- Judges can now specify a reason for why they approved a submission
- In many cases, judges would have liked to give feedback to contestants on why they accepted a submission (e.g. motivation to continue performing quality OSINT)
- The submission process for contestants has been slightly modified, now they need to provide: source url, relevance, and supporting evidence
- This will hopefully lead to better intelligence submissions
- Contestants can now see their Starred submissions
- Starred submissions were counted as accepted, but they did not show up for the contestants, which caused some confusion. Now starred submissions show up in the accepted feed.
- Only admins can now assign judges to teams
- In earlier releases, judges could automatically assign teams to themselves, and the flow of information being slightly out of sync. This ensures there is one source of truth about aiggned teams
- Removed incoming feed settings for Judges
- No longer needed as the admins now assign judges to teams
- Added timestamps to submissions in all views
- Sometimes it is important to know when a submission was submitted (e.g. with hundreds of submissions coming in, some may have been left unprocessed for long periods of time)
- Incoming feed now has timestamp of submission
- History now has timestamp of submission on when it was processed
- Submission info in contestant view now has timestamp for pending/approved/rejected submissions
- Pagination for history tab
- The history tab would just show a list of all the submissions, which would lead to performance problems past about 1000 submission. Now pagination is implemented there shouldn't be a performance hit when loading the data.
- General UI/UX Improvements
- Cleaning up the team filter flow for admins.
- Team filter states are now persisted across page refreshes
- History filter states now persist across refreshes
- Fixed a bug where the team selection in the History tab for admins/judges was not showing teams in alphabetical order