an organizational hierarchy designer made in jQuery and d3.js
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""></link>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="./hierachy_plugin.js"></script>
<div class="your class name here">This is where your SVG window will go when you initialize the plugin</div>
$("Your Div Element Identifier Goes Here").hierarchyDesigner({
load: function() {
//Your Load Code Here
store: function() {
//Your Save Code Here
initExtra: function() {
//Code here for anything extra you need
//Usually stuff you would instantiate to work in conjunction with your own save and load
height:1920, //Whatever integer here
width:1080 //Whatever integer here
Download the codebase and run index.html open up the developer console and paste in
and hit enter to test out the tool yourself (Will use LocalStorage for save and load, Feel free to change this with config options) You will have to read the code comments to learn how to write your own save and load that will play nice with the plugin code
Using this tool is simple, From left to right the interface is as follows New SVG | Create Node | Save Data | Load Data | Create Tags | Download SVG | About Tool
to create a new SVG enter the Height and Width and hit Submit
to create a new node enter the name of the Organization/User and then check the box if you wish to create a User and hit submit
to save data just hit the save button, further functionality of this may be extended in the configuration options
to load data just hit the load button, further functionality of this may be extended in the configuration options
to create a tag enter the name in the box and select the first checkbox to make a User Group You can select which tags are valid connection (Nodes with the created tag can connect to other nodes with these specified tags) If the node is an organization then you are selecting which tags are the parent of this tag
to download SVG just hit the download button and the SVG will be saved to an SVG file you can save it wherever you want
The UI of the Node is as follows from top to bottom Organization/User Name, Delete Link Buttons, Organization Types, Node Settings
Node UI left to right is Edit Tags, Edit Name, Link, Delete Users do not have the Edit Tags option on the Node
Click the Edit tags Button on the specified node
Select all the Organization Types you wish to add to the node they will appear on the node
Click the Edit Name button on the specified node
Enter a new name and hit submit the nodes name will be updated
Click the Link Button on the specified node You will now have a line that will follow to the mouse pointer, Click on another node that you wish to link with If both nodes are organizations they will link as Parent and Child assuming they have valid tags If one of the nodes is a User you will be presented with this window
Select a valid tag that can connect to the Organization a link will be created between the Organization and User with the User Tag displayed on the connection
Just click the delete button on the specified node and it will be deleted along with all its linked connection severed
Click one of the gray squares below the Organization name that corrosponds with the link you wish to remove
Developed by Shubshub
Vector Icon License: FontAwesome Free License
Tested on Chrome 91.0.4472.114, Firefox 89.0.2, Edge 91.0.864.59
Current Version: 1.0.0