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467 lines (378 loc) · 17.1 KB

Validation of insertion

Shashank Pritam


In this validation we wanted to test if insertion was correctly implemented.

version: invadego 0.1.3

Materials & Methods

Bias SampleID Seed
-100 mb100 1687986419473565499
-90 mb90 1687986439519204740
-80 mb80 1687986459385010207
-70 mb70 1687986479004319218
-60 mb60 1687986498415164945
-50 mb50 1687986518191731481
-40 mb40 1687986537947039053
-30 mb30 1687986557979563694
-20 mb20 1687986577799895192
-10 mb10 1687986597553426300
0 b0 1687986617358973799
10 b10 1687986636894417837
20 b20 1687986656418196570
30 b30 1687986677115413538
40 b40 1687986698520036068
50 b50 1687986720075130951
60 b60 1687986741333869430
70 b70 1687986762991078587
80 b80 1687986784961325051
90 b90 1687986806594066852
100 b100 1687986827704107589

Bash Command for Simulation


mkdir -p $folder

# Loop over values from -100 to 100 in steps of 10
for j in $(seq -100 10 100)
    # Set basepop directly to "1000;j"

    # Assign current counter value to sampleid with descriptive prefix
    if [ $j -ge 0 ]
        sampleid="mb${j#-}"  # Use parameter expansion to remove the negative sign

    # Run the command and write the output to a file named after the sampleid
    $tool --N 100000 --gen $gen --genome $genome --cluster $cluster --rr $rr --rep $rep --basepop "$basepop" --steps $steps --sampleid $sampleid > "$folder/result_${sampleid}.out"

cat result_*.out | grep -v "^Invade" | grep -v "^#" > combined_results.out

Load and Clean Data

# Load necessary libraries

# Define column names
column_names <- c("rep", "gen", "popstat", "spacer_1", "fwte", "avw", "min_w", "avtes", "avpopfreq",
                "fixed", "spacer_2", "phase", "fwcli", "avcli", "fixcli", "spacer_3",
                "avbias", "3tot", "3cluster", "spacer_4", "sampleid")

# Load DataFrame with column names
df <- read_delim('Simulation-Results_Files/validation_7/combined_results.out', delim='\t', col_names = column_names)

# Define replacement dictionary
replace_dict <- c("mb100" = "-100","mb90" = "-90", "mb80" = "-80", "mb70" = "-70", "mb60" = "-60",
                "mb50" = "-50", "mb40" = "-40", "mb30" = "-30", "mb20" = "-20",
                "mb10" = "-10", "b100" = "100","b90" = "90", "b80" = "80", "b70" = "70",
                "b60" = "60", "b50" = "50", "b40" = "40", "b30" = "30",
                "b20" = "20", "b10" = "10", "b0" = "0")

# Apply replacements to 'sampleid' column
df$sampleid <- as.character(df$sampleid) %>% str_replace_all(replace_dict)

# Convert the columns to numeric
numeric_columns <- c("rep", "gen", "fwte", "avw", "min_w", "avtes", "avpopfreq",
                   "fixed", "fwcli", "avcli", "fixcli",
                   "avbias", "sampleid")

df[numeric_columns] <- lapply(df[numeric_columns], function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x)))

# Define your function
pc <- function(bias, clufrac) {
    genfrac = 1.0 - clufrac
    bias = bias / 100
    clufit = (bias + 1.0) / 2.0
    genfit = 1.0 - clufit
    totfit = clufrac * clufit + genfrac * genfit
    p = (clufrac * clufit) / totfit
    return(p * 100)

# Filter dataframe where 'gen' == 0 and sort it by 'sampleid'
df2 <- df[df$gen == 0, numeric_columns] %>% arrange(sampleid)

# Calculate the expected values (pc) for each 'sampleid'
df2$pc <- sapply(df2$sampleid, function(x) pc(x, 0.03))

Plot Data

Figure 1 A

# Define the common theme for consistency
common_theme <- function() {
    theme_minimal() +
        plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size = 14),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 12),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 10),
        legend.position = "bottom",
        panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white"),  # Ensure white background
        plot.background = element_rect(fill = "white", color = NA)  # Remove panel border

