Emitted when the internal state of a hub changes. Applications can subscribe to these events which are useful for staying in sync with the state of the Hub.
Emit when a new Farcaster Message is merged into a Hub.
Name | Type | Description |
id | number |
A unique id for the message |
type | HubEventType |
Always set to MERGE_MESSAGE |
message | Message |
The message that was merged |
deletedMessages? | Message[] |
(optional) The messages that were deleted as a side-effect. |
Emit when a Farcaster message is pruned from a set due to exceeding size or duration limits.
Name | Type | Description |
id | number |
A unique id for the message |
type | HubEventType |
Always set to PRUNE_MESSAGE |
message | Message |
The message that was pruned |
Emit when a Farcaster message is revoked by the user.
Name | Type | Description |
id | number |
A unique id for the message |
type | HubEventType |
Always set to REVOKE_MESSAGE |
message | Message |
The message that was revoked |
Emit when an IdRegistryEvent is merged into the Hub.
Name | Type | Description |
id | number |
A unique id for the message |
type | HubEventType |
idRegistryEvent | IdRegistryEvent |
The message that was merged |
Emit when an NameRegistryEvent is merged into the Hub.
Name | Type | Description |
id | number |
A unique id for the message |
type | HubEventType |
nameRegistryEvent | NameRegistryEvent |
The message that was merged |
Emitted by contracts whenever the ownership of fids or fnames changes.
Emit when an on-chain event occurs in the IdRegistry which registers or transfers an fid.
Name | Type | Description |
blockHash | Uint8Array |
The block hash at which the transaction occurred. |
blockNumber | number |
The block number at which the transaction occurred. |
fid | Uint8Array |
The fid being registered or transferred. |
from | Uint8Array |
The address that initiated the transaction. |
logIndex | number |
The log index of the event in the transaction. |
to | Uint8Array |
The address which now owns the fid. |
transactionHash | Uint8Array |
The hash of the transaction in which the event occurred. |
type | NameRegistryEventType |
The type of event which occurred. |
Emit when an on-chain event occurs in the NameRegistry which registers, transfers or renews an fname.
Name | Type | Description |
blockHash | Uint8Array |
The block hash at which the transaction occurred. |
blockNumber | number |
The block number at which the transaction occurred. |
expiry | number |
The timestamp at which the fname should expire. |
fname | Uint8Array |
The fname being registered or renewed. |
from | Uint8Array |
The address that initiated the transaction. |
logIndex | number |
The log index of the event in the transaction. |
to | Uint8Array |
The address which owns the fname. |
transactionHash | Uint8Array |
The hash of the transaction in which the event occurred. |
type | NameRegistryEventType |
The type of event which occurred. |
The Farcaster network that will accept the message.
Name | Number | Description |
HUB_EVENT_TYPE_MERGE_MESSAGE | 1 | A message was merged into the Hub |
HUB_EVENT_TYPE_PRUNE_MESSAGE | 2 | A message was pruned because a limit was exceeded |
HUB_EVENT_TYPE_REVOKE_MESSAGE | 3 | A message was revoked by a user |
HUB_EVENT_TYPE_MERGE_ID_REGISTRY_EVENT | 4 | An fid was issued or transferred. |
HUB_EVENT_TYPE_MERGE_NAME_REGISTRY_EVENT | 5 | An fname was issued, transferred or renewed. |
Name | Number | Description |
ID_REGISTRY_EVENT_TYPE_REGISTER | 1 | A new fid was registered. |
ID_REGISTRY_EVENT_TYPE_TRANSFER | 2 | An existing fid was transferred. |
Name | Number | Description |
NAME_REGISTRY_EVENT_TYPE_TRANSFER | 1 | An fname was minted or transferred. |
NAME_REGISTRY_EVENT_TYPE_RENEW | 1 | An fname was renewed. |