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Linux Tweaks

These are the customisations for Linux that I apply regardless of which version or distribution of Linux I choose to use. Tested to work on any distribution of Linux that is based on Debian, Archlinux, NixOS, and RHEL. 🚀

I am hopeful that you might find at least some of them useful. 🌟


Debian GNOME customized using the tweaks


Applied automatically:

  • Update the system.
  • Installs for Arch-linux based distros:
    • AUR Helper - Install packages from AUR (the user contributed arch linux repository)
    • Paccache - Automatically clear package manager cache
  • Installs on Debian/Ubuntu-based distros:
    • Nala - A better front-end to apt package manager
  • Installs on RHEL-based distros:
    • Customise dnf package manager to work faster
  • Lower swappiness value for better utilization of RAM
  • Add a program named wifi-toggle to toggle wifi.

Applied based on user choice:

  • Install AutoCPUFreq - It's a program to automatically adjust CPU speed and thereby saving battery. Useful for laptops.
  • Install Brave Browser - A fast, ad-free browser that respects your privacy.
  • Install Cron - A job-scheduler for automating tasks in Linux.
  • Install Extra Fonts - Fonts that support emoji, Indic fonts for indian language support on browsers and stuff.
  • Install Github Desktop - Desktop client for Github
  • Install GUI Apps - GParted, OBS Studio, and VLC.
  • Install Joplin - It's a simple markdown-based note-taking app. Supports sync capabilities.
  • Install KDEConnect/GSConnect - Allows to connect smartphone to Computer for things like transferring files, copy-pasting text, controlling presentation from phone, etc.
  • Install Obsidian - Another cool, feature-rich markdown-based note taking app that can rival Notion.
  • Install OnlyOffice - One of the better office suite for Linux.
  • Install Password Manager - Installs Secrets if you're on GNOME, KeepassXC othewise.
  • Install PDF Reader - Installs Evince (GNOME Document viewer)
  • Install Terminal Tweaks
    • Installs these:
      • Command Not Found handler - It'll autocorrect if you've entered a wrong command to terminal.
      • LSD - Colorful ls command
      • Neovim - The best text/code editor in the world 😉
      • Starship - Add a blink to your shell prompt 🌠
      • Terminal Apps:
        • Bat - Cat with colors. I mean it. 😸
        • Fzf - Easily search files from terminal
        • Git - You don't know git? Try it, it's fun.
        • Htop - Terminal resource monitor.
        • Ncdu - Terminal storage analyzer.
        • Neofetch - Show off your system info in screenshots. 😏
        • Ripgrep - Easily search contents of text files from terminal.
        • Shellcheck - Test shell (bash/zsh) scripts without actually running them.
        • Trash-cli - Ever rm-ed a file and wanted a trash-bin for terminal. Here it is. 😌
        • Zoxide - Move around files and folders blazingly fast. ⚡
      • Tldr - Simplified usage examples of commands.
    • Configures these:
      • User shell (bash/zsh/fish) by adding useful aliases and tweaks.
  • Install Torrent Client - Installs Fragments if you're on GNOME, Qbittorrent otherwise.
  • Install UFW - Uncomplicated Firewall for linux.
  • Install VSCodium - Open-source version of VSCode
  • Setup Bluetooth - Install bluetooth drivers
  • Setup Bootloader - Make bootup a little bit faster
  • Setup GNOME
    • Installs Disk Usage Analyser, Image Viewer, GNOME Wallpapers, Calculator, Clock, Console (terminal emulator), Tweaks, File Manager, and Rounded window corners.
    • Uninstalls Firefox, Contacts, GNOME Terminal, Software Center, Gedit, Help.
  • Setup Multi-Audio - Adds ability to connect a bluetooth earphone and a wired earphone simultaneousily.


  • Any version of Linux that is based on either Debian, Ubuntu, Arch Linux, NixOS, RHEL, or Fedora.
  • GNOME Desktop Environment installed and set as default. (Optional)


Execute these commands from a terminal and follow the prompts:

 git clone
 cd linux-tweaks/

For those who would like a single-line command:

 git clone && cd linux-tweaks/ && ./


Why contribute?

I've tried to make this script as user-friendly as possible but since this is my personal project there can be some bugs and kinks. 🐞

I would highly appreciate if you could report the bugs you find and also suggest any changes that will make the project better. ❤️

How to contribute?

You could file an issue here or if you could make the bug fix or changes yourself, then creating a pull request here would be ideal. In any shape or form, I love when an issue or pull request comes to my notification. So you could create one to make me happy, too. 😜