The app shows the bounding box and confidence (if there's any) when you click on the preview image.
Sharing image is not yet supported by the Flutter share plugin.
- iOS
- TensorFlow Mobile: iOS, Android
- camera
- path_provider
- share
Copy quantized_yolov2-tiny-hotdog.pb in ../yolo directory to
- flutter_nothotdog/android/app/src/main/assets/
- flutter_nothotdog/ios/Runner/TensorFlow/
- For iOS, TensorFlow Mobile is installed using POD:
cd flutter_nothotdog/ios
pod install
- Install other dependencies:
cd flutter_nothotdog/
flutter packages get
flutter run
- Install the flutter_hotdog.apk (released version) in flutter_nothotdog directory.
I created my own native module to interact with Tensorflow Mobile.
The native code is in flutter_nothotdog/ios/Runner/TensorFlow/
The native code is in flutter_nothotdog/android/app/src/main/java/com/nothotdog/tensorflow/
Thanks to: