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Run pipeline on Minerva Mount Sinai's HPC

Li Shen edited this page Aug 7, 2014 · 7 revisions

#####Load ruffus, drmaa module load python py_packages

#####Load phantompeak module load R phantompeaks

#####Load other dependencies module load bowtie fastqc samtools igvtools ngsplot

#####The -m option There are two partitions on Minerva: manda and mothra. According to Sinai HPC, the Minerva HPC complex is comprised of two major partitions:

  • The manda partition which is composed of 120 AMD nodes each with 64 cores and 256GB of memory
  • The mothra partition which is composed of 209 Intel nodes each with 12 cores and 64GB of memory

#####Automatically configure running environment Use source SourceMe_minverva_profile to automatically add bin to PATH and load all modules. Note that you should cd to the bin folder and then source it. For example, if you put the pipeline under /home/yourname/software/chip-seq_preprocess, you should do the following:

cd /home/yourname/software/chip-seq_preprocess/bin
source SourceMe_minverva_profile

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