Koa middleware hiding fields from ctx.body depending on user roles.
This module can be used if you need to hide fields from the response body of a koa request depending of the role of the user requesting.
Hide response body fields, the middleware expects to find state.user.roles or state.roles
npm install @sigfox/koa-visibility
) (mandatory
): Object containing roles as keys, associated with the fields (Array[String]
) that they can read.
const Koa = require('koa');
const Router = require('koa-router');
const { asyncGetUsers, asyncGetPublicData } = require('hypothetical-async-getters');
const visibility = require('@sigfox/koa-visibility');
const PUBLIC_FIELDS = ['firstname', 'lastname'];
const USER_FIELDS = ['company', 'email'];
const ADMIN_FIELDS = ['phoneNumber', 'address'];
// ctx.state must be populated by user or roles
const addUser = (ctx, next) => {
// Both of those are working, user.roles has priority though.
ctx.state.user = {
roles: ['admin']
ctx.state.roles = ['admin'];
return next();
const visibilityMiddleware = visibility({
const getRoutes = () => {
const router = new Router();
// No visibility here since data is already public
router.get('/users', addUser, visibilityMiddleware, async ctx => {
const users = await asyncGetUsers();
ctx.body = users;
// No visibility here since data is already public
router.get('/data', async ctx => {
const data = await asyncGetPublicData();
ctx.body = data;
return router.routes();
const app = new Koa().use(getRoutes()).listen();
npm test
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