You can quickly bring up an development environment using docker.
First make sure you have docker and docker-compose installed.
Then simply
docker-compose up
You can then browse to http://localhost:8080 and edit your files locally.
Use github & git svn, see
- edit readme.txt to bump up stable tag
- edit external-videos.php bump up stable tag there, too
- commit to github: git push origin master (possibly after merging a branch)
- git rebase trunk (to rebase the svn trunk to current master)
- git svn dcommit (to send commits to
- git svn tag 0.22 (add new release)
- git tag -a 0.22 git push --tags (push tags to github also)
- git pull --rebase origin master git push origin master (to get svn tags to github)
Old process with SVN: