|transformed data
|transformed parameters
|generated quantities
- semicolon after statements (variable assignments, sampling statements)
- variable definitions at the beginning of blocks; new local variables can be defined at the beginning of a new
-block - dont use dots in variable names
matrix[M, N] x
|real x[M, N]
|vector[M] v
|int<lower=1> R[N]
(and more)- a
vector[K] x[N]
defines a collection ofN
vectors, each of lengthK
; in R, store asmatrix(..., nrow=N, ncol=K)
orarray(..., dim=c(N,K))
for (i in 1:N) { ... }
while (i <= N) { ... }
if (i == 1) { ... } else if (i == 2) { ... } else { ... }
x ~ normal(mu, sigma)
target += normal_lpdf(x | mu, sigma)
model = stan_model(file='model.stan')
(model code in file)model = stan_model(model_code=code)
(model code in string variable)
- data is reused from the workspace, argument
is optional sample = sampling(model, ...)
(sample, using compiled object fromstan_model
)sample = sampling(model, pars='mu')
(sample, only save parametermu
)sample = stan(file=...)
(compile from file and sample)sample = stan(model_code=...)
(compile from string and sample)sample = stan(fit=...)
(sample, using an object returned by previous call ofstan
)sample = stan(..., data=list(...))
(pass data explicitly)
stan(... , init=init, seed=123)
- where
init = list(list(mu=...,sigma=...), list(mu=..., sigma=...), ...)
where length of list = number of chains, orinit = function(chain_id) list(mu=..., sigma=...)
stan(... , chains=8, cores=8)
sflist2stanfit(parallel::mclapply(1:4, mc.cores=4, function(i) stan(..., chains=1, chain_id=i)))
traceplot(sample, pars=c('mu', 'sigma'))
(acceptance rate, log-posterior)stan_scat(sample, c('mu', 'sigma'))
(scatter plot)stan_rhat(sample)
(Rhat statistic)stan_mcse(sample)
(Monte-Carlo std error / posterior sd)stan_ess(sample)
(effective sample size / sample size)stan_ac(sample)
(scatter plot matrix)
for each chain)show(sample)
plot(sample, pars=c('mu', 'sigma'))
(interval plots)stan_hist(sample, pars=...)
(histograms)stan_dens(sample, pars=...)
(density plots)
extract(sample, pars=c('mu', 'sigma'))
(returns list, not including warmup)extract(sample, permuted=FALSE)
(returns 3d array (step, chain, variable), w/o warmup)extract(sample, permuted=FALSE, inc_warmup=TRUE)
- leave-one-out cross validation: R package
- to sample from the prior, set length of data
and datax=numeric()
- suppress C++ compiler warnings:
withr::with_makevars(new=c(CXXFLAGS='-w'), assignment='+=', code={fit = stan(...)})