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File metadata and controls

89 lines (63 loc) · 2.05 KB


The Node (or io.js =) framework based on the Symfony 2. The project is still in development, you can use but with risk of bugs.


$ npm install -g silex

Use CLI in a project

$ silex

  (i) This console is NOT connected to Silex project

  Usage: silex [options] [command]


    project:create [options] <name> [dir]  Create basic files and installs the framework (see project:install)
    project:install [dir]                  Installs the framework (Dependencies and Nmespace)


    -h, --help  output usage information

Use CLI outside of a project

Lanch project :

$ node index.js
   _____ _ _               _  _____
  / ____(_) |             | |/ ____|
 | (___  _| | _____  __   | | (___
  \___ \| | |/ _ \ \/ /   | |\___ \
  ____) | | |  __/>  < |__| |____) |  v0.0.x
 |_____/|_|_|\___/_/\_\____/|_____/   development

Kernel: Bundle "SilexFrameworkBundle" loaded
Kernel: Bundle "SilexSequelizeBundle" loaded
Kernel: Bundle "SilexHttpServerBundle" loaded
Kernel: Bundle "SilexSwigBundle" loaded
Kernel: Bundle "SilexUtilitiesBundle" loaded
Kernel: Bundle "SilexHttpStaticBundle" loaded
Kernel: Bundle "SilexMailerBundle" loaded
Kernel: Bundle "SilexFacebookBundle" loaded

To change the environment (check file "app/config/environments.json") :

$ node index.js -e testing
$ node index.js -e production

Otherwise, create an environment variable "NODE_ENV".

Lanch console :

$ silex

  (i) This console is connected to Silex project "test-silex"

  Usage: silex [options] [command]


    project:install [dir]                      Installs the framework (Dependencies and Nmespace)
    sequelize:generate:models [options] [dir]  Create the models files from the database
    sequelize:migrate:status [dir]             Show list of migrations
    sequelize:migrate:up [dir]                 Runs migration files
    sequelize:migrate:undo [dir]               Revert the last migration run


    -h, --help  output usage information