A Kotlin/JVM library for creative coding, real-time and interactive graphics. Can currently be used on Windows, macOS and Linux/x64 to create stand alone graphical applications.
Additional Resources:
- Please have a look at our application template and our tutorial repository for usage examples.
- Basics and use are further explained in the OPENRNDR guide and more project information can be found on our website
- The OPENRNDR source is hosted on Github
the core of OPENRNDR
optional animation library
A tool to create interactive animations.
easing types specify the rate of change of a parameter over time.
a binpacker, used internally for creating texture atlases.
code related to working with Color
a core component related to Drawing
a simple event library
a simple Extension interface with which default Program behaviour can be changed.
a configurable Extension which supports finer presentation control
code related to optional FFMPEG based video playback
optional library of filtering and post processing related code
a filter type in the openrndr-filter library
a filter type in the openrndr-filter library
a filter type in the openrndr-filter library
a filter type in the openrndr-filter library
a filter type in the openrndr-filter library
a filter type in the openrndr-filter library
a filter type in the openrndr-filter library
a filter type in the openrndr-filter library
a core component
the OpenGL3 backend for OPENGL
support for dds file format
code related to math, mostly computer graphics math
code related to math transformations
a core component related to platforms
code related to Shade styles
code related to 2d shapes
code related to reading and writing SVG files
a core component related to working with Text