words to use
General | Defination |
buying | |
cherry on top | |
come again | |
channelise | |
cutting everything short | |
direction | |
just building up the context | |
likewise | |
too good to be true |
General | Defination |
commendable | |
diligent | careful / hard-working |
evangelize | preach |
indecisive | having a hard time making decisions |
obscure | clear |
General | Defination |
candor | quality of being open and honest / frankness |
indispensable | crucial |
inevitable | unavoidable |
steep | almost perpendicular (difficult) |
titan | giant |
General | Defination |
cognitive | involving conscious intellectual activity |
monotonous | lacking in variety and interest |
pomodoro | italian for tomato (time management mathod) |
subconscious | the part of the mind of which one is not fully aware but which influences one's actions and feelings |
synopsis | a brief summary |
General | Defination |
Aced | |
Aggregate | [bundle, collection, clump, cluster, composite, gross, heap, lump, pile] a whole formed by combining several separate elements |
Agnostic | having the belief that it is not possible to know whether god exists |
Analogue | [equivalent, cognate, correlate] a person or thing seen as comparable to another |
Cult | [فرقہ] religious veneration and devotion directed towards a particular figure |
Canonical | [lawful] accepted as being accurate and authoritative |
Elapsed | (of time) pass or go by |
Enqueue | [wait in line] add (an item of data awaiting processing) to a queue of such items |
Interoperable | [backward-compatible] (of computer systems) able to exchange and make use of information |
Nitty Gritty | the most important and basic facts or details about something |
Orthodox | [traditional] of the ordinary or usual type; normal |
Peer | [ساتھی] look with concentration at something |
Pinnacle | [چوٹی] the most successful point |
Prejudice | [تعصب, bias] preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience |
Rhetoric or Sophistry | Right(manjan) vs Wrong(manjan) |
Spatial | relating to or occupying space |
Vicariously | experience something indirectly |
Verbose | [لفظی, wordy] expressed in more words than are needed |
Word | Word | Word | Word | Word |
Pre Requistes | Estimation | Tentative | ||
Dependency | Hurdle Limitations | |||
Energy | Motivation | Positivity | Proud | Own |
Same Direction | 20x so 10x |