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File metadata and controls

533 lines (417 loc) · 19.5 KB

Table of Contents

v1.2.2 - 2020/10/19


  • decK now prints a change summary even if it encountered an error. #197
  • decK now prints the ID of entities that it could not successfully sync. #199
  • Issues sending analytics will now emit a panic. #200
  • decK now creates the workspace specified with --workspace if it is not already present. #201
  • decK prints descriptive information about duplicated entities. #204


  • Resolved a concurrency bug during syncs. #202

v1.2.1 - 2020/08/04


decK has move under Kong's umbrella. Due to this change, the package path has changed from to This release contains the updated go.mod over v1.2.0. There are no other changes introduced in this release.

v1.2.0 - 2020/08/04


  • decK is now compatible with Kong 2.1:
    • New Admin API properties for entities are added.
    • Ordering of operations has changed to incorporate for new foreign-relations #192
  • New flag --db-update-propagation-delay to add an artifical delay between Admin API calls. This is introduced for better compatibility with Cassandra backed installations of Kong. #160 #154
  • decK now errors out if there are invalid positional arguments supplied to any command.
  • Stricter validation of state files. #162
  • ID property of CACertificate is always exported. #193


  • Ignore error for missing .deck config file #168
  • Correctly populate port in Service's URL (a sugar attribute) #166
  • Correct the help text for --tls-server-name flag #170
  • Better sanitization of --kong-addr input #171
  • Fix typos in the output of --help #174
  • Improve language of warning message for basic-auth credentials #145
  • Deduplicate select_tags input #183


  • Added support for managing mtls-auth credentials. #175
  • decK now automatically creates a workspace if one does not already exist during a sync operation. #187
  • Added --workspace flag to ping command. This can be used to verify connectivity with Kong Enterprise when running as an RBAC role with lower priviliges.
  • New --workspace flag for diff and sync command to provide workspace via the CLI instead of state file. Workspace defined in state file will be overriden if this flag is provided.
  • New --skip-workspace-crud flag to skip any workspace related operations. This flag can be used when running as as an RBAC role with lower priviliges. The content can be synced to specific workspaces but decK will not attempt to create or verify existence of a workspace. #157
  • Additional checks for existence of workspace before performing dump or reset #167
  • Improve end-user error message when workspace doesn't exist


  • CI changed from Travis to Github Actions
  • Improved code quality with addition of golangci-lint
  • Default branch for the project has been changed from master to main

v1.1.0 - 2020/04/05


  • Added support for multiple files or directories to -s/--state flag. Use -s multiple times or specify multiple files/directories using a comma separated list. #137
  • Performance decK should be much faster than before. Requests to Kong are now concurrent. dump, sync, diff and reset commands will be faster than before, by at least 2x.
  • SNI entity in Kong is not supported natively supported #139. Most users will not observe any changes. id and tags are now supported for the SNI entity in Kong.

Under the hood

  • Go has been upgraded to 1.14.1
  • Alpine base image for Docker has been upgraded to 3.11
  • Multiple other dependencies have also been upgraded, but these have no user-visible changes.


  • Default values for retries in Service entity and HTTPSVerifyCertificate in Upstream entity have been removed. These values can be set to 0 and false respectively now. #134

v1.0.3 - 2020/03/14


  • Fix certificate diff for certificates with no associated snis #131

v1.0.2 - 2020/02/21


  • Fix broken ca_certificate entity support #127

v1.0.1 - 2020/02/14


  • decK now supports the url sugar property on Service entity. #123

v1.0.0 - 2020/01/18


  • decK doesn't error out if bundled plugins in Kong are disabled #121
  • Consumer-specific plugins are excluded when --skip-consumers is used #119


  • go-kong has been upgraded to v0.11.0, which brings in support for Kong 2.0.
  • All other dependencies have also been upgraded, but these have no user-visible changes. b603f9

v0.7.2 - 2019/12/29


  • Kong's version is correctly parsed; v0.7.1 is unusable because of this bug. #117

v0.7.1 - 2019/12/24


  • Backward compatibility for credentials; tags are no longer injected into credentials for Kong versions below 1.4 #114

v0.7.0 - 2019/12/07

Breaking changes

  • sync command now shows the progress of the sync. Previously, the command did not output anything but errors.


