Author: Florian Maul (fme AG)
This project contains a Javascript Console component for the Alfresco Share's Administration Console, that enables the execution of arbitrary javascript code in the repository.
Add the dependencies to the Alfresco repository and share POM files of your WAR projects.
For the Repository
For Share
autocomplete with tern.js
new json output view for validation and formatting json from the freemarker template processing
JSHint integration in javascript editor- it validates input on the fly and integrates the alfresco root objects like search, node...
performance statistics - displays overall time, time for javascript and freemarker processing, time for network and time for rest of the server side processing
Editor Theming - allows you to theme the javascript and freemarker codemirror editor
better error marking of server runtime errors in the editors
update codemirror to version 3 and enabling many codemirror addons(activeline, hightlight selection, new autocomplete module)
The component has been developed to install on top of an existing Alfresco
4.0, 4.1, 4.2 or 5.0 installation. The javascript-console-repo-<version>.amp
needs to be installed into the Alfresco
Repository / Share webapp using the Alfresco Module Management Tool:
java -jar alfresco-mmt.jar install javascript-console-repo-<version>.amp /path/to/alfresco.war
java -jar alfresco-mmt.jar install javascript-console-share-<version>.amp /path/to/share.war
You can also use the Alfresco Maven SDK to install or overlay the AMP during the build of a Repository / Share WAR project. See for details.
To build the module and its AMP / JAR files, run the following command from the base project directory:
mvn install
The command builds two JAR files named javascript-console-repo-<version>.jar
and javascript-console-repo-<version>-sources.jar
as well as javascript-console-repo-<version>.amp
in the target
directory within your project.
If you want to build the module so it can be installed and run in an Alfresco 4.0 / 4.1 server
running on Java 6 you need to have a Java 6 JDK available. Either make sure that your JDK 6 is set
as the default Java environment (PATH
environment variable) or run the build with the
following command from the base project directory:
mvn install -P Java6-crossCompile -Djdk6.executable=/path/to/javac
- Log in to Alfresco Share and navigate to an Administration page such as Users or Groups
- In the left-hand-side navigation, click Javascript Console
- Enter Alfresco repository javascript code in the textarea at the top. Press the execute button to run the script.
- You can use the special
javascript command to output messages to the output window. - use Ctrl+Space for code completion. Note that only global objects and specific variables (document, space, variables ending in ...node) are completed.