I was reading the book 迷茫的旅行商:一个无处不在的计算机算法问题 (original english edition: The Traveling Salesman Problem: A Computational Study (Princeton Series in Applied Mathematics)). There are several algorithms mentioned in the book. I feel itch to try implement them out as I read those algorithms. So comes this project.
The project includes the implementations of differenting algorithms solving the TSP. Here's a list of algorithms I planned to work on:
- Brutal force algorithm
- Nearest-neighbor algorithm
- Greedy algorithm
- Insertion algorithm
- Cheapest
- Furthest
- Nearest
- Arbitrary
- 2-Opt Algorithm*
- Any-Opt Algorithm (Any = 2,3,4,5,...)*
- K-Opt Algorithm
- Convex hull expansion algorithm
- Nearest Insertion algorithm
*These X-opt algorithms are not efficiently implemented
This project contains multiple parts.
Library utilities for TSP problem, includes definitions
of basic concepts, eg. Node
, Edge
, and basic functions,
eg. distance
When run directly, its reads input for nodes and generate the input of
TSP graph for visualizing the nodes. You can pipe this with TSPGraph
to view the visualized input in the following way:
$ cat data/simple-1.txt | runghc TSPLib.hs | runghc TSPGraph.hs
Library to visualize TSP solution. It provides presentUI
presentUI :: [Node] -> [Edge] -> IO ()
this function will show up a window with the nodes and edges visualized and block the process.
This library can be run alone as well. It will read the nodes and edges with a specific format from stdin, and display them. The format is basically:
<number of nodes> <number of edges>
<x1> <y1> -- nodes, in the given number
<x1> <y1> <x2> <y2> -- edges, in the given number
Below is the result by applying the FurthestInsertion algorithm with a random input with 300 nodes.
This is a command line tool that helps to generate a group of data. The synopsis looks like:
runghc RandomDataGen.hs <max-x> <max-y> <number-of-nodes>
It will spit the generated nodes to the standard output, in TSPLib
parsable format. The generated nodes are garenteed unique.
This is a command line tool that helps to test an algorithm. You
should specify the algorithm's name as its argument, and dump the
inputing nodes to its stdin. Then it will compute the paths with the
specified algorithm and with TSPGraph.hs
Other files in this projecting with extension name .hs
are the algorithms
- NearestNeighbor
- BrutalForce
- Greedy
- ConvexHull
- NearestInsertion
- FurthestInsertion
- ArbitraryInsertion
- CheapestInsertion
- NearestMerger
- TwoOpt
Files with a name like random-100.txt
located under the data
directory. The number indicates its size (number of nodes).
I have written a Dockerfile that might help to build an image of this problem's run time dependencies.
Besides, you can also try it yourself manually, here is how:
- regularly,
$ sudo apt-get install ghc cabal-install && cabal update
$ cabal install gloss
ghc -O3 --make TestAlgorithm.hs
Test the algorithms (with proper data set size)
$ ./TestAlgorithm BrutalForce < data/random-10.txt
$ ./TestAlgorithm NearestNeighbor < data/random-5000.txt
$ ./TestAlgorithm Greedy < data/random-150.txt
$ ./TestAlgorithm CheapestInsertion < data/random-600.txt
$ ./TestAlgorithm AribitraryInsertion < data/random-600.txt
$ ./TestAlgorithm FurthestInsertion < data/random-600.txt
$ ./TestAlgorithm NearestInsertion < data/random-600.txt
$ ./TestAlgorithm ConvexHull < data/random-600.txt
$ ./TestAlgorithm TwoOpt < data/random-150.txt
- Wikipedia: TSP
- The Traveling Salesman Problem: A Computational Study (Princeton Series in Applied Mathematics)
- A Greedy Algorithm for TSP
- PDF: Slides with constructive heuristics for the TSP
- Wikipedia: Convex hull
- Wikibooks: Monotone Chain
- OEIS: A001147
- Wikipedia: Symmetric group