# Create the plot with annotations for line and dot information
a <- ggplot(df2, aes(x = sampleid)) +
    geom_point(aes(y = avcli), color = "#0072B2") +  # Blue color for avcli points
    geom_line(aes(y = pc), color = "black") +  # Orange color for pc line
        title = "Average Cluster Insertion Expected vs Observed Value Across Insertion Bias",
        x = "Insertion Bias",
        y = "Average Cluster Insertion"
    ) +
    annotate("text", x = Inf, y = Inf, label = "Black Line: Expected\nBlue Points: Observed",
             hjust = 1.5, vjust = 2, fontface = "italic", color = "black", size = 4,
             position = position_nudge(y = -10)) +  # Annotation positioned at the top right

# Save the plot with high resolution
    filename = "images/Validation_7_1A.png",
    plot = a,
    width = 8,
    height = 6,
    units = "in",
    dpi = 300  # Sufficient for high-quality prints

    filename = "images/Validation_7_1A.pdf",
    plot = a,
    width = 8,
    height = 6,
    units = "in",
    dpi = 300  # Sufficient for high-quality prints

The distribution of average TE (Transposable Elements) insertions across different insertion bias levels for all replicates. The x-axis shows the different Insertion Bias levels ranging from -100 to 100. The y-axis represents the average TE insertions in the piRNA Cluster (Blue Dots for Observed Value and Orange line for Expected value) for each bias level.

Figure 1 B

# Filter out the group with sampleid = 100 and -100
df_filtered <- df2 %>%
  filter(!(sampleid %in% c(-100, 100)))

# Subtract 'pc' from 'avcli' and force as numeric
df_filtered$TE_insertions <- as.numeric(as.character(df_filtered$avcli)) - as.numeric(as.character(df_filtered$pc))
df_filtered$TE_insertions <- 100 * df_filtered$TE_insertions

# Convert 'sampleid' to factor
df_filtered$insertion_bias <- as.factor(df_filtered$sampleid)

# Create a new plot file with larger dimensions
png(filename = "images/Validation_7_1B.jpg", width = 800, height = 600)

# Boxplot
boxplot(df_filtered$TE_insertions ~ df_filtered$insertion_bias,
  border = rgb(0.1, 0.1, 0.7, 0.5),
  main = "Variability in Cluster Insertion Across 100 Replications",
  xlab = "Insertion Bias",
  ylab = "TE Cluster Insertion Variability Across 100 Replications")

# Add data points
mylevels <- levels(df_filtered$insertion_bias)
levelProportions <- summary(df_filtered$insertion_bias)/nrow(df_filtered)
for(i in 1:length(mylevels)){
  thislevel <- mylevels[i]
  thisvalues <- df_filtered[df_filtered$insertion_bias==thislevel, "TE_insertions"]
  # Ensure thisvalues is a numeric vector
  thisvalues <- unlist(thisvalues)
  # Take the x-axis indices and add a jitter, proportional to the N in each level
  myjitter <- jitter(rep(i, length(thisvalues)), amount=levelProportions[i]/2)
  # Use smaller points
  points(myjitter, thisvalues, pch=20, cex=0.9, col=rgb(0,0.2,0.25,0.6)) 

# Close the plot file

The plot displays the variability in Transposable Elements (TE) insertions across different levels of Insertion Bias, using data from 100 replications. To calculate the ‘TE_insertions’ values plotted on the y-axis, the ‘avcli’ column was subtracted from the ‘pc’ column in the original dataset. This difference was then multiplied by 100 to express the relative difference as a percentage:

$$TE_{insertions} = 100 * (avcli- pc)$$

The ‘Insertion Bias’ variable, represented on the x-axis, corresponds to the ‘sampleid’ column. It was converted to a factor variable to accommodate the categorical nature of this variable. The boxplot summarizes the distribution of ‘TE_insertions’ for each level of ‘Insertion Bias’. Each boxplot indicates the median, interquartile range, and potential outliers. The individual data points overlaid on the boxplots represent the variability in TE insertions.

Figure 2 A

# Calculate mean_cli, sd_meancli, pc, and deviation_pc
df_summary <- df2 %>% 
    group_by(sampleid) %>% 
    summarise(mean_cli = mean(avcli, na.rm = TRUE), 
              sd_meancli = sd(avcli, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% 
    mutate(pc = sapply(sampleid, function(x) pc(x, 0.03)),
           deviation_pc = mean_cli - pc)

# Create scatter plot with error bars
c <- ggplot(df_summary, aes(x = sampleid)) +
  geom_point(aes(y = mean_cli), color = "#003f5c") +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = mean_cli - sd_meancli, ymax = mean_cli + sd_meancli), width = .2, color = "003f5c") +
  geom_line(aes(y = pc), color = "#ffa600") +
  labs(title = "Observed and Expected Average Cluster Insertion across Insertion Bias",
       x = "Insertion Bias",
       y = "Mean of Average Cluster Insertion Observed (Dots)") +
  theme_minimal() +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
ggsave(filename = "images/Validation_7_1C.jpg", plot = c, width = 10, height = 10, units = "in")
ggsave(filename = "images/Validation_7_1C.pdf", plot = c, width = 10, height = 10, units = "in", device = "pdf")

This plot visualizes the mean of Average Cluster Insertion across various Insertion Bias levels, with error bars indicating standard deviation. Unlike previous plot’s individual data points, this representation provides a concise summary of the data (mean), making it easier to discern overall trends and reducing the impact of outliers. The expected values are depicted by a dashed red line.

Figure 2 B

# Transform the 'mean_cli' and 'sd_meancli' by taking log10 to visualize better.
# We add a small constant to avoid log(0) and handle negative values.
# Apply a logarithmic transformation to 'mean_cli', 'sd_meancli', and 'pc'
df_summary$log_mean_cli <- log10(df_summary$mean_cli + 0.0001)
df_summary$log_sd_meancli <- log10(df_summary$sd_meancli + 0.0001)
df_summary$log_pc <- log10(df_summary$pc + 0.0001)

# Create scatter plot with error bars
d <- ggplot(df_summary, aes(x = sampleid)) +
    geom_point(aes(y = log_mean_cli), color = "blue") +
    geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = log_mean_cli - log_sd_meancli, ymax = log_mean_cli + log_sd_meancli), width = .2, color = "#008080") +
    geom_line(aes(y = log_pc), color = "orange") +
    labs(title = "Observed and Expected Average Cluster Insertion across Insertion Bias",
         x = "Insertion Bias",
         y = "Log-transformed Mean of Average Cluster Insertion") +
    theme_minimal() +
    theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))

# Print the plot

ggsave(filename = "images/Validation_7_1D.jpg", plot = d, width = 10, height = 10, units = "in")
ggsave(filename = "images/Validation_7_1D.pdf", plot = d, width = 10, height = 10, units = "in")

Figure 3 presents the same data as Figure 2, but with a logarithmic transformation applied to the y-values. The transformation is performed to better visualize the standard deviation, which is relatively small compared to the mean values. By using the log scale, we can more easily see the variability in the data (shown by the error bars) and the deviation of the observed values (blue points) from the expected values (red line). This plot provides a more detailed understanding of the distribution of the data and the nature of the discrepancies between the observed and expected values.

Figure 3

# Filter for rep 1
df_rep1 <- df2[df2$rep == 1, ]

# Create scatter plot
e <- ggplot(df_rep1, aes(x = sampleid, y = avtes)) +
  geom_point(color = "#003f5c") +
  labs(title = "Average Transposable Element Insertions",
       x = "Insertion Bias",
       y = "Average TE Insertions") +
  theme_minimal() +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))

ggsave(filename = "images/Validation_7_1E.jpg", plot = e, width = 10, height = 10, units = "in")
ggsave(filename = "images/Validation_7_1E.pdf", plot = e, width = 10, height = 10, units = "in")

Average TE insertions (y-axis) and insertion bias (x-axis) for a single replicate . The x-axis represents the Insertion Bias varying from -100 to 100. The y-axis depicts the average TE insertions for each bias level. Each data point on the graph represents the average TE insertions for a specific bias level for replicate 1.