  • Configuration of multiple plugin instances can now be de-duplicated using _plugin_configs field in the state file. #93
  • A summary is now presented at the end of a diff or sync operation showing the count of resources created/updated/deleted. #101
  • sync command now shows the progress of the sync as the sync takes place, making it easier to track progress in large environments. #100
  • --non-zero-exit-code flag hsa been added to diff command. Using this flag causes decK to exit with a non-zero exit code if a diff is detected, making it easier to script decK in CI pipelines. #98
  • A new docs website has been setup for the project:

v0.6.2 - 2019/11/16


  • Service-less routes are correctly processed #103
  • Plugins for routes are correctly processed #104

v0.6.1 - 2019/11/08


  • Check for workspace makes call the right endpoint #94
  • Error checking is performed correctly when ensuring existence of a workspace #95
  • Multiple upstream definitions are read correctly and synced up #96

v0.6.0 - 2019/11/03

Breaking changes

  • ID field is required for Certificate entity. Previous state files will break if ID is not present on this entity. You can use dump command to generate new state files which includes the ID field.
  • SNIs are exported under the name key under Certificate entity to match Kong's declarative configuration format.


  • Kong's configuration can now be synced/diffed/dumped using JSON format, in addition to the existing YAML format. Use the --format flag to specify the format. #35
  • Plugins associated with multiple entities e.g. a plugin for a combination of route and a consumer in Kong are now supported. #13
  • JSON-schema based validation is now performed on the input file(s) for every command.
  • New validate command has been added to validate an existing state file. This performs a JSON-schema based sanity check on the file along-with foreign reference checks to check for dangling pointers.
  • Service-less routes are now supported by decK.
  • name is no longer a required field for routes and services entities in Kong. If a name is not present, decK exports the entity with it's ID.
  • Client-certificates on Service entity are now a supported.
  • Credential entities like key-auth, basic-auth now support tagging.
  • --parallelism flag has been added to sync and diff commands to control the number of concurrenty request to Kong's Admin API. #85
  • diff and sync show a descriptive error when a workspace doesn't exist for Kong Enterprise. 102ed5dd
  • --select-tag flag has been added to diff and sync command for use-cases where the tags are not part of the state file. It is not recommended to use these flags unless you know what you are doing. #81
  • ID for any entity can now be specified. decK previously ignored the ID for any entity if one was specified. Entities can also be exported with the ID field set using --with-id flag on the dump command. #29


  • decK runs as non-root user in the Docker image. #82
  • SNIs are now exported same as Kong's format i.e. they are exported under a name key under the certificates entity. #76
  • Errors are made more descriptive in few commands.
  • decK's binary inside the Docker image now contains versioning information. #38


  • Go has been bumped up to 1.13.4.
  • go-kong has been bumped up to v0.10.0.
  • Reduced memory allocation, which should result in less GC pressure.

v0.5.2 - 2019/09/15


  • -w/--workspace flag has been added to the reset command to reset a specific workspace in Kong Enterprise. #74
  • --all-workspaces flag has been added to the reset command to reset all workspaces in Kong Enterprise. #74
  • A warning is logged when basic-auth credentials are being synced. #49


  • Kong Enterprise Developer Portal exposes the credentials (basic/key) of Developers on the Admin API, but doesn't expose the consumers causing issues during export. decK now ignores these credentials in Kong Enterprise. #75


  • Go version has been bumped to 1.13.

v0.5.1 - 2019/08/24


  • oauth2 credentials associated with consumers are now supported. #67


  • The same target can be associated with multiple upstreams. #57
  • Fix compatibility with Kong < 1.3. #59
  • Ignore credentials for consumers which are not in the sub-set of the configuration being synced. #65

v0.5.0 - 2019/08/18


This release brings the following features:

  • Consumer credentials are now supported
  • Support for Kong 1.3
  • Kong Enterprise workspace support
  • Reading configuration from multiple files in a directories

Breaking changes

No breaking changes have been introduced in this release.


