Open System Interconnection
This is a reference model
1970's & 80's
reference model for TCP/IP model
Protocols & Layered System
- set up of some rules
Let us understand Layered system via diagram
graph LR; A[Location A] --> B[Location B]
Seven Layers of OSI Model
graph LR; A[Application Layer] B[Presentation Layer] C[Session Layer] D[Transport Layer] E[Network Layer] F[Data Link Layer] G[Physical Layer]
- (Technique): All People Seems To Need Data Processing
graph LR;
A[Application Layer]-->B[Software Layer]
C[Presentation Layer]-->B
D[Session Layer]-->B
graph LR;
A[Network Layer]-->B[HardWare Layer]
C[Data Link Layer]-->B
D[Physical Layer]-->B
graph LR;
A[Transport Layer]-->B[Heart of the Model]
graph LR;
A[Software Layer]<-->B[Transport Layer]<-->C[Hardware Layer]
- Application Layer
- Provide User Interface Like Safari ,Chrome ,Brave
- Provide Different Protocols for sharing the data
- HTTP: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol(Website viewing)
- FTP:File Transfer Protcol
- SMTP:Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
- HTTPS:Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure
graph LR;
A[Application Layer]--Data-->B[Presentation Layer]
Presenatation Layer
- Reformat the received data(Converting to ASCII Character)
- Data Encrypting (AAA-->$#@@)(To save from hacking)
- Data Compression(File size reduction)(less time more data transfer)
Session Layer
- Create and Manage Session(Create Session for sender and Receiver will ready to authenticate and receive)
- Add Check points (If connection interrupted then resending data from resumed point )
- Terminate Session
graph LR;
A[Presentation Layer]--Data-->B[Session Layer]--Data-->C[Transport Layer]
- - - >Transport Layer
- If we are using whatsapp and youtube at same time how the system will identify which data is coming from which source so this is done by Transport Layer
- Transport Layer uses port number and ip address to identify data source and by this bits data is differentiated
- Threre is total 65,536 port numbers
graph RL;
A[Youtube]-- IP: -->B[Transport Layer]--Youtube Data-->D[User]
B-- Whatsapp Data -->D
A-- PORT: 80-->B
C-- PORT: 443-->B
- Transport Lyer also decides which Connection type should be used to transport data
- If data will be transferred by TCP then this will be connection oriented protocol
- TCP is connection oriented
- UDP is connection less
- In connection oriented model first connection is established then communication starts
- In connection less model no conection is established just messages are sent
graph LR;
D[Data]-->A[Segment 1]
D-->B[Segment 2]
D-->C[Segment 3]
D-->E[Segment 4]
D-->F[Segment 5]
D-->G[Segment 6]
D-->H[Segment 7]
D-->I[Segment 8]
Transport layer divides data in to segments
Convert data to segments
Flow Control
Error Control
Network Layer
Segments to packets
- Each Packet go through different network before reaching the destination
- Network Layer selects the quickest path for a packet to reach destination
- Routers help the network layer in finding the best path
- Network layer uses ip address to transfer a packet
- once the ip address is assigned it will not change
graph LR; D[Segment]-->A[Packet 1] D-->B[Packet 2] D-->C[Packet 3] D-->E[Packet 4] D-->F[Packet 5] D-->G[Packet 6] D-->H[Packet 7] D-->I[Packet 8]
Data Link Layer
- Packets to frames
- how many frames that will be totally dependent on hardware used in data link layer
- Mostly Hardware in data link layer is Network Interface Card(NIC)
- NIC:
- In which lan is connected
- Swich and hub also work in this layer
- In this layer to transfer the data we use MAC Address
- And data is transferred system to system
- Media Access Controller Layer
- Desices which system will receive the media
Physical Layer
- Decides how raw bits will be transferred through physical medium
- If Physical Medium are wires then Electric Signal will be used to transmit data
- If Wireless like wifi then radio signals will be used to transfer data
- Physical Layer also decides the representation signal for 1 and 0 in a communication medium
- Lifetime of a bt is also decided
- Data rate also decided in this layer
- also check mode of communication (simplex,half duplex,full duplex)
graph TD;
X[Sender]-->A[Application Layer]-->B[Presentation Layer]-->C[Session Layer]
C-->D[Transport Layer]-->E[Network Layer]
E-->F[Data Link Layer]-->G[Physical Layer]
H[Physical Layer]-->I[Data Link Layer]
I-->J[Network Layer]
J-->K[Transport Layer]
K-->L[Session Layer]
L-->M[Data Link Layer]
M-->N[Application Layer]
C--I am sending data-->L
L--par bhai tu hai kon -->C
C--Main ye le authenticate kar -->L
L-- Bhej de kar diya -->C
- Follows two protocols
- TCP:Transmission Control Protocol
- IP:Interenet Protocol
- Concern of that time we were able to comunicate Dell to Dell laptop