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Building TurboVNC

Build Requirements

All Systems

  • CMake v2.8.12 or later

    • CMake 3.12 or later is required if it is desirable or necessary to use Python 3 to run the simple web server for noVNC (part of the TurboVNC Server.)
  • libjpeg-turbo SDK v1.2 or later

    • The libjpeg-turbo SDK binary packages can be downloaded from the "Files" area of
    • The TurboVNC build system will search for the TurboJPEG header and library under /opt/libjpeg-turbo on Un*x or c:\libjpeg-turbo[64] (Visual C++) or c:\libjpeg-turbo-gcc[64] (MinGW) on Windows, but you can override this by setting the TJPEG_INCLUDE_DIR CMake variable to the directory containing turbojpeg.h and the TJPEG_LIBRARY CMake variable to either the full path of the TurboJPEG library against which you want to link or a set of link flags needed to link with the TurboJPEG library (for instance, -DTJPEG_LIBRARY="-L/opt/libjpeg-turbo/lib64 -lturbojpeg" or -DTJPEG_LIBRARY="-libpath:c:/libjpeg-turbo64/lib turbojpeg.lib".)

Linux and other Un*x O/S's (except Mac)

  • GCC (or a GCC-compatible compiler)

  • X11 development kit

  • PAM development kit [if building the TurboVNC Server]

  • JDK 8 or OpenJDK 1.7 or later [if building the TurboVNC Viewer]

    • For systems that do not provide a JDK, download the Oracle Java Development Kit or OpenJDK
    • OpenJDK 11 or later must be used if building an installer with a custom JRE (if the TVNC_INCLUDEJRE CMake variable is set to 1)
    • If using JDK 11 or later, CMake 3.11.x or later must also be used


  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 or later

    If you don't already have Visual C++, then the easiest way to get it is by installing Visual Studio Community Edition, which includes everything necessary to build TurboVNC.

    • You can also download and install the standalone Windows SDK (for Windows 7 or later), which includes command-line versions of the 32-bit and 64-bit Visual C++ compilers.
    • If you intend to build TurboVNC from the command line, then add the appropriate compiler and SDK directories to the INCLUDE, LIB, and PATH environment variables. This is generally accomplished by executing vcvars32.bat or vcvars64.bat, which are located in the same directory as the compiler.

    ... OR ...

  • MinGW

    MSYS2 or tdm-gcc recommended if building on a Windows machine. Both distributions install a Start Menu link that can be used to launch a command prompt with the appropriate compiler paths automatically set.

  • JDK 8 or OpenJDK 1.8 or later

    • Download the Oracle Java Development Kit or OpenJDK
    • OpenJDK 11 or later must be used if building an installer with a custom JRE (if the TVNC_INCLUDEJRE CMake variable is set to 1)
    • If using JDK 11 or later, CMake 3.11.x or later must also be used


  • Xcode 4.1 or later (OS X/macOS 10.7.x or later SDK required)

  • JDK 8 or OpenJDK 8 or later

    • Download the Oracle Java Development Kit or OpenJDK
    • OpenJDK 11 or later must be used if building a Mac package/disk image with a custom JRE (if the TVNC_INCLUDEJRE CMake variable is set to 1)
    • If using JDK 11 or later, CMake 3.11.x or later must also be used

Out-of-Tree Builds

Binary objects, libraries, and executables are generated in the directory from which CMake is executed (the "binary directory"), and this directory need not necessarily be the same as the TurboVNC source directory. You can create multiple independent binary directories, in which different versions of TurboVNC can be built from the same source tree using different compilers or settings. In the sections below, {build_directory} refers to the binary directory, whereas {source_directory} refers to the TurboVNC source directory. For in-tree builds, these directories are the same.

Build Procedure

Un*x (including Mac)

The following procedure will build the TurboVNC Viewer and some native glueware to support running it as a standalone application. Additionally, if the TurboVNC Server build is enabled (which is the default on Un*x platforms other than Mac), then this procedure will build the TurboVNC Server and a handful of C applications that are used to interface with it. On most 64-bit systems (Solaris being a notable exception), this will build a 64-bit version of TurboVNC. (See "Build Recipes" for specific instructions on how to build a 64-bit version of TurboVNC on Solaris.)

cd {build_directory}
cmake -G"Unix Makefiles" [additional CMake flags] {source_directory}

Replace make with ninja and Unix Makefiles with Ninja if using Ninja.

Visual C++ (Command Line)

cd {build_directory}
cmake -G"NMake Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release [additional CMake flags] {source_directory}

This will build either a 32-bit or a 64-bit version of TurboVNC, depending on which version of cl.exe is in the PATH.

Replace nmake with ninja and NMake Makefiles with Ninja if using Ninja.

Visual C++ (IDE)

Choose the appropriate CMake generator option for your version of Visual Studio (run cmake with no arguments for a list of available generators.) For instance:

cd {build_directory}
cmake -G"Visual Studio 10" [additional CMake flags] {source_directory}

NOTE: Add Win64 to the generator name (for example, Visual Studio 10 Win64) to build a 64-bit version of TurboVNC. A separate build directory must be used for 32-bit and 64-bit builds.

You can then open ALL_BUILD.vcproj in Visual Studio and build one of the configurations in that project ("Debug", "Release", etc.) to generate a full build of TurboVNC.

Debug Build

When building the native TurboVNC Viewer or the TurboVNC Server, add -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug to the CMake command line. Or, if building with NMake, remove -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release (Debug builds are the default with NMake.)

