into its further development. 😔 🥲 It will continue to work though! As it is fulfilling what it was built for in the first place. Dependabot will help keep security vulnerabilities closed and containerization will do the rest.


Most Notetaking apps do either too much (Notion), too little (Apple Notes) and lock me in (all options ever).

I wanted something that does just-enough™, in the spirit of a flat file cms. Let me try and wrap it up in a few bullets:

  • ownership of the notes (flat files)
    markdown, yaml, attachments all in one place in directories
  • easy on the eyes/mind
    I don't want to see all the old stuff I may not need anymore
  • a search that shows me snips in the notes
    not just the notes in a sidebar
  • a very simple tagging support
  • basic file uploads
    keeping the originals side by side with notes

I like to keep things simple, so I once again fell for Roda as the Web Layer. Tantiny is the kicker for this project. I was curious, if I could come up with something useful quickly, not having to deal with a complicated setup or Postgres as a requirement.

Features / User Info

Markdown Editor

  • Preview
  • Supports auto-formatting with/around saving (on page refresh)


  • supported attachments for uploads
    • txt
    • pdf
    • md
    • png
    • jpg
    • jpeg
    • heic
    • webp
    • yml
    • yaml
    • json


Technical Prerequisites


Little experiment on how it rolls:

  • all GET gets HTML
  • all POST sends FORMS/JSON gets JSON back
  • all links/navigation are plain HTML a tags 🤯

Folder Structure

  • lib: Library Code / Business Logic
  • views: ERB Views
  • memos: the Memos/Notes in subdirectories YYYY/MM/DD/random-string
  • public: css/js/media
  • .tantiny: the local index data created by the tantiny gem

Major Dependencies

  • Roda
  • Tantiny
  • RedCarpet

Run/Deploy with Docker

The included Dockerfile and the docker-compose.yml are more a stub to build upon.

Currently the Dockerfile support passing the USERNAME as an build-arg.

  • $ docker build . --build-arg USERNAME=$(whoami) -t labba
  • $ docker run --rm -p9292:9292 labba

Either this way, or you adapt the Dockerfile to your needs.

Let's say your username on the server you run (or your machine) is johndoe, then your Dockerfile should look something like this:

# in your version of the Dockerfile, replace labradorite at the ARG USERNAME

That will help you both secure the service and have the files being created with the proper rights on the host system.

Docker Compose

build and/or up using: $ USERNAME=$(whoami) docker-compose build


  • this memos directory has all your created content in it. Having it mounted from your host should make easy for you to backup (if you don't use a private gitrepo for that 😉)
  • fyi: having tantiny's index (.tantiny) as a volume has no benefit. Beware, it can easily have a negative impact.


From v0.5.0 on, the project can only be run native on a Linux machine or in a Docker container. See the Dockerfiles and justfile for more information.

  • $ rake test runs the test suite
  • $ rake reset_default_memos resets the files to the repos defaults (e.g. for testing)
  • $ rake reset_memos clears ALL memos

Before pushing code, you should always run rake reset and rake test,
therefore have a repo you work on AND another you use JUST for running the software.

Run it

Example docker-compose file:

version: '3'
    user: "${UID}:${GID}"
    # ports:
    #  - 9292:9292
    command: bundle exec rackup -o0 -Eproduction
      - ./memos:/home/labradorite/memos:cached

Follow-up: Inspiration, Knowledge


Rails Multi-Model Search

Gist: a searchable table is to be added and kept updated using commit_hooks