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File metadata and controls

480 lines (417 loc) · 21.4 KB

get index bloat

explain the SQL

the first step: 获取到所有的btree类型的index的信息 - idx_data


  1. the default fillfactor is 90%
  2. indexrelid 是index oid 对应到pg_class中index的oid
  3. indrelid 是 index 对应的表的oid
  4. indkey: is a array that indicate which table columns this index indexes. For example a value of {1 3} would mean that the first and the third table columns make up the index entries. Key columns come before non-key (included) columns
  5. reltuples: Number of live tuples in the table.
  6. relpages: the number of pages
    ci.relname AS idxname,      -- index name
    ci.reltuples,               -- Number of live tuples in the table.
    ci.relpages,                -- the size of page size, default is 8kb in postgres
    i.indrelid AS tbloid,
    i.indexrelid AS idxoid,
    coalesce(substring(array_to_string(ci.reloptions, ' ') from 'fillfactor=([0-9]+)')::smallint, 90) AS fillfactor,
    pg_catalog.string_to_array(pg_catalog.textin(pg_catalog.int2vectorout(i.indkey)),' ')::int[] AS indkey
FROM pg_catalog.pg_index i
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ci ON ci.oid = i.indexrelid
    WHERE ci.relam =
        ( SELECT oid FROM pg_am WHERE amname = 'btree')
        AND ci.relpages > 0;


create view idx_data as
  SELECT ci.relname AS idxname, ci.reltuples, ci.relpages, i.indrelid AS tbloid,
          i.indexrelid AS idxoid,
              array_to_string(ci.reloptions, ' ')
              from 'fillfactor=([0-9]+)')::smallint, 90) AS fillfactor,
              pg_catalog.int2vectorout(i.indkey)),' ')::int[] AS indkey
      FROM pg_catalog.pg_index i
      JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ci ON ci.oid = i.indexrelid
      WHERE ci.relam=(SELECT oid FROM pg_am WHERE amname = 'btree')
      AND ci.relpages > 0;

select * from idx_data order by tbloid desc limit 5;

       idxname        | reltuples | relpages | tbloid | idxoid | fillfactor | indnatts | indkey
 idx_t1_2             |     1e+06 |     2745 |  24679 |  24683 |         90 |        1 | {1}
 idx_t1               |     1e+06 |     2745 |  24679 |  24682 |         90 |        1 | {1}
 idx_t                |     1e+06 |     3078 |  24675 |  24678 |         90 |        1 | {1}
 pg_toast_12633_index |         0 |        1 |  12636 |  12637 |         90 |        2 | {1,2}
 pg_toast_12628_index |         0 |        1 |  12631 |  12632 |         90 |        2 | {1,2}
(5 rows)

the second step - ic

split index table

SELECT idxname, reltuples, relpages, tbloid, idxoid, fillfactor, indkey,
    pg_catalog.generate_series(1, indnatts) AS attpos
FROM idx_data
AS ic
  1. generate_series:
SELECT * FROM generate_series(2,4);
(3 rows)

SELECT * FROM generate_series(5,1,-2);
(3 rows)
  1. indnatts/attpos:

attpos: The total number of columns in the index (duplicates pg_class.relnatts); this number includes both key and included attributes

一个index中 attpos 如果有几个index列 就会分裂成几行 attpos 标识了序号 如下所示 为表中的每一行都分裂成了4行

postgres=# select * from zxj;
 tc1 | tc2
   1 |   1
   2 |   2
(2 rows)

postgres=# select *,generate_series(1,4) from zxj;
 tc1 | tc2 | generate_series
   1 |   1 |               1
   1 |   1 |               2
   1 |   1 |               3
   1 |   1 |               4
   2 |   2 |               1
   2 |   2 |               2
   2 |   2 |               3
   2 |   2 |               4
(8 rows)
SELECT idxname, reltuples, relpages, tbloid, idxoid, fillfactor, indkey,
  pg_catalog.generate_series(1,indnatts) AS attpos
FROM idx_data;


create view ic as
        pg_catalog.generate_series(1,indnatts) AS attpos
    FROM idx_data;
select * from ic order by tbloid desc limit 10;

       idxname        | reltuples | relpages | tbloid | idxoid | fillfactor | indkey | attpos
 ttt_idx              |         0 |        1 |  24703 |  24706 |         90 | {2,4}  |      1  以第二列和第四列建立索引, 这个第一个列
 ttt_idx              |         0 |        1 |  24703 |  24706 |         90 | {2,4}  |      2  以第二列和第四列建立索引,这个的第二个列
 idx_t1               |     1e+06 |     2745 |  24679 |  24682 |         90 | {1}    |      1
 idx_t1_2             |     1e+06 |     2745 |  24679 |  24683 |         90 | {1}    |      1
 idx_t                |     1e+06 |     3078 |  24675 |  24678 |         90 | {1}    |      1
 pg_toast_12633_index |         0 |        1 |  12636 |  12637 |         90 | {1,2}  |      1
 pg_toast_12633_index |         0 |        1 |  12636 |  12637 |         90 | {1,2}  |      2
 pg_toast_12628_index |         0 |        1 |  12631 |  12632 |         90 | {1,2}  |      1
 pg_toast_12628_index |         0 |        1 |  12631 |  12632 |         90 | {1,2}  |      2
 pg_toast_12623_index |         0 |        1 |  12626 |  12627 |         90 | {1,2}  |      1

步骤3 - i


--与pg_attribute联查 获取到列信息

    ct.relname AS tblname,
    coalesce(a1.attnum, a2.attnum) AS attnum,
    coalesce(a1.attname, a2.attname) AS attname, coalesce(a1.atttypid, a2.atttypid) AS atttypid,
    CASE WHEN a1.attnum IS NULL THEN ic.idxname
    ELSE ct.relname
    END AS attrelname
FROM  ic
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ct ON ct.oid = ic.tbloid
LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attribute a1
    ON     --表信息
        ic.indkey[ic.attpos] <> 0               --某列信息
        AND a1.attrelid = ic.tbloid
        AND a1.attnum = ic.indkey[ic.attpos]  --表的列
LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attribute a2
        ic.indkey[ic.attpos] = 0
        AND a2.attrelid = ic.idxoid           --索引列
        AND a2.attnum = ic.attpos;


create view i as
    ct.relname AS tblname,
    ic.indkey[ic.attpos] as indkeynum,
    coalesce(a1.attnum, a2.attnum) AS attnum, coalesce(a1.attname, a2.attname) AS attname, coalesce(a1.atttypid, a2.atttypid) AS atttypid,
    CASE WHEN a1.attnum IS NULL
    THEN ic.idxname
    ELSE ct.relname
    END AS attrelname
FROM  ic
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ct ON ct.oid = ic.tbloid
LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attribute a1 ON
    ic.indkey[ic.attpos] <> 0 AND a1.attrelid = ic.tbloid AND a1.attnum = ic.indkey[ic.attpos]
LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attribute a2 ON ic.indkey[ic.attpos] = 0 AND a2.attrelid = ic.idxoid AND a2.attnum = ic.attpos;
   select * from i order by tbloid desc limit 10;
         tblname          | relnamespace |                        idxname                        | attpos |  indkey   | indkey | reltuples | relpages |
 tbloid | idxoid | fillfactor | attnum |     attname     | atttypid |        attrelname
 ttt                      |         2200 | ttt_idx                                               |      1 | {2,4}     |      2 |         0 |        1 |
  24703 |  24706 |         90 |      2 | tc2             |       23 | ttt
 ttt                      |         2200 | ttt_idx                                               |      2 | {2,4}     |      4 |         0 |        1 |
  24703 |  24706 |         90 |      4 | tc4             |       23 | ttt
 t1                       |         2200 | idx_t1                                                |      1 | {1}       |      1 |     1e+06 |     2745 |
  24679 |  24682 |         90 |      1 | id              |       23 | t1
 t1                       |         2200 | idx_t1_2                                              |      1 | {1}       |      1 |     1e+06 |     2745 |
  24679 |  24683 |         90 |      1 | id              |       23 | t1
 t                        |         2200 | idx_t                                                 |      1 | {1}       |      1 |     1e+06 |     3078 |
  24675 |  24678 |         90 |      1 | id              |       23 | t