  • Consumer credentials
    The following entities associate with a consumer in Kong are now supported #12:

    • key-auth
    • basic-auth
    • hmac-auth
    • jwt
    • acl
  • decK's exported YAML is now compatible with Kong's declarative config file.

  • Homebrew support
    decK can now be installed using Homebrew on macOS:

    brew tap hbagdi/deck
    brew install deck
  • Multiple state files
    decK can now read the configuration of Kong from multiple YAML files in a directory. You can split your configuration into files in any way you would like. #22

  • Upcoming Kong 1.3 is now supported. #36

  • Kong Enterprise only features:
    Workspaces are now natively supported in decK

    • -w/--workspace flag can be specified in the dump command to export configuration of a single workspace.
    • --all-workspaces flag in dump command will export all workspaces in Kong Enteprise. Each workspace lives in a separate state file.
    • diff and sync command now support workspaces via the _workspace attribute in the state file.


  • decK now supports TCP services in Kong. #44
  • Add missing interval field in Upstream entity's unhealthy active healthchecks #45
  • Docker image now contains only the binary and not the entire source code. #34
    Thanks to David Cruz for the contribution.

v0.4.0 - 2019/06/10


This release introduces support for Kong 1.2.x.

Breaking changes

  • strip_path attribute of Route can now be set to false. The default value is now false, which was true previously. #18


  • https_redirect_status_code attribute of Route in Kong can be set, and defaults to 426.

v0.3.0 - 2019/05/14

Breaking changes

No breaking changes have been introduced in this release.


  • Tag-based distributed configuration management
    Only a subset of Kong entities sharing a (set of) tag can now be exported, deleted, diffed or synced. decK can now manage your Kong's configuration in a distributed manner, whereby you can split Kong's configuration by team and each team can manage it's own configuration. Use select-tag feature in all the commands and config file for this purpose. #17
  • Read/write state from stdout/stdin Config file can now be read in from standard-input and written out to standard-output. #10, #11
    Thanks to @matthewbednarski for the contribution.
  • Automated defaults
    No need to specify default values for all core Kong entities, further simplifying your Kong's configuration. Default values for plugin configuration still need to be defined, this is on the roadmap. b448d4f
  • Add support for new properties in Upstream entity in Kong. 080200d
  • Empty plugins and other Kong entities are not populated in the config file as empty arrays to keep the file concise and clean. ae38f1b
  • Docker image is now available via Docker Hub. You can use docker pull hbagdi/deck to pull down decK in a Docker image.


  • Empty arrays in plugin configs are not treated as nil anymore. #9
  • Correctly sync plugins which are out of sync. Protocols field in plugins can be confused with protocols field in routes in Kong #6
    Thanks to @davidcv5 for the contribution.
  • Throw an error if an object is not marshalled into YAML correctly.
  • Correctly create service-level plugins for Kong >= 1.1 #16


  • go-kong has been bumped up to v0.4.1.

v0.2.0 - 2019/04/01

Breaking changes

No breaking changes have been introduced in this release.


  • Consumers and consumer-level plugins can now be exported from Kong and synced to Kong.
  • --skip-consumers flag has been introduced to various sub-commands to skip management of consumers in environments where they are created dynamically.`
  • Authentication support: custom HTTP Headers (key:value) can be injected into requests that decK makes to Kong's Admin API using the --headers CLI flag. #1
    Thanks to @davidcv5 for the contribution.


  • Infinite loop in pagination for exporting entities in Kong #2
    Thanks to @lmika for the contribution.
  • Plugins are updated using PUT requests instead of PATCH to avoid any schema violations.

v0.1.0 - 2019/01/12


Debut release of decK