Figure 4

# Calculate mean and standard deviation of avtes
df_summary_2 <- df2 %>% 
    group_by(sampleid) %>% 
    summarise(mean_avtes = mean(avtes, na.rm = TRUE), 
              sd_avtes = sd(avtes, na.rm = TRUE))

# Create scatter plot with error bars
f <- ggplot(df_summary_2, aes(x = sampleid)) +
    geom_point(aes(y = mean_avtes), color = "blue") +
    geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = mean_avtes - sd_avtes, ymax = mean_avtes + sd_avtes), width = .2, color = "#008080") +
    labs(title = "Average TE Insertions across Insertion Bias",
         x = "Insertion Bias",
         y = "Average TE Insertions") +
    theme_minimal() +
    theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))

ggsave(filename = "images/Validation_7_1F.jpg", plot = f, width = 10, height = 10, units = "in")
ggsave(filename = "images/Validation_7_1F.pdf", plot = f, width = 10, height = 10, units = "in")

All replicates’ mean average TE insertions (y-axis) against the insertion bias (x-axis). The plot includes error bars, which visually represent the variability in the data by displaying the standard deviation for the average TE insertions at each bias level. The x-axis represents the Insertion Bias, which ranges from -100 to 100. The y-axis depicts the mean of the average TE insertions for each bias level. Each data point on the graph represents the mean average TE insertions for a specific bias level across all replicates, with the error bars representing the standard deviation.

Summary of Average Cluster Insertion Statistics

Across the 21 insertion bias values (sampleid 0 to 20), the mean of cli is calculated for all 100 replications. The standard deviation is also calculated. We have another column named pc which is the theoretical value of average cluster insertion for a given insertion bias with a 3% cluster size. It was calculated as follows:

# Define your function  
pc <- function(bias, clufrac) {  
    genfrac <- 1.0 - clufrac  
    bias <- bias / 100  
    clufit <- (bias + 1.0) / 2.0  
    genfit <- 1.0 - clufit  
    totfit <- clufrac * clufit + genfrac * genfit  
    p <- (clufrac * clufit) / totfit  
    return(p * 100)  

We create a new dataframe where ‘gen’ equals 0 and sort it by ‘sampleid’. Then we calculate the expected values (pc) for each ‘sampleid’.

# Filter dataframe where 'gen' equals 0 and sort it by 'sampleid'
df2 <- df[df$gen == 0, numeric_columns] %>% arrange(sampleid)

# Calculate the expected values (pc) for each 'sampleid'
df2$pc <- sapply(df2$sampleid, function(x) pc(x, 0.03))

The last column, deviation_pc, is calculated as the deviation of mean_cli from pc as follows:

# Calculate mean_cli, sd_meancli, pc, and deviation_pc
df_summary <- df2 %>% 
    group_by(sampleid) %>% 
    summarise(mean_cli = mean(avcli, na.rm = TRUE), 
              sd_meancli = sd(avcli, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% 
    mutate(pc = sapply(sampleid, function(x) pc(x, 0.03)),
           deviation_pc = mean_cli - pc)

print(tibble(df_summary), n=21)
## # A tibble: 21 × 5
##    sampleid mean_cli sd_meancli      pc deviation_pc
##       <dbl>    <dbl>      <dbl>   <dbl>        <dbl>
##  1     -100    0        0         0         0       
##  2      -90    0.162    0.0130    0.163    -0.000814
##  3      -80    0.341    0.0204    0.342    -0.00157 
##  4      -70    0.542    0.0248    0.543    -0.000423
##  5      -60    0.769    0.0297    0.767     0.00154 
##  6      -50    1.02     0.0307    1.02     -0.00111 
##  7      -40    1.30     0.0360    1.31     -0.00454 
##  8      -30    1.63     0.0417    1.64     -0.00397 
##  9      -20    2.02     0.0448    2.02     -0.00160 
## 10      -10    2.48     0.0459    2.47      0.00719 
## 11        0    2.99     0.0514    3        -0.00930 
## 12       10    3.64     0.0571    3.64      0.000316
## 13       20    4.43     0.0622    4.43     -0.00360 
## 14       30    5.44     0.0707    5.43      0.00955 
## 15       40    6.73     0.0861    6.73      0.00333 
## 16       50    8.50     0.0932    8.49      0.00513 
## 17       60   11.0      0.0994   11.0      -0.00867 
## 18       70   14.9      0.112    14.9      -0.0104  
## 19       80   21.8      0.144    21.8       0.00271 
## 20       90   37.0      0.164    37.0       0.0114  
## 21      100  100.       0.00485 100        -0.0174


The validation matches our expectations and the insertion is working as expected and the the simulation successfully incorporates the user-defined TE insertions as specified.