1.114.0 (2022-11-10)
1.113.0 (2022-11-08)
1.112.0 (2022-11-05)
1.111.0 (2022-11-04)
1.110.1 (2022-10-27)
1.110.0 (2022-10-27)
1.109.4 (2022-10-16)
1.109.3 (2022-10-13)
- bug for approving and rejecting a raw-capture in verify (#890) (8fda2c0)
- capture detail dialog open from captures & capture-match (#891) (40419b8)
1.109.2 (2022-10-06)
1.109.1 (2022-10-05)
1.109.0 (2022-10-04)
1.108.4 (2022-10-04)
1.108.3 (2022-10-02)
1.108.2 (2022-10-02)
1.108.1 (2022-10-01)
- capture - incorrectly formed csv file #851 (#856) (888fc0a)
- removed download button from regions page (#857) (e9c205e)
1.108.0 (2022-10-01)
- add REACT_APP_WEBMAP_DOMAIN in the link (#830) (67f1dec)
- add spinner to prevent previous capture appearance (#827) (c399ad4)
- grower detail - previous capture appears while new selection loads (#842) (#852) (cdf12dc)
1.107.3 (2022-09-28)
1.107.2 (2022-09-23)
1.107.1 (2022-09-23)
1.107.0 (2022-09-23)
1.106.6 (2022-09-21)
1.106.5 (2022-09-05)
1.106.4 (2022-09-04)
1.106.3 (2022-09-03)
1.106.2 (2022-09-02)
1.106.1 (2022-08-30)
- prevent event bubbling for capture table (#803) (b154dfe)
- species - warning while render component #808 (#810) (853429c)
1.106.0 (2022-08-29)
1.105.1 (2022-08-29)
1.105.0 (2022-08-28)
1.104.0 (2022-08-28)
1.103.7 (2022-08-27)
- loading of capture details dialog (#796) (cd3f57a)
- stakeholder tool: filter always shows a button. #726 (#793) (b0af866)
1.103.6 (2022-08-27)
1.103.5 (2022-08-22)
1.103.4 (2022-08-18)
1.103.3 (2022-08-18)
1.103.2 (2022-08-18)
- login page blank (6f79327)
1.103.1 (2022-08-14)
1.103.0 (2022-08-14)
1.102.4 (2022-08-14)
1.102.3 (2022-08-02)
1.102.2 (2022-08-02)
1.102.1 (2022-07-27)
1.102.0 (2022-07-25)
1.101.1 (2022-07-24)
1.101.0 (2022-07-21)
- add lan lat image to capture (#755) (9e0502f)
- add organization and grower names to earnings export (#757) (42aa9e5)
1.100.0 (2022-07-19)
- create dropdowns for Stakeholder Filter by type and Add parent relation_id (#742) (8d4577e)
- open links to map and website in new tabs (#749) (aca93d3)
1.99.0 (2022-07-10)
- [stakeholder] change filter type to Person and remove password and salt fields (156ffbb)
- bugs, lint errors, remove comments (9f539ab)
- change from id to uuid (f722462)
- display issues with icons, columns, and edit form (6602e0d)
- error in console due to setting organization_id to null (5a0bc24)
- filter obj keys and initial state (50fb368)
- filter string and handle if stakeholders is undefined (57f2f48)
- lint error (a55df87)
- logic of id to pass for updateLinks and unlinkedStakeholders (0c46ec5)
- make sort arrow display when active (c4593af)
- remove comments and clean up api functions and unused functions (679dad8)
- remove comments and prevent breaking if stakeholders isn't defined (6f14d7b)
- remove duplicate keys (c522b76)
- remove unused code and comments (6d2beef)
- remove unused imports (65b7d4b)
- requested revisions (9449546)
- sorting (8315a83)
- stakeholder permissions (70c79f1)
- update component names, table pagination values, stakeholder permissions, remove Loopback filter format (028e290)
- [stakeholder] fix filter request, add filter dropdowns, add search (c23c935)
- add confirmation pop up before unlinking/deleting a stakeholder (1f9e811)
- add edit modal (07d67a1)
- add error handling and keyPress submit to editing stakeholder (eeb5e30)
- add error handling and keyPress to submit (f9a3714)
- add loading animation (4b63802)
- add sorting util function for localeCompare (3babfe3)
- add try/catch to handle errors at each api function (8ef1df7)
- filter, edit, link stakeholders (688a9f2)
- format Add form and Filter, optimize # of req., add count, get stakeholders by owner_id (4199cc7)
- hide features with permissions until fully implemented (ad67e5e)
- include stakeholder api url in .env.development (0e6637d)
- initial commit (3eb0a22)
- optimize unlinking, allow linking users and growers, filter unlinked to only show right type (25ffeb7)
- refactor (304f5e5)
- stakeholder initial commit (229ff0a)
- stakeholders: get mocked api started working (82e7ad9)
- update api env var, update getStakeholders to allow different forms of id (2458377)
- update to match api changes (8a2f8dc)
1.98.3 (2022-07-10)
1.98.2 (2022-07-10)
1.98.1 (2022-06-28)
- keep size of modal when a new password is introduced on the input field (#706) (1f8c84d)
- remove additional tag on click (#710) (3bb799b)
1.98.0 (2022-06-28)
1.97.2 (2022-06-28)
1.97.1 (2022-06-19)
1.97.0 (2022-06-19)
1.96.0 (2022-06-16)
1.95.1 (2022-06-16)
1.95.0 (2022-06-15)
1.94.4 (2022-06-12)
1.94.3 (2022-06-12)
1.94.2 (2022-06-11)
1.94.1 (2022-06-04)
1.94.0 (2022-05-29)
1.93.2 (2022-05-29)
1.93.1 (2022-05-26)
1.93.0 (2022-05-23)
- clean up for readability (c4e1bae)
- improve error message for no admin config (97aedf0)
- lint error and remove comments (d05fb59)
- add try/catch to handle errors at each api function (b7007ba)
- survey form error handling w/ mui (c203944)
1.92.1 (2022-05-21)
1.92.0 (2022-05-18)
- bump version number and trigger release (0e909e4)
1.91.0 (2022-05-17)
1.90.0 (2022-05-17)
1.89.4 (2022-05-11)
1.89.3 (2022-05-10)
1.89.2 (2022-05-10)
- temporarily use dev for reporting (1f8008e)
1.89.1 (2022-05-10)
- temporarily change to dev reporting (12be4f4)
1.89.0 (2022-04-25)
- Verify, Growers, CaptureMatching tools: Showing an error message when images fail to load (#652) (a1eaa43)
1.88.0 (2022-04-23)
1.87.10 (2022-04-10)
1.87.9 (2022-04-10)
1.87.8 (2022-04-07)
- edge case for timezone (cec7b9c)
1.87.7 (2022-04-07)
- timezone problem (e618f75)
1.87.6 (2022-04-07)
- timezone problem (e8fcd2e)
1.87.5 (2022-04-07)
- reset (cd9a3a8)
1.87.4 (2022-04-07)
- pagination (3837ad1)
1.87.3 (2022-04-07)
- align (ad1e8a1)
1.87.2 (2022-04-07)
- id (1560fa0)
1.87.1 (2022-04-06)
- iso date format (7ca5c3c)
1.87.0 (2022-04-06)
- detail panel text (2a8afd8)
1.86.0 (2022-04-06)
- change to record ID (28436aa)
1.85.0 (2022-04-06)
- text align for numbers (e5e429a)
1.84.5 (2022-04-02)
- revert ammount format (d067810)
1.84.4 (2022-04-01)
1.84.3 (2022-03-31)
- count of capture in payment page (8d8d0d2)
1.84.2 (2022-03-30)
- reset won't work (501df4e)
1.84.1 (2022-03-30)
- payment status filter problem (962ed56)
1.84.0 (2022-03-28)
1.83.2 (2022-03-28)
1.83.1 (2022-03-28)
- deal with no capture (001d0d1)
1.83.0 (2022-03-26)
1.82.1 (2022-03-26)
- do not show message when loading (ec47520)
1.82.0 (2022-03-26)
- can display grower info (8c8771b)
1.81.0 (2022-03-25)
- eslint (cd55c7e)
- can apply, reset, show filter (bf39db4)
- can apply, reset, show filter (96d2b53)
- refactor the matching tool (04bf2e0)
- remove CaptureImage (5961d09)
1.80.0 (2022-03-25)
- eslint (83bd109)
1.79.1 (2022-03-25)
- spin running forever (121c550)
1.79.0 (2022-03-25)
1.78.7 (2022-03-23)
1.78.6 (2022-03-20)
- enable messaging in production (4046bf0)
1.78.5 (2022-03-20)
1.78.4 (2022-03-19)
- clean up how we filter authors and regions (1afe075)
1.78.3 (2022-03-19)
- do not require youtube link (8e429b7)
1.78.2 (2022-03-19)
- survery chart problem (57339e7)
1.78.1 (2022-03-19)
- chips should show organization or region name (cd4aa48)
- show bulk-recipient names for new messages, show \n for announcements (3a04284)
1.78.0 (2022-03-18)
- lint error (e1b9a06)
- add chips to show bulk recipients and badge to show survey response count (4714ce8)
- add error handling to NewMessage and MessageBody (2190e15)
- add validation to Announcments too (2a5e19b)
- pass along error when survey doesn't submit (d73bc27)
- simplify text for display (5599de4)
1.77.0 (2022-03-18)
- update for new api (e3ca3ff)
- add chips to show bulk recipients and badge to show survey response count (ad51e1d)
1.76.0 (2022-03-18)
- earning filters: make sure earnings filter resets all fields (f374a64)
- earnings tool: log payment form submits successfully (fdeb767), closes #498
- payments upload: make upload button work all the time it is clicked (5e5638c), closes #354
- earning date filter: use all as default text when no range is selected (1a40c59), closes #355
- earnings details: display number of captures attached to earnings record (be0dcf0), closes #347
- earnings filter: show active filters count (acc75da), closes #355
- earnings tool: display error message when log single payment fails (92cb762), closes #497
- earnings tool: ensure required fields are fielled before logging payments (4834706), closes #496
- earnings: correctly name variable to avaoid confusion and persist filter state (9c4f91c)
- payment details: hide log payment form in paymenys table (a6eb7d8), closes #508
1.75.2 (2022-03-17)
- bug 548 (ca01fd8)
1.75.1 (2022-03-17)
1.75.0 (2022-03-17)
- eslint (b803d3a)
- can filter by sub org (4816889)
1.74.0 (2022-03-17)
- do not load admin name when no paid (cf12f66)
- add sub org (a0d67cb)
1.73.1 (2022-03-16)
- add and correct API urls (58abc11)
1.73.0 (2022-03-16)
- populate and submit regions for bulk messages (6ebd51d)
- scroll messages to the bottom and adjust as new added (e904aa5)
1.72.0 (2022-03-16)
- add details (2cfab14)
1.71.0 (2022-03-16)
- add id (ac65cdf)
1.70.2 (2022-03-16)
1.70.1 (2022-03-16)
- do not loose side panel when error on bulk message send (7c4c5f8)
1.70.0 (2022-03-16)
- display user name rather id (03e7fe6)
1.69.1 (2022-03-16)
- page padding & scroll (765528c)
1.69.0 (2022-03-16)
- just csv file upload (784098b)
1.68.5 (2022-03-15)
1.68.4 (2022-03-15)
- interim solution for error handling, some cleanup (8b8d6f7)
1.68.3 (2022-03-15)
- display an error if there are no authors (cf67fe0)
- hide message input when it's a survey or announcement (0d65273)
- show survey button when it's a survey and there are responses (791eba9)
1.68.2 (2022-03-15)
- add capture count (dd066c0)
1.68.1 (2022-03-15)
- consolidation type (996d774)
1.68.0 (2022-03-15)
- use grower account query service to get authors (970d9f6)
1.67.0 (2022-03-14)
1.66.1 (2022-03-14)
1.66.0 (2022-03-13)
1.65.1 (2022-03-13)
1.65.0 (2022-03-12)
- cleanup comments etc (5747048)
- handle no device in registration (#495) (0f69a03)
- incorporate requested changes (a37e3ae)
- remove currentThread experiment (ae00dd2)
- stop using indexes as keys (3ae5959)
- error messages for NewMessage (9942e79)