解释 --与 pg_stats 联查,获取了indextuple的头信息长度 index_tuple_hdr_bm

  • pg_stats.null_frac: Fraction of column entries that are null
  • nulldatawidth 平均一个indextuple占用的size大小 考虑到了null值存在
  • is_na: if is true, it means: the index using the name type. Statistics for this type are not correlated to its space use, leading to wrong statistics. A lot of relations from pg_catalog reports negative stats because of this
  • index_tuple_hdr_bm: 一个index tuple占用的空间, 加上了null bit map及 max align
  • bs: current page size
    current_setting('block_size')::numeric AS bs,
    CASE -- MAXALIGN: 4 on 32bits, 8 on 64bits (and mingw32 ?)
        WHEN version() ~ 'mingw32' OR version() ~ '64-bit|x86_64|ppc64|ia64|amd64' THEN 8
        ELSE 4
        END AS maxalign,
        /* per page header, fixed size: 20 for 7.X, 24 for others */
        24 AS pagehdr,
        /* per page btree opaque data (the special zone size in page)*/
        16 AS pageopqdata,
        /* per tuple header: add IndexAttributeBitMapData if some cols are null-able */
        CASE WHEN max(coalesce(s.null_frac,0)) = 0
            THEN 6 -- IndexTupleData size. what is indexTupleData, see
            ELSE 6 + (( 32 + 8 - 1 ) / 8) -- IndexTupleData size (6 bytes) + IndexAttributeBitMapData size ( max num filed per index + 8 - 1 /8)
            END AS index_tuple_hdr_bm,
            /* data len: we remove null values save space using it fractionnal part from stats */
            sum( (1-coalesce(s.null_frac, 0)) * coalesce(s.avg_width, 1024)) AS nulldatawidth, -- the fraction of non-null column * Average width in bytes of column's entries = the width of non
            max( CASE WHEN i.atttypid = ''::regtype THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) > 0 AS is_na
    JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = i.relnamespace
    JOIN pg_catalog.pg_stats s ON s.schemaname = n.nspname
                                AND s.tablename = i.attrelname
                                AND s.attname = i.attname
GROUP BY 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11;
create view rows_data_stats as
SELECT n.nspname, i.tblname, i.idxname, i.reltuples, i.relpages,
              i.idxoid, i.fillfactor, current_setting('block_size')::numeric AS bs,
              CASE -- MAXALIGN: 4 on 32bits, 8 on 64bits (and mingw32 ?)
                WHEN version() ~ 'mingw32' OR version() ~ '64-bit|x86_64|ppc64|ia64|amd64' THEN 8
                ELSE 4
                END AS maxalign,
              /* per page header, fixed size: 20 for 7.X, 24 for others */
              24 AS pagehdr,
              /* per page btree opaque data */
              16 AS pageopqdata, -- maybe the special space in Page Layout
              /* per tuple header: add IndexAttributeBitMapData if some cols are null-able */
              CASE WHEN max(coalesce(s.null_frac,0)) = 0
                THEN 6 -- IndexTupleData size               -- maybe the tid+tinfo
                ELSE 6 + (( 32 + 8 - 1 ) / 8)
              END AS index_tuple_hdr_bm, -- IndexTupleData size + IndexAttributeBitMapData size ( max num filed per index + 8 - 1 /8)
              /* data len: we remove null values save space using it fractionnal part from stats */
              sum( (1-coalesce(s.null_frac, 0)) * coalesce(s.avg_width, 1024)) AS nulldatawidth,
              max( CASE WHEN i.atttypid = ''::regtype THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) > 0 AS is_na
          FROM i
            JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = i.relnamespace      --找到namespace
            JOIN pg_catalog.pg_stats s ON s.schemaname = n.nspname
                                      AND s.tablename = i.attrelname
                                      AND s.attname = i.attname
            GROUP BY 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11;
ostgres=# select * from rows_data_stats order by idxoid desc limit 10;
  nspname   |     tblname      |            idxname            | reltuples | relpages | idxoid | fillfactor |  bs  | maxalign | pagehdr | pageopqdata |
 index_tuple_hdr_bm | nulldatawidth | is_na
 public     | t1               | idx_t1_2                      |     1e+06 |     2745 |  24683 |         90 | 8192 |        8 |      24 |          16 |
                  2 |             4 | f
 public     | t1               | idx_t1                        |     1e+06 |     2745 |  24682 |         90 | 8192 |        8 |      24 |          16 |
                  2 |             4 | f
 public     | t                | idx_t                         |     1e+06 |     3078 |  24678 |         90 | 8192 |        8 |      24 |          16 |
                  2 |             4 | f
 pg_catalog | pg_ts_template   | pg_ts_template_oid_index      |         5 |        2 |   3767 |         90 | 8192 |        8 |      24 |          16 |
                  2 |             4 | f
 pg_catalog | pg_ts_template   | pg_ts_template_tmplname_index |         5 |        2 |   3766 |         90 | 8192 |        8 |      24 |          16 |
                  2 |            68 | t
 pg_catalog | pg_ts_config     | pg_ts_config_oid_index        |        29 |        2 |   3712 |         90 | 8192 |        8 |      24 |          16 |
                  2 |             4 | f
 pg_catalog | pg_ts_config_map | pg_ts_config_map_index        |       551 |        4 |   3609 |         90 | 8192 |        8 |      24 |          16 |
                  2 |            12 | f
 pg_catalog | pg_ts_config     | pg_ts_config_cfgname_index    |        29 |        2 |   3608 |         90 | 8192 |        8 |      24 |          16 |
                  2 |            68 | t
 pg_catalog | pg_ts_parser     | pg_ts_parser_oid_index        |         1 |        2 |   3607 |         90 | 8192 |        8 |      24 |          16 |
                  2 |             4 | f
 pg_catalog | pg_ts_parser     | pg_ts_parser_prsname_index    |         1 |        2 |   3606 |         90 | 8192 |        8 |      24 |          16 |
                  2 |            68 | t
(10 rows)




SELECT maxalign, bs, nspname, tblname, idxname, reltuples, relpages, idxoid, fillfactor,
( index_tuple_hdr_bm + maxalign -
    CASE -- Add padding to the index tuple header to align on MAXALIGN
        WHEN index_tuple_hdr_bm%maxalign = 0 THEN maxalign
        ELSE index_tuple_hdr_bm%maxalign
    + nulldatawidth + maxalign
    - CASE -- Add padding to the data to align on MAXALIGN
        WHEN nulldatawidth = 0 THEN 0
        WHEN nulldatawidth::integer%maxalign = 0 THEN maxalign
        ELSE nulldatawidth::integer%maxalign
)::numeric AS nulldatahdrwidth, pagehdr, pageopqdata, is_na -- , index_tuple_hdr_bm, nulldatawidth -- (DEBUG INFO)
FROM  rows_data_stats;
create view rows_hdr_pdg_stats as
SELECT maxalign, bs, nspname, tblname, idxname, reltuples, relpages, idxoid, fillfactor,
            ( index_tuple_hdr_bm +
                maxalign - CASE -- Add padding to the index tuple header to align on MAXALIGN
                  WHEN index_tuple_hdr_bm%maxalign = 0 THEN maxalign
                  ELSE index_tuple_hdr_bm%maxalign
              + nulldatawidth + maxalign - CASE -- Add padding to the data to align on MAXALIGN
                  WHEN nulldatawidth = 0 THEN 0
                  WHEN nulldatawidth::integer%maxalign = 0 THEN maxalign
                  ELSE nulldatawidth::integer%maxalign
            )::numeric AS nulldatahdrwidth, pagehdr, pageopqdata, is_na
            -- , index_tuple_hdr_bm, nulldatawidth -- (DEBUG INFO)
      FROM  rows_data_stats;

postgres=# select * from rows_hdr_pdg_stats order by idxoid desc limit 10;

 maxalign |  bs  |  nspname   |     tblname      |            idxname            | reltuples | r
elpages | idxoid | fillfactor | nulldatahdrwidth | pagehdr | pageopqdata | is_na 
        8 | 8192 | public     | t2               | idx_t2                        |       200 |  
      2 |  24723 |         90 |               16 |      24 |          16 | f
        8 | 8192 | public     | t1               | idx_t1_2                      |     1e+06 |  
   2745 |  24683 |         90 |               16 |      24 |          16 | f
        8 | 8192 | public     | t1               | idx_t1                        |     1e+06 |  
   2745 |  24682 |         90 |               16 |      24 |          16 | f
        8 | 8192 | public     | t                | idx_t                         |     1e+06 |  
   3078 |  24678 |         90 |               16 |      24 |          16 | f


解释 先求出一个页面中可以容纳的indextuple的个数:页面可用空间(总空间-头信息)/(indextuple大小+itemiddata)


est_pages:if all space is used, what number of pages will used. (not consider fillfactor) est_pages_ff:consider fillfactor

  SELECT coalesce(1 +
         ceil(reltuples/floor((bs-pageopqdata-pagehdr)/(4+nulldatahdrwidth)::float)), 0 -- ItemIdData size + computed avg size of a tuple (nulldatahdrwidth), 4 is the item pointer; bs is block size(page size)     (all items pointer size + all tuples size) in a page / (one item pointer size + one data row size)
      ) AS est_pages, -- the number of pages, not consider fillfactor
      coalesce(1 +
         ceil(reltuples/floor((bs-pageopqdata-pagehdr)*fillfactor/(100*(4+nulldatahdrwidth)::float))), 0
      ) AS est_pages_ff, -- the number of pages, consider fillfactor
      bs, nspname, tblname, idxname, relpages, fillfactor, is_na
      -- , pgstatindex(idxoid) AS pst, index_tuple_hdr_bm, maxalign, pagehdr, nulldatawidth, nulldatahdrwidth, reltuples -- (DEBUG INFO)
  FROM  rows_hdr_pdg_stats;

create view relation_stats as
 SELECT coalesce(1 +
         ceil(reltuples/floor((bs-pageopqdata-pagehdr)/(4+nulldatahdrwidth)::float)), 0 -- ItemIdData size + computed avg size of a tuple (nulldatahdrwidth)
      ) AS est_pages,
      coalesce(1 +
         ceil(reltuples/floor((bs-pageopqdata-pagehdr)*fillfactor/(100*(4+nulldatahdrwidth)::float))), 0
      ) AS est_pages_ff,
      bs, nspname, tblname, idxname, relpages, fillfactor, is_na
      -- , pgstatindex(idxoid) AS pst, index_tuple_hdr_bm, maxalign, pagehdr, nulldatawidth, nulldatahdrwidth, reltuples -- (DEBUG INFO)
  FROM  rows_hdr_pdg_stats;

postgres=# select * from relation_stats where idxname like 'idx_%';
 est_pages | est_pages_ff |  bs  | nspname | tblname | idxname  | relpages | fillfactor | is_na
      2459 |         2734 | 8192 | public  | t       | idx_t    |     3078 |         90 | f
      2459 |         2734 | 8192 | public  | t1      | idx_t1   |     2745 |         90 | f
      2459 |         2734 | 8192 | public  | t1      | idx_t1_2 |     2745 |         90 | f
         2 |            2 | 8192 | public  | t2      | idx_t2   |        2 |         90 | f
(4 rows)



extra_size: estimated extra size not used/needed in the table. This extra size is composed by the fillfactor, bloat and alignment padding spaces.

    nspname AS schemaname,
    bs*(relpages)::bigint AS real_size,
    bs*(relpages-est_pages)::bigint AS extra_size,
    100 * (relpages-est_pages)::float / relpages AS extra_pct,
    CASE WHEN relpages > est_pages_ff
        THEN bs*(relpages-est_pages_ff)
        ELSE 0
        END AS bloat_size,
  100 * (relpages-est_pages_ff)::float / relpages AS bloat_pct,
  -- , 100-(pst).avg_leaf_density AS pst_avg_bloat, est_pages, index_tuple_hdr_bm, maxalign, pagehdr, nulldatawidth, nulldatahdrwidth, reltuples, relpages -- (DEBUG INFO)
FROM  relation_stats
ORDER BY nspname, tblname, idxname;