The Start button on the Control page starts the trigger capturing process.
An active capture process is indicated with red Process Status Indicator
The Start button has changed to Stop, which allows stopping the process.
If motion capturing is currently active but operation paused because of schedule settings, this is indicated by a yellow process status indicator:
Event data are stored in directory ./prg/raspi-cam-srv/raspiCamSrv/static/events
Storage includes a log file as well as video and photo files.
While motion capturing is active, the live stream process will be kept active because this is used for motion detection.
While motion capturing is active, you may continue working with raspiCamSrv.
You may even take photos, videos or photo series.
However, you should avoid changing camera controls or configuration because this might restart the camera.
- Changing Settings
- Starting a Exposure Series or a Focus Stack Series
- Changing Camera Configuration
This can be done while trigger capturing is active.
However the moment when the new zoom setting is activated will be registered as motion event.
To improve the focus for camera model 3, you may change Focus Settings and Trigger Autofocus
In order to change the quality of videos and photos, you may change any Camera Controls while motion capturing is active.
While events are registered and videos and photos are taken, the system maintains a log file (events/_events.log
) with antries for all events and the times when photos are captured or videos are started and stopped:
The log file of the above screenshot shows examples without delayed actions as well as with configurations with 4 photos in the Photo Burst.
Events and event actions are also stored in the SQLite3 database stored at
The primary purpose of the database is providing fast access to event data over a longer period for the Event Viewer
Table events holds all individual events:
Table eventactions holds the actions taken for each event: