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Abbreviation (Terminology, Quote, Latest)

  1. Abbreviation [17]
  2. Terminology [3]
  4. Similarity
  5. Operators
  6. Concepts
  7. Latest


1. AI

details ->

2. App

Abbreviation Full Form Desc
AAPT Android Asset Packaging Tool
AASA apple-app-site-association
ADB Android Debug Bridge
ADT Android Development Tools
AIDL Android Interface Definition Language
ANR Application Not Responding
.apk Android Application Package (Android Package)
AVD Android Virtual Devices
DDMS Dalvik Debug Monitoring Service
.dex Dalvik Executable
DVM Dalvik Virtual Machine
.ipa iOS App Store Package
JVM Java Virtual Machine
KAPT Kotlin Annotation Processing Tool
MAD Skills Modern Android Development Skills

3. Architecture/Design

Abbreviation Full Form Desc
BDD Behavior Driven Development
DbC Design by Contract
DDD Domain Driven Design
DIE Duplication Is Evil
DIP Dependency Inversion Principle
DRY Don't Repeat Yourself
GoF Gang of Four
GRASP General Responsibility Assignment Software Patterns
IoC Inversion of Control
KISS Keep It Simple! Stupid
OOAD Object Oriented Analysis and Design
OOD Object Oriented Design
OOP Object Oriented Programming
REPL read-evaluate-print loop
SLAP Single Layer of Abstraction Principle
SOLID Single-R-P / Open-C-P / Liskov-S-P / Interface-S-P / Dependency-I-P
SSOT Single Source of Truth
TDD Test Driven Development
UML Unified Modeling Language
YAGNI You Aren’t Gonna Need It

4. Business

Abbreviation Full Form Desc
AAARRR Awareness, Acquisition, Activation, Revenue, Retention, Referral
AC Actual Cost
B2B Business to Business
B2C Business to Consumer
CSAT Customer Satisfaction
CES Customer Experience Service
GMV Gross Merchandise Value
KPI Key Performance Indicator
LTV Lifetime Value
NPS Net Promoter Score
OKR Objectives and Key Results
PAN Presence Across Nation
ROI Return on Investment

5. Command

Abbreviation Full Form Desc
npm Node Package Manager
npx Node Package eXecute
pip pip Installs Packages
yarn Yet Another Resource Negotiator

6. Database

Abbreviation Full Form Desc
ACID Atomicity Consistency Isolation Durability
BASE Basically Available, Soft-state, Eventually-consistent
CAP Consistency Availability Partition-tolerance
CRUD Create Read Update Delete
DAO Data Access Object
DCL Data Control Language
DDL Data Definition Language
DML Data Manipulation Language
DTO Data Transfer Object
ER model Entity Relationship Model
SIUD Select Insert Update Delete
SQL Structured Query Language
TCL Transaction Control Language

7. Design

Abbreviation Full Form Desc
CGI Computer-generated Imagery

8. Entrepreneurship

Abbreviation Full Form Desc
CCC Creator, Critic, and Crusader shark-tank-america

9. General

Abbreviation Full Form Desc
PR Pull Request
RC Release Candidate
SDK Software Development Kit
STEM Science Technology Engineering Mathematics
XML Extensible Markup Language

10. Hardware

Abbreviation Full Form Desc
ODM original design manufacturer
OEM original equipment manufacturer

11. Management

Abbreviation Full Form Desc
CRM Customer Relationship Management
EHS Environment, Health & Safety
EP Enterprise Portal
ERP Enterprise Resource Planning
HCM Human Capital Management
HR Human Resources
LES Logistics Execution System
MIS Management Information System
PLM Product Lifecycle Management
PP Production Planning
SAP Systems, Applications & Products
SCM System Capital Management
SCM Supply Chain management x2
SD Sales and Distribution
SRM Supplier Relationship Management
WMS Warehouse management system

12. Marketing

Abbreviation Full Form Desc
PPPP Product, Price, Place and Promotion

13. Network

Abbreviation Full Form Desc
API Application Programming Interface
FTP File Transfer Protocol
IP Internet Protocol
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
JSON JavaScript Object Notation
JWT Json Web Token
REST Representational state transfer
SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
UDP User Datagram Protocol
XMPP Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol

14. Project/Product

Abbreviation Full Form Desc
BRD Business Requirements Document
JIT Just In Time
JIC Just In Case
MRD Marketting Requirements Document
PRD Product Requirements Document
PM Project Manager/Project Management
PMO Project Management Office
PMP Project Management Professional
QA Quality Assurance
QC Quality Control
QCD Quality, Cost, Delivery
QFD Quality Function Deployment
QP Quality Planning
SRS Software Requirements Specification

15. Security

Abbreviation Full Form Desc
CIA Confidentiality Integrity Availability

16. Tech Stack

Abbreviation Full Form Desc
LAMP Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP
MEAN MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, Node.JS
MERN MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, Node.JS
MEVN MongoDB, ExpressJS, Vue.JS, Node.JS
WAMP Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP

17. Others

Abbreviation Full Form Desc
CAPTCHA Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart
IELTS International English Language Testing System
SOS Save Our Souls


1. Business

General Defination
Ball park range within which an estimate is likely to be correct
Barter exchange (goods or services) for other without using money
Bootstrap process of starting a company with only personal savings, including borrowed or invested funds from family or friends, as well as income from initial sales
Compliance the act of obeying an order
Pivot [محور] rotate, turn, revolve, spin
Vicinity the area near or surrounding a particular place
Unicorn venture capital industry to describe a startup company with a value of over $1 billion