TLS Encryption Support

The TurboVNC Server provides TLS encryption using OpenSSL. Add -DTVNC_USETLS=0 to the CMake command line to disable TLS encryption.

The default is to dynamically load the OpenSSL symbols from libssl and libcrypto using dlopen() and dlsym(). This ensures maximum compatibility across different O/S distributions. You can disable this behavior and link directly with libssl and libcrypto by adding -DTVNC_DLOPENSSL=0 to the CMake command line.

Distribution-Specific Build

By default, the build system builds TurboVNC binaries that can run on multiple O/S distributions. This involves building some of the dependencies, which are included in the TurboVNC source tree, and statically linking TurboVNC with those and other dependencies. Distribution-specific dynamically-linked TurboVNC binaries can instead be built by changing the values of the following CMake variables:


Use ccmake or cmake-gui, as described below, to view documentation for those variables.

Build Recipes

64-bit Build on Solaris

Use export/setenv to set the following environment variables before running CMake:


Other Compilers

On Un*x systems, prior to running CMake, you can set the CC environment variable to the command used to invoke the C compiler.

Advanced CMake Options

To list and configure other CMake options not specifically mentioned in this guide, run

ccmake {source_directory}


cmake-gui {source_directory}

from the build directory after initially configuring the build. CCMake is a text-based interactive version of CMake, and CMake-GUI is a GUI version. Both will display all variables that are relevant to the TurboVNC build, their current values, and a help string describing what they do.

Installing TurboVNC

You can use the build system to install TurboVNC (as opposed to creating an installer package.) To do this, run make install or ninja install or nmake install (or build the "install" target in the Visual Studio IDE.) Running make uninstall or ninja uninstall or nmake uninstall (or building the "uninstall" target in the Visual Studio IDE) will uninstall TurboVNC.

The CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX CMake variable can be modified in order to install TurboVNC into a directory of your choosing. If you don't specify CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, then the default is:

c:\Program Files\TurboVNC

c:\Program Files (x86)\TurboVNC
32-bit build on 64-bit Windows


The default value of CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX causes the TurboVNC files to be installed with a directory structure resembling that of the official TurboVNC binary packages. Changing the value of CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX (for instance, to /usr/local) causes the TurboVNC files to be installed with a directory structure that conforms to GNU standards.

The CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR, CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR, CMAKE_INSTALL_DOCDIR, CMAKE_INSTALL_JAVADIR, CMAKE_INSTALL_MANDIR, and CMAKE_INSTALL_SYSCONFDIR CMake variables allow a finer degree of control over where specific files in the TurboVNC distribution should be installed. These directory variables can either be specified as absolute paths or as paths relative to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX (for instance, setting CMAKE_INSTALL_DOCDIR to doc would cause the documentation to be installed in ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/doc.) If a directory variable contains the name of another directory variable in angle brackets, then its final value will depend on the final value of that other variable. For instance, the default value of CMAKE_INSTALL_MANDIR is <CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR>/man.

NOTE: If setting one of these directory variables to a relative path using the CMake command line, you must specify that the variable is of type PATH. For example:

cmake -G"{generator type}" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_JAVADIR:PATH=java {source_directory}

Otherwise, CMake will assume that the path is relative to the build directory rather than the install directory.

Creating Distribution Packages

The following commands can be used to create various types of distribution packages (replace make with ninja if using Ninja):


make rpm

Create Red Hat-style binary RPM package. Requires RPM v4 or later.

make deb

Create Debian-style binary package. Requires dpkg.

A custom JRE based on OpenJDK can be included in the Linux installer packages by setting the TVNC_INCLUDEJRE CMake variable to 1. If this variable is not set, then the TurboVNC Viewer will rely on a separate installation of Oracle Java or OpenJDK. OpenJDK must be used when including a custom JRE, in order to avoid legal restrictions regarding the redistribution of Oracle JDK components.


make dmg

Create Mac package/disk image. This requires pkgbuild and productbuild, which are installed by default on OS X/macOS 10.7 and later. This command generates a package containing a TurboVNC Viewer app bundle that, depending on the value of the TVNC_INCLUDEJRE CMake variable, includes a custom JRE based on OpenJDK or relies on a separate installation of Oracle Java or OpenJDK. The DMG built with this command can be installed on OS X/macOS 10.7 and later, but if a custom JRE is included, it requires OS X/macOS 10.9 or later in order to run. OpenJDK must be used when including a custom JRE, in order to avoid legal restrictions regarding the redistribution of Oracle JDK components.


If using NMake:

cd {build_directory}
nmake installer

If using Ninja:

cd {build_directory}
ninja installer

If using the Visual Studio IDE, build the "installer" target.

The installer package (TurboVNC[64]-{version}.exe) will be located under {build_directory}. If building using the Visual Studio IDE, then the installer package will be located in a subdirectory with the same name as the configuration you built (such as {build_directory}\Debug or {build_directory}\Release).

Building a Windows installer requires Inno Setup. iscc.exe should be in your PATH.

A custom JRE based on OpenJDK can be included in the Windows installer package by setting the TVNC_INCLUDEJRE CMake variable to 1. If this variable is not set, then the TurboVNC Viewer will rely on a separate installation of Oracle Java or OpenJDK. OpenJDK must be used when including a custom JRE, in order to avoid legal restrictions regarding the redistribution of Oracle JDK components.