- sort inbox by latest message when new message, survey, announcement (0d8b419)
1.64.2 (2022-03-12)
- increase default message limit (6f3ed45)
1.64.1 (2022-03-11)
- remove subject from normal message (3099215)
1.64.0 (2022-03-10)
- link errors (87117ec)
- add number of responses to header (c1376cd)
- display individual survey responses (2712a87)
- fit inbox on the page so that you only scroll within the border (f26655e)
- format survey responses (dc0aa63)
- sort inbox by latest message (05599d9)
1.63.1 (2022-03-08)
1.63.0 (2022-03-06)
- run npm install so ci will recognize the lock files (431d89d)
- cleanup survey charts header (c51ea66)
- install chart.js (d826f39)
- integrate charts with messages & allow open close on button click (73630b4)
- upgrade cypress (cfbdeef)
1.62.0 (2022-03-05)
- update client to send message, announcement, surveys (60e0581)
- request and display avatars for recipients (cc578fc)
1.61.0 (2022-03-05)
- author error check to be more specific (f6d6659)
- improve handling of author not found error (904e756)
- add views for loading and no messages, sort recipients (63d442f)
1.60.3 (2022-03-04)
- don't break if no bulk_recipient info (0da6d1a)
- explorations and renaming (94794bc)
- requested revisions, make work with api changes (2ec1cc0)
- update client to display messages from new api (b12dfd0)
- update client to send message, announcement, surveys (dc945da)
1.60.2 (2022-03-04)
- payment method (3a0a34e)
1.60.1 (2022-03-01)
- enable new features in test environment (12dfbf1)
1.60.0 (2022-03-01)
1.59.0 (2022-02-28)
1.58.0 (2022-02-26)
1.57.0 (2022-02-24)
1.56.3 (2022-02-24)
1.56.2 (2022-02-22)
- inbox layout on tall screens (73a899e)
1.56.1 (2022-02-22)
1.56.0 (2022-02-22)
- add start and end date as suffix for the csv download (4adde97)
- use organisation name as csv filename prefix for earningswhen selected (d3fcaa1)
1.55.0 (2022-02-20)
- remove logs and make org id the stakeholder_uuid (35983eb)
- remove unused useEffect from messagecontext (35e4b5a)
- refresh after message sent & add form validation to survey (3df2f7f)
1.54.1 (2022-02-20)
- filter username out of author select (f412b77)
- survey response (debce52)
- survey response and author filter (3d6aa34)
- video link to payload (940d51e)
1.54.0 (2022-02-20)
- announce title label for announements (c02af75)
- instead of repeating Survey display the user idd (145d483)
- organization_id needs to be a string should point to stakeholderr_uuid (7b2e201)
- useEffect can't take a function defined with async/await (01a26b9)
- add date to Survey and Announcement headers (02190d6)
- adjust some styles (98cf3b5)
- submit and display announcments (5b217f6)
1.53.0 (2022-02-20)
1.52.1 (2022-02-20)
1.52.0 (2022-02-19)
1.51.2 (2022-02-19)
1.51.1 (2022-02-18)
1.51.0 (2022-02-18)
- component rerender (e216def)
- fix to onChange methods to one (a51164c)
- responsive and timestamp issues (fb824b7)
- responsive problems and survey message size (f4b01ee)
- searchable components and titles (ce4397f)
- survey responses (65e2e4b)
- add autocomplete component for new message; (b897b5c)
1.50.1 (2022-02-13)
1.50.0 (2022-02-10)
- create new message setup (4f2620d)
- message recipient (a375f70)
- message to grower context issue (88764cb)
- messaging context (e536c0d)
- remove all tests (76b5b06)
- update branch (62d6096)
- update for changes (b534ad8)
- create new message (f7f9d43)
- create new message setup (0f5738e)
- messaging: unresolved survey and announce (112f416)
- messaging: unresolved survey and announce (b428fee)
- unresolved-messaging (ca9c6e5)
1.49.1 (2022-02-10)
- make table pagination the same as CapturesTable and fix console errors for Payments (eba40ac)
- menu title and icons for Earnings and Payments (d07442e)
- restore documentation for earnings api (7794267)
1.49.0 (2022-02-08)
- merge changes (9aa012b)
1.48.0 (2022-02-08)
- stop capture image distorting (a36eb80)
- add collapsing menu to Earnings and Payments, small button formatting (9c6a1fa)
- log payment: make payment method free text (0a995af), closes #342
- log payment: update view automatically when payment is logged (17a5de2)
- log payment: use now() for payment data when logging single payment (1518002), closes #345
- use OpitimizedImage for CaptureImage (ace635f)
1.47.1 (2022-02-07)
- assorted improvements to capture matching UI (8940e24)
1.47.0 (2022-02-03)
- sameTreeHandler to work with one capture and fix update request (6e7889a)
- use tree_associated=false when getting captures to match (9174d4d)
- limit capture-match request to one capture at a time (c41ae35)
- loading AppBar, move api functions to treetrackerApi file (8c9661e)
1.46.0 (2022-02-03)
1.45.0 (2022-02-03)
- remove unused variable (7c06ba8)
- common components: implement re-usable filter (e56d50f)
- custom table: export subset of earnings fields (0993201)
- custom table: implement re-usable custom table item details (28d5fa3)
- earnings main filter: displaay organisations in filter (c80f42e)
- earnings main filter: displaay organisations in filter (bcae8ab)
- earnings api: properly throw error when payments upload fail (7604998)
- earnings export: add more fields in csv export (9e30182)
- earnings maain filter: update payments status enum (3904860)
- earnings main filter: implement earnings status filter (227592a)
- earnings main filter: implement grower filter (1d4ad15)
- earnings main filter: remove contract type input (467b357)
- earnings table main filter: catch potential error in fetching organisations (bb2ea0c)
- earnings table main filter: update filter form to match designs (4bbb155)
- earnings table: display paid at column (ad3d006)
- earnings table: display unpaid earnibngs only (4b6c39d)
- earnings table: remove payments date column (8fbf994)
- earnings table: use re-uable item details component (bfac70d)
- earnings tool: show status column on the tables (d42f14d)
- earnings: apply earnings and payments permissions (93ea008), closes #203
- earnings: diplay payments_confirmed_at as payment date table column (cdaccf6)
- earninigs: display all earnings (fe7e5bb)
- payments table: use re-uable item details component (6871da3)
- payments: display filters using a reusble filter (5089361)
- payments: display payed earnings only (7ea94af)
- payments: display payment date based on paid_at field (ace2d33)
- payments: handle all payments upload varidation errors (e3723c1)
- planter filter: include partial matches in results (c6e5c8d)
1.44.0 (2022-01-29)
1.43.0 (2022-01-29)
1.42.1 (2022-01-28)
1.42.0 (2022-01-26)
- broken eslint (a1b2a26)
- refine UI for matching tool (245dffa)
1.41.0 (2022-01-26)
1.40.4 (2022-01-25)
1.40.3 (2022-01-25)
- change datetime format in capture image matching (#320) (0621247)
- remove expand icon in capture matching (#319) (d7f9172)
1.40.2 (2022-01-22)
1.40.1 (2022-01-21)
- correct paths to treetracker API (0c8e3ec)
1.40.0 (2022-01-20)
1.39.5 (2022-01-17)
1.39.4 (2022-01-17)
1.39.3 (2022-01-10)
- set reporting API for production build (6be4ab1)
1.39.2 (2022-01-10)
- enable reporting cards in production (45e26f9)
1.39.1 (2022-01-10)
1.39.0 (2022-01-09)
1.38.0 (2022-01-09)
1.37.0 (2022-01-04)
1.36.0 (2021-12-29)
1.35.1 (2021-12-28)
1.35.0 (2021-12-25)
1.34.0 (2021-12-24)
1.33.0 (2021-12-19)
1.32.3 (2021-12-18)
- bug when initial the card (2866afd)
- bugs in reporting card (243d498)
- default time range; bug; layout (970accb)
1.32.2 (2021-12-18)
- fix path to treetracker API in env (2c06578)
1.32.1 (2021-12-17)
- run build:staging to use .env.staging in workflow (345bb29)
- set up environment file for staging (9bcd470)
1.32.0 (2021-12-17)
- clean up build warnings (79afb62)
1.31.3 (2021-12-15)
1.31.2 (2021-12-13)
1.31.1 (2021-12-13)
1.31.0 (2021-12-12)
1.30.0 (2021-12-08)
1.29.3 (2021-12-06)
- capture-match: add candidate data to mock api (7fdf248)
- capture-match: display candidate images and reduce # of vertical scroll containers: (09b88ca)
- update CaptureImage to use the correct API (1c827e5)
1.29.2 (2021-12-04)
1.29.1 (2021-12-01)
1.29.0 (2021-12-01)
1.28.1 (2021-11-29)
1.28.0 (2021-11-28)
- add copy button for Device Identifier in Grower Details (#207) (7a0037d)
- adding Export Captures button (#168) (f59a11c)
- grower-detail: display device manufacturer with device id (#196) (ba9158f)
1.27.3 (2021-11-15)
- clean up code and fix CapturesTable width (4183afb)
1.27.2 (2021-11-14)
- duplicate keys for Growers because of dup ids (6c3dae0)
- scrolling to allow viewing the bottom of the page (697d667)
1.27.1 (2021-11-13)
1.27.0 (2021-11-12)
- enable capture matching for dev deployment (6701a05)
1.26.0 (2021-11-06)
- growers: filter growers by deviceIdentifier (799958e)
1.25.1 (2021-10-30)
1.25.0 (2021-10-25)
1.24.0 (2021-10-23)
1.23.0 (2021-10-19)
1.22.1 (2021-10-11)
1.22.0 (2021-10-01)
1.21.2 (2021-09-28)
1.21.1 (2021-09-25)
1.21.0 (2021-09-24)
1.20.3 (2021-09-24)
1.20.2 (2021-09-22)
1.20.1 (2021-09-17)
1.20.0 (2021-09-15)
1.19.1 (2021-08-14)
- make capture images slightly bigger (165dc6f)
1.19.0 (2021-08-14)
1.18.0 (2021-08-08)
1.17.0 (2021-07-14)
1.16.0 (2021-07-13)
1.15.4 (2021-07-11)
1.15.3 (2021-07-10)
1.15.2 (2021-07-06)
1.15.1 (2021-07-03)
1.15.0 (2021-06-24)
1.14.0 (2021-06-12)
1.13.2 (2021-06-09)
1.13.1 (2021-06-05)
1.13.0 (2021-05-31)
1.12.0 (2021-05-26)
1.11.4 (2021-05-21)
1.11.3 (2021-05-21)
1.11.2 (2021-05-16)
- set dashboard stats updating when logging with a different user (#84) (a30c722)
- Set Planter Manager not update the selfie without Tree Manager Role (#83) (b3f6bbe)
1.11.1 (2021-05-14)
1.11.0 (2021-05-05)
1.10.1 (2021-05-01)
1.10.0 (2021-04-30)
1.9.0 (2021-04-30)
1.8.0 (2021-04-16)
1.7.2 (2021-04-15)
1.7.1 (2021-04-09)
1.7.0 (2021-04-08)
1.6.3 (2021-03-29)
1.6.2 (2021-03-25)
- force a release (7ddbd48)
1.6.1 (2021-03-25)
- update api url for production (87ed65b)
1.6.0 (2021-03-23)
1.5.1 (2021-03-14)
1.5.0 (2021-03-12)
1.4.1 (2021-03-04)
- correct bath to build artifact (c6d4d54)
1.4.0 (2021-03-03)
1.3.1 (2021-02-28)
1.3.0 (2021-02-28)
1.2.1 (2021-02-26)
1.2.0 (2021-02-25)
1.1.2 (2021-02-24)
1.1.1 (2021-02-23)
1.1.0 (2021-02-23)
1.0.2 (2021-02-20)
- add releaserc file and changelog (5167df6)