2. Tech

Terminology Defination
Agnostic Approach which is interoperable across the systems and there are no prejudices towards using a specific technology, model, methodology or data
Anti Pattern
Boilerplate sections of code that have to be included in many places with little or no alteration ■ often used when referring to languages that are considered verbose
Callback Hell nested callbacks stacked below one another forming a pyramid structure
Code review
Code smell
Coroutines Co+Routine - Co means Coopearion, Routine means Function. when functions cooperate with each other
Day of the Programmer 256th (hexadecimal 100th, or the 2^8) day of each year (Sep-13 normal / Sep-12 in leap years) ■ in China, October 24 (1024) = 2^10 (Ki binary prefix)
Debounce (1 sec - start at 1,2 - delay) executes the function after the interval if function isn't being called within that interval -> details
Design smell
Firmware permanent software programmed into a ROM (OS in mobile)
God object (also known an omniscient or all-knowing object) is an object that references a large number of distinct types, has too many unrelated methods
Idempotent executing it multiple times is equivalent to executing it once (state unchange [put, delete]) (result is same, response may vary)
Language-agnostic software development paradigm where a language is chosen because of its appropriateness, and not because of the skill-set available within a team
Lasagna Code code whose layers are so complicated and intertwined that making a change in one layer would necessitate changes in all other layers
Modular Programming
Obfuscated Code
Pair Programming agile software development technique in which two programmers work together at one workstation
Peer review evaluation of work by one or more people with similar competencies as the producers of the work (peers)
Pragmatic dealing with things realistically, based on practical rather than theoretical considerations
Prefactoring applying expertise gained in refactoring
Ravioli Code specific to object-oriented programming, code that comprises well-structured classes that are easy to understand in isolation, but difficult to understand as a whole
Refactoring restructuring code, while not changing its original functionality
Rubber duck debugging method of debugging code by articulating a problem in spoken or written natural language
Separation Of Concerns
Spaghetti Code unstructured and difficult-to-maintain source code. example: God Class
Syntactic Sugar syntax within a programming language that is designed to make things easier to read or to express
Test Double where you replace a production(or behave like their release-intended counterpart) object for testing purposes
Throttle (1 sec - start at 0,1,2 - no delay) executes the function n times at fixed interval -> details

3. Generation

General Defination
Baby boomers eldest, born between the years 1946 and 1964
Generation X 1965 and 1980
Millennials (Generation Y) 1981 and 1996
Gen Z 1997 and 2012
Gen Alpha 2013 and later


Quotes Description
A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds Python PEP Style Guide
Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand Martin Fowler (Book: Refactoring)
Arguments are passed while Parameters are received -> details
Don't call us, we'll call you Hollywood Principle
Fire and forget UDP, async
Sometimes it is the people whom no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine Alan Turing
Splitters can be lumped more easily than lumpers can be split -> details
Use the client’s language -> details
When you're abstract, be abstract all the way -> details
Less is more
Simplify to amplify
3-Click Rule Steve Jobs
The Billion Dollar Mistake Null References


rules, axiom
entity, relation, table
object, instance, row, tuple
variable, property, member, field, attribute, column
↑ parameter, argument
dummy, fake, stub, mock
function, method, procedure, routine
annotations, decorators, modifiers, macros
design principles, design patterns, architecture, paradigm
delegate, callback, interface, abstract, annonymous, lambdas


1 Liner


Name Op Desc
Conditional ?
Elvis/Binary ?: a = a<b ?: a
Ternary cond?a:b a<b ? a : b
Safe Call ?.
Null Coalescing ??
Colon : C++(Inheritance)
Double Colon :: Kotlin(Class/Method Reference) | Java(Method Reference) | C++(Scope Resolution)
Range ..
Exclamation !
Double Bang !! Kotlin(Non-Null Assertion)
Lambda ->
OR ||
AND &&


- - - - -
- - OS - -
Android 16 (35-Baklava) [19/Nov/24] Samsung - One UI 6.0 Xiomi - HyperOS 1.0 Xiomi - MIUI 14.0.2 Huawei HarmonyOS Next [22/Oct/24]
Huawei - Harmony 4.0 Huawei - EMUI 13 Honor - MagicOS 8.0 BBK - Oppo - ColorOS 14 BBK - OnePlus - OxygenOS 14
Transsion - Infinix - XOS 13 Transsion - Techno - HiOS 13 - - -
iOS 18.2 [16/Sep/24] iPadOS 18.0 macOS Sequoia 15.0 watchOS 10 (11 beta) tvOS 17.5 (18.0 beta)
visionOS 1.2 (2.0 beta)
- - PHONES - -
Google Pixel 8 Pro Google Pixel Fold Samsung S24 Ultra Samsung Z Flip 5 Samsung Z Fold 5
Xiaomi 14 Xiaomi - Redmi Note 13 Pro Plus 5G Xiaomi - Poco X6 Pro BBK - Realme 12 Pro Plus 5G BBK - Oppo Reno 11 F
BBK - Vivo Y200E BBK - Oneplus Nord 30 SE 5G Transsion - Tecno Spark 20 Pro Transsion - Infinix Hot 40 Pro Transsion - Infinix Smart 8 Plus
Transsion - Itel P55 Plus Honor Magic V2 RSR Porsche Design Huawei Pocket 2 Motorola Moto G24 Power Lenovo Legion Y700 (2023)
Nothing Phone 2 LG W41 Pro Nokia C210 Microsoft Surface Duo 2 -
iPhone 16 [16/Sep/24] iPhone 16 Plus iPhone 16 Pro iPhone 16 Pro Max -
- - TECH - -
Kotlin 2.1 [27/Nov/24] Swift 6 [16/Sep/24] JDK 23 [17/Sep/24] Android Studio Ladybug [Sep/24] Xcode 16 [16/Sep/24]
Jetpack Compose (min Android5 21) Swift UI (min iOS 15)